Sunday, October 26, 2014

Four 9-6 Tarot Cards for The Hour

20:20 Abigail Folger 99 Turns Over a Card
Centered on The Card, See an Image of Elizabeth Prann. Elizabeth Prann Wears Blue Overalls with a White T-Shirt Under, and Black Boots. See a Gold Queen's Crown on Elizabeth Prann's Head. Above Elizabeth Prann's Queen's Crown, See a Blue Crocodile. With Both Hands, Elizabeth Prann Holds Elizabeth Warren's Severed Head in Front of Her Abdomen. To Elizabeth Prann's Left, See a Gold Woman. The Gold Woman is Nude Except for a Green Masquerade Mask. The Gold Woman is Posed as if She is Whispering in Elizabeth Prann's Left Ear. The Gold Woman Holds a Chainsaw with Her Left Hand. On The Gold Woman's Left Arm, See The Symbol 'RK31*'. To Elizabeth Prann's Right, See a Black Beast-Man with 2 Horns on His Head and an Erect Penis. The Beast-Man is Posed as if He is Whispering into Elizabeth Prann's Right Ear. The Beast-Man Holds a Platinum Trophy with His Right Hand. On The Beast-Man's Right Arm, See a Silver Number '41'.
In The Upper Right Portion of The Card, See a Bronze Cupid Crucified on a Wooden Cross, See 4 Arrows Stuck into Cupid's Chest. In The Upper Left Portion of The Card, See a Full Moon. See a Yellow Number '64' on The Face of The Moon.
The Background on The Card is Red
On The Top Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Elizabeth Prann' in Blue Letters
On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Symbol 'Tongo' in Green Letters
On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Term 'GHI-H Satanism' in Gold Letters
On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Mata San 22' in Red Lettering
In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Hummingbird
In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Shotgun Shell
In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Luna Moth
In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Blue Number '31'
<20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>

See The ATM Machine Spit Out a Tarot Card Instead of Cash
The Background is Orange, The Margin is Silver
At The Center of The Card, See a Platinum Ring 'O'. At The Center of The Ring, See an Image of The Statue of Liberty.
Above The Center Image, See a Black and Green Candy-Cane-Striped Chess Queen. Above The Chess Queen, See The Name and Numbers '27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54' in Silver Lettering. To the Right of The Chess Queen, See a Tetractys Made Up of White Skulls. To The Left of The Chess Queen, See an Oak Tree. Below The Chess Queen, See a Platinum CBS Eye.
To The Right of The Center Image, See an Image of Walter Payton 34 in Full Football Gear. Walter Payton Clutches a Football (Drawer Places Ball in Right or Left Hand). Above Walter Payton's Helmet, See The Name and Number 'Walter Payton 34' in Dark Blue Lettering. Below Walter Payton, See The Words 'Info War' in Electrified Metallic Letters.
Below The Center Image, See a Platinum 12-Hour Clock-Face (Drawer Places Clock Arms). Above The Clock-Face, See The Symbol '66/6' in Silver. Below The Clockface, See The Words 'Conformed Dimension' in Faint Gray Letters. To the Right of The Clock Face, See The Tōchtli Symbol. To the Left of The Clock Face, See a DeLorean.
To The Left of The Center Image, See a Black 4-Headed Hydra. From Left, The First Hydra-Head has a Peace Symbol in its Mouth. The Second Hydra-Head has a Smurf in its Mouth. The Third Hydra-Head has a Platinum Sex Demon Head in its Mouth, The Fourth Hydra-Head has a Glowing Rainbow-Colored Matrix Cube in its Mouth. Above The Hydra, See The Number '13' in Blood-Red. Below The Hydra, See The Words '20:20 Milk and Honey' in White Lettering.
On The Top Right Hand Corner of The Card, See The Symbol '72/11' in Gold
On The Top Left Hand Corner, See an Arctic Fox
On The Lower Left Hand Corner, See a Number '41' in Black
On The Lower Right Hand Corner, See an Apple Pie
On The Top of The Card, Below The Margin, it says 'USA' in Platinum
On The Bottom of The Card, Above The Margin, it says, 'Intelligent Design' in Platinum
On The Top Margin of The Card it says 'Lore' in Dark-Blue
On The Bottom Margin of The Card it says '9-6 Programmers' in Blood-Red
On The Right Margin of The Card it says 'Data Mart' in Neon Green
On The Left Margin of The Card it says '#SixteenKeys' in Neon Blue
See a Chess Knight on Each of The Four Corners of The Card's Margin: Top-Left Corner/Blue Knight, Top Right Corner/Black Knight, Bottom-Right Corner/Red Knight, Bottom-Left Corner/White Knight.
<Tarantula Nebula 2070 Card, Green Eggs & Ham>

