Friday, February 28, 2014

41:00, Fourth Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis

**41:00, Fourth Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis**

114 Muwan'-Colleen Renee Julianna Margulies Brockman (Gray) Onyx-111-Ehēcatl-Mars-Biblis Tholus 266

China 36 Earthquake 99 36:63 13:31 Psalm 36 Triangle Quetzalcoatl Piltzintecuhtli Titanium Kali Saturn Surah 22:22 77 Ghastly Hawks Spice22 14 Evangelist Anita Fuentes 70 Coatlicue Az-Zumar Thaumiel Ezekiel 21:16 Shangguan Wan'er Thea Mons 37 Jiah Khan 47 Witnesses 14 Croc Scripts The Heart is 18

Day Swan 2nd and 4th Rev. Attachments

69-Xochiquetzal-49-Debra Lynn Bonner-56-Paula White-65-Centeotl-Tlaloc-64-Operator 96

120 Revolution Queens Ace of Hearts Card

Matriarch Card-96-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-Colors Red and White-7 Eagle Feathers-12 Cups-Jupiter-Xochiquetzal 49-Route 66-Lamassu-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Margaret "Maggie" Lawson 8/12/80-Psych-USA Network-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons
Top Right Corner, A Glowing Gold Matrix Cube
Top Left Corner, A Straight Razor
Bottom Right Corner, a White and Red Joker
Bottom Left Corner, a Red Cross

Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Alaska-Eskimo-Beaver-Coyolxauhqui-Cindy Schall- Sarah Hyland-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper-Army-Tlaloc 64-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Operator 96-Coca-Cola-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Voyeurism-The Boston Globe-NASA-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox-101

18 Wicked Elves-Sarah de Vries-5-12-69-Helena Bonham Carter 5/26/66-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-4 Purple Onions-Huitzilopochtli 91-Checker Taxi-Ambrose Philips-Amelia Earhart-Ted Kaczynski-Jeanette Anna MacDonald (June 18, 1903 – January 14, 1965)-Lina Haag-Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini-Xipe Totec 14-Ocēlōtl-Alana de la Garza-Cihuacoatl 76-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar-Led Zeppelin-CBS-Janice Ann Ott-Christine Baranski-Caryn Campbell-Chhinnamasta- Subrahmanya-11

22 Major Arcana-Mata Hari-Pachacuti 71/17-Heather Hernandez 30-Ariel I. Worhard-NASA-Meryl Streep-United Nations-Mind Geist Thrice-Ace of Clubs 20:20-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper 77 Chhinnamasta-Protennoia 300-Diane Kruger-58 Sacrifice-FOX News 22-37 Moons-Hisi-Moose 13-Lilium Lowndes 88 Lindsay Lohan-Luke Skywalker-Mary Jane Kelly-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-Westboro Baptist Church-Jack The Ripper-Neptune 9-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-49 Strippers-Pretty Wicked Moms-Lifetime TV-50 50 Mind Control-Surah 13 Thunder-Anaïs Nin-Kalahari-Agent 110/42 The Haunting of Elisabeth Röhm 8 Elizabeth Stride 47 Jiah Khan-Route 66-22 Million Monkeys-Queen of Hearts-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-Folger's Coffee-99-#Thaumiel 44

209 Mashíyyat Will-Quetzalcoatl 43-Francisco Goya-A&E-Susan Elaine Rancourt 66/99 Kyra Sedgwick-Komodo Dragon 53/35-Karin Konoval-Georgeann Hawkins-Pacha Mama-Machu Picchu-55-Belteshazzar-Marijuana-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-Beverley Ann Mitchell 1-22-81-Tiffany Louise Drew-1-31-75-7th Heaven-4 Stones-H. H. Holmes Agent 110/42-The Haunting of Beverley Mitchell 86 Star-Child-Radon O' Rourke-86 Ghost Story-Neptune 9-Lauren Katherine Conrad-Beethoven-Tlazoteotl 22-9 Crocodiles-5 Cannons-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Turtle-Darth Vader-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-Technetium-Tinkerbell-8-Chelsea Handler-Samuel-Eden-Heroin-Orca-A Bald Eagle-Erwin Rommel-Becca Hedman 32-Rebecca "Becky" Marrero-Rebecca Zeppelin 28

Erato 69-Lyre-36 Mary Sue Bello-Maria Bello 72-Chalchiuhtlicue-37 Pammy Annette Avent 73-Mictlantecuhtli-NASA-45 Boudica 72-Lamassu-Alyson Lee Hannigan-Venus 2-Alyssa Milano-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Demi Moore-Who Mind 42-42 Cindy Anne Smith 24-Olympus Mons-The Silhouette of a Totem Pole with Thunderbird on Top-Route 66-A Fish-A Bottle of Wine-A Dagger-Martha Stewart 121 Chhinnamasta 121-Colleen Brockman 28-Green River Stones-Wainamoinen-Spokane-Carol Ann Christensen-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Casino Royale Hotel & Casino-North-Sodom 440-44 Roberta Joseph Hayes 44-Thaumiel 44-15 Libraries-The Notorious Snow White 22 Circe-Conductor's Baton-72 Hours-Hamlets in The Kuiper-The Wicked Swan of Terror Rift 51 Antimony-Julianna Margulies-Aeneid-Erwin Rommel-Lenore-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Pleiades-Mata San 22-66 Debra Lynn Bonner-56-Paula White-65-Centeotl-Crocodile 27-Grizzly Bear-NBC Peacock-Diane Rosemary Rock-Athena 27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 National Security Advisor 15 The Bejeweled Beast-20:20 Synchronicity-Matriarch Card-Tezcatlipoca 82-Cihuacoatl 76-Magna Mater-Luke 18:27-The Hecatean Tree-15 Red Apples-MM 96 AC/DC 69 MM-18 Stars-15 Skulls-27 Gremlins-Salma Hayek-Phosphorus Triangle-Sharon Tate 48-Malinalxochitl 13-49 Rabbits-Saturn South-Sacajawea Caldera- Neptune Captures Triton-20:20 Connectivity-99 Mirrors 99 Windows-4 Sun Priestesses-Symposium for Advance-Crocodile Lore-The Gannet-Wicked Neptunian Lore-3 Tridents-6 Condors-77 Eagles-Wicked Manifest 69 Medusa in The Lines 96

Cross-Dimensional Messenger Card Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-20:20 Platinum Hall Pass-20:20 Correspond-Mata Hari 67-Edgar Allen Poe-The Falcon-Mars-Xochipilli 69-BDSM-CrossDimensional PingPong-Riders on The Storm-Alice Through The Looking Glass-The Christ 41-99 #Moons #Phosphorus #Triangle Shire Horse #Four-27-54-81-63-90-99-09-36-18-45-72-99 Wicked Whispers Wicked Manifest 96-69 Lilith D. Haines 96-808 Andromeda Medusa 808-Sasha Grey 22-Garden of Eden-48 Sharon Tate, Operator 96-13 Kirstie Alley 31-11 Gorgons-808 Crocodile Scriptures 808-Tom Clancy 66-Antimony 51-Lilium Lowndes 88-Eiffel Tower-50 50 Water Wheel-Lamassu 25-Lavinia-War Bonnet 66-120 Revolution Queens-Gisele Lovvorn/Operator 20:20-20 Joyce Meyer 20-20:20 Kathryn Ruemmler 42-888-Tōchtli-40 40 Hisi-Lore-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Left Hand Pan 41-Yin & Yang Symbol-Athena 27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 National Security Advisor 15 The Bejeweled Beast-Orion Nebula 42-Jiah Khan 47-909 Andromeda Medusa 909-20:20 Mantis-4 Blizzards-50% of Earth's 'Christians' Turned to swine-90% of USA Republicans Turned to swine-Snow White 22-Circe 22-Little Bo Peep 66-Thaumiel 44-4000 Years of War-Crossroads 58/11-5 in Year 1, 6 in Year 2, 5 in Year 101, 6 in Year 102, 5 in Year 201, 6 in Year 202 and on into Eternity-22 Mormon Women-Tonatiuh 51/50-22 Mistresses-96 Hollywood Sign 69-Joan of Arc Card-66-Cynthia Jean Hinds-Cocoa 66-77 Eagles-11 is for The Horns-The Stone of Certainty-Anne Frank 55-27 Jennifer Lawrence 27-41 Cult of The Rhino 14-Adolfo Constanzo/Agent 20:20-Medusa Behind a Wall of Fire-48 Molly Mayhem 22 Sarah Butler 2/11-96 Milky Way Medusa 96 Sagittarius A* 99-29 Marnie Lee Ann Frey 29-33 Scarlett Johansson 33-Eight Immortals-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-H.H. Holmes 110/42-43&43 Exceptionally Sinister #Rabbits-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-45 Meryl Streep 54-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania 66-Wendy Lee Coffield-Lullaby 110/42-20:20 Demonology-40 40 Interface Protocols-The Birds and The Bees-909 Pearl of Combat 808-The Book of Lilith-Marilyn Monroe 22-20:20 Poltergeist-20:20 The Conjuring-The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil-77 Andrea Fay Borhaven 55-43 Lisa Robin Kelly 43-Lauren Katherine Conrad 54-31 Witches-Tinkerbell 8-55 Andrea M. Childers 77-4 William J. Donovan 4-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-Kali 11-96 AC/DC 69-Minerva 99-72/11-Elizabeth Prann 22-808 Joker-22 Keys-Saturn 33-Al-Jinn, Al-Mursalāt, An-Nāzi`āt-Coatlicue 46-Lamia 57-66 Revolutions a Week, 6 Revolutions a Day, Wicked Manifest 72/11 Takahe Triple 5-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22