The Mercurial 6
Joan of Arc Card
Amber Rose
Centered on The Card, See an Image of Amber Rose. Amber Rose is Nude, Standing on a Neon Green Number '20'. With Both Hands, Amber Rose Holds a Neon Red Number '18' in Front of Her Breasts. To Amber Rose's Left, See a Neon Blue Number '2'. To Amber Rose's Right, See a Neon Orange Number '2'. Above Amber Rose's Head, See a Glowing Gold Number '4'.
In The Upper Right Hand Portion of The Card, See an Abacus
In The Upper Left Hand Portion of The Card, See a 16-Keypad
In The Lower Left Hand Portion of The Card, See a Pink and Silver Joker's Head
In The Lower Right Hand Portion of The Card, See a Silver Sex Demon Head
On The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See The Letter 'A' in Neon Green
On The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See The Letter 'G' in Neon Orange
On The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See The Letter 'C' in Neon Blue
On The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See The Letter 'T' in Neon Red
The Background on The Card is Obsidian Back
At The Top of The Card it says
At The Bottom of The Card it says
'The Amber Rose Stone'
(Drawers Picks Colors of Bottom&Top Label Lettering)

See The Fortune Teller Turn Over a Card
The Background of The Card is Black
At The Center of The Card See a Bronze Medusa's Head Wearing Black Sunglasses, with a Glowing Red Matrix Cube in Her Open Mouth, See 4 Bronze Symbols Around Medusa's Head, a '9' Above Her Head, a 'M' to the Right, a '6' Below Her Head and a 'W' to the Left
Above the '9', See a Naked Woman with a Yellow and Black Death Mask Painted Over Her Face, The Woman Wears a Bronze Helmet with 4 Long Horns and a Cobra for a Forelock, The Woman Holds a Glowing Crystal Skull in Her Hands at Breast Level, 15 Black and Yellow Bees Buzz Around Her
To the Right of The 'M', See an Image of Saturn, See a Black '18' on Saturn's Face, See a Red '20' Above Saturn, See a Yellow '2' to the Right of Saturn, See a Green '4' Below Saturn, See a White '2' to Saturn's Left
Below The '6', See a Blue and Gray Vortex, See a Disembodied Bronze Hand Holding the Tip of a Bronze Pen to the Top of the Vortex, See 2 Little Blue Men Standing to the Left of The Vortex Holding Scrolls, See 2 Little Red Men Standing to the Right of the Vortex looking at it with Binoculars, See One Little White Man Standing Just to the Left of The Vortex's Fingertip Playing a Drum
To the Left of The 'W', See a Bronze Caricature of the Iconic Image of Marilyn Monroe Standing Over a Subway Grate with Dress Blowing up, See 4 Gray Faceless Wraiths Standing Behind Marilyn Monroe, See a Black Crocodile Behind Marilyn Monroe's Feet
In the Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card, See a Platinum Female Archer
In the Lower Right Hand Corner of the Card, See a Yellow '27'
In the Lower Left Hand Corner of the Card, See a Shaved Monkey Running on a Rat-Wheel
In the Upper Left Hand Corner of the Card, See a Statue of Liberty Icon
At Top Center of The Card, See an Electrified Metallic Four-Headed Hydra
At The Bottom of The Card it says '96 Hocus Pocus 69' in Bronze Letters

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