#Matrix 20:20 He threw it and behold! it was a snake active in motion. #Messiah


40:40, Fourth Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis

**40:40, Fourth Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis**

114 Muwan'-Colleen Renee Julianna Margulies Brockman (Gray) Onyx-111-Ehēcatl-Mars-Biblis Tholus 266

China 36 Earthquake 99 36:63 13:31 Psalm 36 Triangle Quetzalcoatl Piltzintecuhtli Titanium Kali Saturn Surah 22:22 77 Ghastly Hawks Spice22 14 Evangelist Anita Fuentes 70 Coatlicue Az-Zumar Thaumiel Ezekiel 21:16 Shangguan Wan'er Thea Mons 37 Jiah Khan 47 Witnesses 14 Croc Scripts The Heart is 18

Day Swan 2nd and 4th Rev. Attachments

69-Xochiquetzal-49-Debra Lynn Bonner-56-Paula White-65-Centeotl-Tlaloc-64-Operator 96

120 Revolution Queens Ace of Hearts Card

Matriarch Card-96-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-Colors Red and White-7 Eagle Feathers-12 Cups-Jupiter-Xochiquetzal 49-Route 66-Lamassu-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Margaret "Maggie" Lawson 8/12/80-Psych-USA Network-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons
Top Right Corner, A Glowing Gold Matrix Cube
Top Left Corner, A Straight Razor
Bottom Right Corner, a White and Red Joker
Bottom Left Corner, a Red Cross

Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Alaska-Eskimo-Beaver-Coyolxauhqui-Cindy Schall- Sarah Hyland-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper-Army-Tlaloc 64-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Operator 96-Coca-Cola-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Voyeurism-The Boston Globe-NASA-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox-101

18 Wicked Elves-Sarah de Vries-5-12-69-Helena Bonham Carter 5/26/66-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-4 Purple Onions-Huitzilopochtli 91-Checker Taxi-Ambrose Philips-Amelia Earhart-Ted Kaczynski-Jeanette Anna MacDonald (June 18, 1903 – January 14, 1965)-Lina Haag-Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini-Xipe Totec 14-Ocēlōtl-Alana de la Garza-Cihuacoatl 76-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar-Led Zeppelin-CBS-Janice Ann Ott-Christine Baranski-Caryn Campbell-Chhinnamasta- Subrahmanya-11

22 Major Arcana-Mata Hari-Pachacuti 71/17-Heather Hernandez 30-Ariel I. Worhard-NASA-Meryl Streep-United Nations-Mind Geist Thrice-Ace of Clubs 20:20-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper 77 Chhinnamasta-Protennoia 300-Diane Kruger-58 Sacrifice-FOX News 22-37 Moons-Hisi-Moose 13-Lilium Lowndes 88 Lindsay Lohan-Luke Skywalker-Mary Jane Kelly-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-Westboro Baptist Church-Jack The Ripper-Neptune 9-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-49 Strippers-Pretty Wicked Moms-Lifetime TV-50 50 Mind Control-Surah 13 Thunder-Anaïs Nin-Kalahari-Agent 110/42 The Haunting of Elisabeth Röhm 8 Elizabeth Stride 47 Jiah Khan-Route 66-22 Million Monkeys-Queen of Hearts-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-Folger's Coffee-99-#Thaumiel 44

209 Mashíyyat Will-Quetzalcoatl 43-Francisco Goya-A&E-Susan Elaine Rancourt 66/99 Kyra Sedgwick-Komodo Dragon 53/35-Karin Konoval-Georgeann Hawkins-Pacha Mama-Machu Picchu-55-Belteshazzar-Marijuana-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-Beverley Ann Mitchell 1-22-81-Tiffany Louise Drew-1-31-75-7th Heaven-4 Stones-H. H. Holmes Agent 110/42-The Haunting of Beverley Mitchell 86 Star-Child-Radon O' Rourke-86 Ghost Story-Neptune 9-Lauren Katherine Conrad-Beethoven-Tlazoteotl 22-9 Crocodiles-5 Cannons-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Turtle-Darth Vader-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-Technetium-Tinkerbell-8-Chelsea Handler-Samuel-Eden-Heroin-Orca-A Bald Eagle-Erwin Rommel-Becca Hedman 32-Rebecca "Becky" Marrero-Rebecca Zeppelin 28

Erato 69-Lyre-36 Mary Sue Bello-Maria Bello 72-Chalchiuhtlicue-37 Pammy Annette Avent 73-Mictlantecuhtli-NASA-45 Boudica 72-Lamassu-Alyson Lee Hannigan-Venus 2-Alyssa Milano-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Demi Moore-Who Mind 42-42 Cindy Anne Smith 24-Olympus Mons-The Silhouette of a Totem Pole with Thunderbird on Top-Route 66-A Fish-A Bottle of Wine-A Dagger-Martha Stewart 121 Chhinnamasta 121-Colleen Brockman 28-Green River Stones-Wainamoinen-Spokane-Carol Ann Christensen-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Casino Royale Hotel & Casino-North-Sodom 440-44 Roberta Joseph Hayes 44-Thaumiel 44-15 Libraries-The Notorious Snow White 22 Circe-Conductor's Baton-72 Hours-Hamlets in The Kuiper-The Wicked Swan of Terror Rift 51 Antimony-Julianna Margulies-Aeneid-Erwin Rommel-Lenore-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Pleiades-Mata San 22-66 Debra Lynn Bonner-56-Paula White-65-Centeotl-Crocodile 27-Grizzly Bear-NBC Peacock-Diane Rosemary Rock-Athena 27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 National Security Advisor 15 The Bejeweled Beast-20:20 Synchronicity-Matriarch Card-Tezcatlipoca 82-Cihuacoatl 76-Magna Mater-Luke 18:27-The Hecatean Tree-15 Red Apples-MM 96 AC/DC 69 MM-18 Stars-15 Skulls-27 Gremlins-Salma Hayek-Phosphorus Triangle-Sharon Tate 48-Malinalxochitl 13-49 Rabbits-Saturn South-Sacajawea Caldera- Neptune Captures Triton-20:20 Connectivity-99 Mirrors 99 Windows-4 Sun Priestesses-Symposium for Advance-Crocodile Lore-The Gannet-Wicked Neptunian Lore-3 Tridents-6 Condors-77 Eagles-Wicked Manifest 69 Medusa in The Lines 96

Cross-Dimensional Messenger Card Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-20:20 Platinum Hall Pass-20:20 Correspond-Mata Hari 67-Edgar Allen Poe-The Falcon-Mars-Xochipilli 69-BDSM-CrossDimensional PingPong-Riders on The Storm-Alice Through The Looking Glass-The Christ 41-99 #Moons #Phosphorus #Triangle Shire Horse #Four-27-54-81-63-90-99-09-36-18-45-72-99 Wicked Whispers Wicked Manifest 96-69 Lilith D. Haines 96-808 Andromeda Medusa 808-Sasha Grey 22-Garden of Eden-48 Sharon Tate, Operator 96-13 Kirstie Alley 31-11 Gorgons-808 Crocodile Scriptures 808-Tom Clancy 66-Antimony 51-Lilium Lowndes 88-Eiffel Tower-50 50 Water Wheel-Lamassu 25-Lavinia-War Bonnet 66-120 Revolution Queens-Gisele Lovvorn/Operator 20:20-20 Joyce Meyer 20-20:20 Kathryn Ruemmler 42-888-Tōchtli-40 40 Hisi-Lore-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Left Hand Pan 41-Yin & Yang Symbol-Athena 27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 National Security Advisor 15 The Bejeweled Beast-Orion Nebula 42-Jiah Khan 47-909 Andromeda Medusa 909-20:20 Mantis-4 Blizzards-50% of Earth's 'Christians' Turned to swine-90% of USA Republicans Turned to swine-Snow White 22-Circe 22-Little Bo Peep 66-Thaumiel 44-4000 Years of War-Crossroads 58/11-5 in Year 1, 6 in Year 2, 5 in Year 101, 6 in Year 102, 5 in Year 201, 6 in Year 202 and on into Eternity-22 Mormon Women-Tonatiuh 51/50-22 Mistresses-96 Hollywood Sign 69-Joan of Arc Card-66-Cynthia Jean Hinds-Cocoa 66-77 Eagles-11 is for The Horns-The Stone of Certainty-Anne Frank 55-27 Jennifer Lawrence 27-41 Cult of The Rhino 14-Adolfo Constanzo/Agent 20:20-Medusa Behind a Wall of Fire-48 Molly Mayhem 22 Sarah Butler 2/11-96 Milky Way Medusa 96 Sagittarius A* 99-29 Marnie Lee Ann Frey 29-33 Scarlett Johansson 33-Eight Immortals-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-H.H. Holmes 110/42-43&43 Exceptionally Sinister #Rabbits-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-45 Meryl Streep 54-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania 66-Wendy Lee Coffield-Lullaby 110/42-20:20 Demonology-40 40 Interface Protocols-The Birds and The Bees-909 Pearl of Combat 808-The Book of Lilith-Marilyn Monroe 22-20:20 Poltergeist-20:20 The Conjuring-The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil-77 Andrea Fay Borhaven 55-43 Lisa Robin Kelly 43-Lauren Katherine Conrad 54-31 Witches-Tinkerbell 8-55 Andrea M. Childers 77-4 William J. Donovan 4-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-Kali 11-96 AC/DC 69-Minerva 99-72/11-Elizabeth Prann 22-808 Joker-22 Keys-Saturn 33-Al-Jinn, Al-Mursalāt, An-Nāzi`āt-Coatlicue 46-Lamia 57-66 Revolutions a Week, 6 Revolutions a Day, Wicked Manifest 72/11 Takahe Triple 5-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22

#Matrix 20:20 He threw it and behold! it was a snake active in motion. #Messiah


40:00, Fourth Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis

**40:00, Fourth Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis**

114 Muwan'-Colleen Renee Julianna Margulies Brockman (Gray) Onyx-111-Ehēcatl-Mars-Biblis Tholus 266

China 36 Earthquake 99 36:63 13:31 Psalm 36 Triangle Quetzalcoatl Piltzintecuhtli Titanium Kali Saturn Surah 22:22 77 Ghastly Hawks Spice22 14 Evangelist Anita Fuentes 70 Coatlicue Az-Zumar Thaumiel Ezekiel 21:16 Shangguan Wan'er Thea Mons 37 Jiah Khan 47 Witnesses 14 Croc Scripts The Heart is 18

Day Swan 2nd and 4th Rev. Attachments

69-Xochiquetzal-49-Debra Lynn Bonner-56-Paula White-65-Centeotl-Tlaloc-64-Operator 96

120 Revolution Queens Ace of Hearts Card

Matriarch Card-96-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-Colors Red and White-7 Eagle Feathers-12 Cups-Jupiter-Xochiquetzal 49-Route 66-Lamassu-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Margaret "Maggie" Lawson 8/12/80-Psych-USA Network-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons
Top Right Corner, A Glowing Gold Matrix Cube
Top Left Corner, A Straight Razor
Bottom Right Corner, a White and Red Joker
Bottom Left Corner, a Red Cross

Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Alaska-Eskimo-Beaver-Coyolxauhqui-Cindy Schall- Sarah Hyland-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper-Army-Tlaloc 64-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Operator 96-Coca-Cola-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Voyeurism-The Boston Globe-NASA-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox-101

18 Wicked Elves-Sarah de Vries-5-12-69-Helena Bonham Carter 5/26/66-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-4 Purple Onions-Huitzilopochtli 91-Checker Taxi-Ambrose Philips-Amelia Earhart-Ted Kaczynski-Jeanette Anna MacDonald (June 18, 1903 – January 14, 1965)-Lina Haag-Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini-Xipe Totec 14-Ocēlōtl-Alana de la Garza-Cihuacoatl 76-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar-Led Zeppelin-CBS-Janice Ann Ott-Christine Baranski-Caryn Campbell-Chhinnamasta- Subrahmanya-11

22 Major Arcana-Mata Hari-Pachacuti 71/17-Heather Hernandez 30-Ariel I. Worhard-NASA-Meryl Streep-United Nations-Mind Geist Thrice-Ace of Clubs 20:20-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper 77 Chhinnamasta-Protennoia 300-Diane Kruger-58 Sacrifice-FOX News 22-37 Moons-Hisi-Moose 13-Lilium Lowndes 88 Lindsay Lohan-Luke Skywalker-Mary Jane Kelly-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-Westboro Baptist Church-Jack The Ripper-Neptune 9-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-49 Strippers-Pretty Wicked Moms-Lifetime TV-50 50 Mind Control-Surah 13 Thunder-Anaïs Nin-Kalahari-Agent 110/42 The Haunting of Elisabeth Röhm 8 Elizabeth Stride 47 Jiah Khan-Route 66-22 Million Monkeys-Queen of Hearts-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-Folger's Coffee-99-#Thaumiel 44

209 Mashíyyat Will-Quetzalcoatl 43-Francisco Goya-A&E-Susan Elaine Rancourt 66/99 Kyra Sedgwick-Komodo Dragon 53/35-Karin Konoval-Georgeann Hawkins-Pacha Mama-Machu Picchu-55-Belteshazzar-Marijuana-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-Beverley Ann Mitchell 1-22-81-Tiffany Louise Drew-1-31-75-7th Heaven-4 Stones-H. H. Holmes Agent 110/42-The Haunting of Beverley Mitchell 86 Star-Child-Radon O' Rourke-86 Ghost Story-Neptune 9-Lauren Katherine Conrad-Beethoven-Tlazoteotl 22-9 Crocodiles-5 Cannons-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Turtle-Darth Vader-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-Technetium-Tinkerbell-8-Chelsea Handler-Samuel-Eden-Heroin-Orca-A Bald Eagle-Erwin Rommel-Becca Hedman 32-Rebecca "Becky" Marrero-Rebecca Zeppelin 28

Erato 69-Lyre-36 Mary Sue Bello-Maria Bello 72-Chalchiuhtlicue-37 Pammy Annette Avent 73-Mictlantecuhtli-NASA-45 Boudica 72-Lamassu-Alyson Lee Hannigan-Venus 2-Alyssa Milano-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Demi Moore-Who Mind 42-42 Cindy Anne Smith 24-Olympus Mons-The Silhouette of a Totem Pole with Thunderbird on Top-Route 66-A Fish-A Bottle of Wine-A Dagger-Martha Stewart 121 Chhinnamasta 121-Colleen Brockman 28-Green River Stones-Wainamoinen-Spokane-Carol Ann Christensen-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Casino Royale Hotel & Casino-North-Sodom 440-44 Roberta Joseph Hayes 44-Thaumiel 44-15 Libraries-The Notorious Snow White 22 Circe-Conductor's Baton-72 Hours-Hamlets in The Kuiper-The Wicked Swan of Terror Rift 51 Antimony-Julianna Margulies-Aeneid-Erwin Rommel-Lenore-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Pleiades-Mata San 22-66 Debra Lynn Bonner-56-Paula White-65-Centeotl-Crocodile 27-Grizzly Bear-NBC Peacock-Diane Rosemary Rock-Athena 27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 National Security Advisor 15 The Bejeweled Beast-20:20 Synchronicity-Matriarch Card-Tezcatlipoca 82-Cihuacoatl 76-Magna Mater-Luke 18:27-The Hecatean Tree-15 Red Apples-MM 96 AC/DC 69 MM-18 Stars-15 Skulls-27 Gremlins-Salma Hayek-Phosphorus Triangle-Sharon Tate 48-Malinalxochitl 13-49 Rabbits-Saturn South-Sacajawea Caldera- Neptune Captures Triton-20:20 Connectivity-99 Mirrors 99 Windows-4 Sun Priestesses-Symposium for Advance-Crocodile Lore-The Gannet-Wicked Neptunian Lore-3 Tridents-6 Condors-77 Eagles-Wicked Manifest 69 Medusa in The Lines 96

Cross-Dimensional Messenger Card Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-20:20 Platinum Hall Pass-20:20 Correspond-Mata Hari 67-Edgar Allen Poe-The Falcon-Mars-Xochipilli 69-BDSM-CrossDimensional PingPong-Riders on The Storm-Alice Through The Looking Glass-The Christ 41-99 #Moons #Phosphorus #Triangle Shire Horse #Four-27-54-81-63-90-99-09-36-18-45-72-99 Wicked Whispers Wicked Manifest 96-69 Lilith D. Haines 96-808 Andromeda Medusa 808-Sasha Grey 22-Garden of Eden-48 Sharon Tate, Operator 96-13 Kirstie Alley 31-11 Gorgons-808 Crocodile Scriptures 808-Tom Clancy 66-Antimony 51-Lilium Lowndes 88-Eiffel Tower-50 50 Water Wheel-Lamassu 25-Lavinia-War Bonnet 66-120 Revolution Queens-Gisele Lovvorn/Operator 20:20-20 Joyce Meyer 20-20:20 Kathryn Ruemmler 42-888-Tōchtli-40 40 Hisi-Lore-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Left Hand Pan 41-Yin & Yang Symbol-Athena 27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 National Security Advisor 15 The Bejeweled Beast-Orion Nebula 42-Jiah Khan 47-909 Andromeda Medusa 909-20:20 Mantis-4 Blizzards-50% of Earth's 'Christians' Turned to swine-90% of USA Republicans Turned to swine-Snow White 22-Circe 22-Little Bo Peep 66-Thaumiel 44-4000 Years of War-Crossroads 58/11-5 in Year 1, 6 in Year 2, 5 in Year 101, 6 in Year 102, 5 in Year 201, 6 in Year 202 and on into Eternity-22 Mormon Women-Tonatiuh 51/50-22 Mistresses-96 Hollywood Sign 69-Joan of Arc Card-66-Cynthia Jean Hinds-Cocoa 66-77 Eagles-11 is for The Horns-The Stone of Certainty-Anne Frank 55-27 Jennifer Lawrence 27-41 Cult of The Rhino 14-Adolfo Constanzo/Agent 20:20-Medusa Behind a Wall of Fire-48 Molly Mayhem 22 Sarah Butler 2/11-96 Milky Way Medusa 96 Sagittarius A* 99-29 Marnie Lee Ann Frey 29-33 Scarlett Johansson 33-Eight Immortals-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-H.H. Holmes 110/42-43&43 Exceptionally Sinister #Rabbits-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-45 Meryl Streep 54-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania 66-Wendy Lee Coffield-Lullaby 110/42-20:20 Demonology-40 40 Interface Protocols-The Birds and The Bees-909 Pearl of Combat 808-The Book of Lilith-Marilyn Monroe 22-20:20 Poltergeist-20:20 The Conjuring-The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil-77 Andrea Fay Borhaven 55-43 Lisa Robin Kelly 43-Lauren Katherine Conrad 54-31 Witches-Tinkerbell 8-55 Andrea M. Childers 77-4 William J. Donovan 4-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-Kali 11-96 AC/DC 69-Minerva 99-72/11-Elizabeth Prann 22-808 Joker-22 Keys-Saturn 33-Al-Jinn, Al-Mursalāt, An-Nāzi`āt-Coatlicue 46-Lamia 57-66 Revolutions a Week, 6 Revolutions a Day, Wicked Manifest 72/11 Takahe Triple 5-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22

#Matrix 20:20 He threw it and behold! it was a snake active in motion. #Messiah


39:07, Fourth Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis

39:07, Fourth Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis
114 Muwan'-Colleen Renee Julianna Margulies Brockman (Gray) Onyx-111-Ehēcatl-Mars-Biblis Tholus 266
China 36 Earthquake 99 36:63 13:31 Psalm 36 Triangle Quetzalcoatl Piltzintecuhtli Titanium Kali Saturn Surah 22:22 77 Ghastly Hawks Spice22 14 Evangelist Anita Fuentes 70 Coatlicue Az-Zumar Thaumiel Ezekiel 21:16 Shangguan Wan'er Thea Mons 37 Jiah Khan 47 Witnesses 14 Croc Scripts The Heart is 18
Day Swan 2nd and 4th Rev. Attachments
69-Xochiquetzal-49-Debra Lynn Bonner-56-Paula White-65-Centeotl-Tlaloc-64-Operator 96
120 Revolution Queens Ace of Hearts Card
Matriarch Card-96-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-Colors Red and White-7 Eagle Feathers-12 Cups-Jupiter-Xochiquetzal 49-Route 66-Lamassu-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Margaret "Maggie" Lawson 8/12/80-Psych-USA Network-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons
Top Right Corner, A Glowing Gold Matrix Cube
Top Left Corner, A Straight Razor
Bottom Right Corner, a White and Red Joker
Bottom Left Corner, a Red Cross
Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Alaska-Eskimo-Beaver-Coyolxauhqui-Cindy Schall- Sarah Hyland-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper-Army-Tlaloc 64-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Operator 96-Coca-Cola-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Voyeurism-The Boston Globe-NASA-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox-101
18 Wicked Elves-Sarah de Vries-5-12-69-Helena Bonham Carter 5/26/66-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-4 Purple Onions-Huitzilopochtli 91-Checker Taxi-Ambrose Philips-Amelia Earhart-Ted Kaczynski-Jeanette Anna MacDonald (June 18, 1903 – January 14, 1965)-Lina Haag-Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini-Xipe Totec 14-Ocēlōtl-Alana de la Garza-Cihuacoatl 76-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar-Led Zeppelin-CBS-Janice Ann Ott-Christine Baranski-Caryn Campbell-Chhinnamasta- Subrahmanya-11
22 Major Arcana-Mata Hari-Pachacuti 71/17-Heather Hernandez 30-Ariel I. Worhard-NASA-Meryl Streep-United Nations-Mind Geist Thrice-Ace of Clubs 20:20-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper 77 Chhinnamasta-Protennoia 300-Diane Kruger-58 Sacrifice-FOX News 22-37 Moons-Hisi-Moose 13-Lilium Lowndes 88 Lindsay Lohan-Luke Skywalker-Mary Jane Kelly-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-Westboro Baptist Church-Jack The Ripper-Neptune 9-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-49 Strippers-Pretty Wicked Moms-Lifetime TV-50 50 Mind Control-Surah 13 Thunder-Anaïs Nin-Kalahari-Agent 110/42 The Haunting of Elisabeth Röhm 8 Elizabeth Stride 47 Jiah Khan-Route 66-22 Million Monkeys-Queen of Hearts-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-Folger's Coffee-99-#Thaumiel 44
209 Mashíyyat Will-Quetzalcoatl 43-Francisco Goya-A&E-Susan Elaine Rancourt 66/99 Kyra Sedgwick-Komodo Dragon 53/35-Karin Konoval-Georgeann Hawkins-Pacha Mama-Machu Picchu-55-Belteshazzar-Marijuana-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-Beverley Ann Mitchell 1-22-81-Tiffany Louise Drew-1-31-75-7th Heaven-4 Stones-H. H. Holmes Agent 110/42-The Haunting of Beverley Mitchell 86 Star-Child-Radon O' Rourke-86 Ghost Story-Neptune 9-Lauren Katherine Conrad-Beethoven-Tlazoteotl 22-9 Crocodiles-5 Cannons-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Turtle-Darth Vader-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-Technetium-Tinkerbell-8-Chelsea Handler-Samuel-Eden-Heroin-Orca-A Bald Eagle-Erwin Rommel-Becca Hedman 32-Rebecca "Becky" Marrero-Rebecca Zeppelin 28
Erato 69-Lyre-36 Mary Sue Bello-Maria Bello 72-Chalchiuhtlicue-37 Pammy Annette Avent 73-Mictlantecuhtli-NASA-45 Boudica 72-Lamassu-Alyson Lee Hannigan-Venus 2-Alyssa Milano-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Demi Moore-Who Mind 42-42 Cindy Anne Smith 24-Olympus Mons-The Silhouette of a Totem Pole with Thunderbird on Top-Route 66-A Fish-A Bottle of Wine-A Dagger-Martha Stewart 121 Chhinnamasta 121-Colleen Brockman 28-Green River Stones-Wainamoinen-Spokane-Carol Ann Christensen-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Casino Royale Hotel & Casino-North-Sodom 440-44 Roberta Joseph Hayes 44-Thaumiel 44-15 Libraries-The Notorious Snow White 22 Circe-Conductor's Baton-72 Hours-Hamlets in The Kuiper-The Wicked Swan of Terror Rift 51 Antimony-Julianna Margulies-Aeneid-Erwin Rommel-Lenore-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Pleiades-Mata San 22-66 Debra Lynn Bonner-56-Paula White-65-Centeotl-Crocodile 27-Grizzly Bear-NBC Peacock-Diane Rosemary Rock-Athena 27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 National Security Advisor 15 The Bejeweled Beast-20:20 Synchronicity-Matriarch Card-Tezcatlipoca 82-Cihuacoatl 76-Magna Mater-Luke 18:27-The Hecatean Tree-15 Red Apples-MM 96 AC/DC 69 MM-18 Stars-15 Skulls-27 Gremlins-Salma Hayek-Phosphorus Triangle-Sharon Tate 48-Malinalxochitl 13-49 Rabbits-Saturn South-Sacajawea Caldera- Neptune Captures Triton-20:20 Connectivity-99 Mirrors 99 Windows-4 Sun Priestesses-Symposium for Advance-Crocodile Lore-The Gannet-Wicked Neptunian Lore-3 Tridents-6 Condors-77 Eagles-Wicked Manifest 69 Medusa in The Lines 96
Cross-Dimensional Messenger Card Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-20:20 Platinum Hall Pass-20:20 Correspond-Mata Hari 67-Edgar Allen Poe-The Falcon-Mars-Xochipilli 69-BDSM-CrossDimensional PingPong-Riders on The Storm-Alice Through The Looking Glass-The Christ 41-99 #Moons #Phosphorus #Triangle Shire Horse #Four-27-54-81-63-90-99-09-36-18-45-72-99 Wicked Whispers Wicked Manifest 96-69 Lilith D. Haines 96-808 Andromeda Medusa 808-Sasha Grey 22-Garden of Eden-48 Sharon Tate, Operator 96-13 Kirstie Alley 31-11 Gorgons-808 Crocodile Scriptures 808-Tom Clancy 66-Antimony 51-Lilium Lowndes 88-Eiffel Tower-50 50 Water Wheel-Lamassu 25-Lavinia-War Bonnet 66-120 Revolution Queens-Gisele Lovvorn/Operator 20:20-20 Joyce Meyer 20-20:20 Kathryn Ruemmler 42-888-Tōchtli-40 40 Hisi-Lore-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Left Hand Pan 41-Yin & Yang Symbol-Athena 27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 National Security Advisor 15 The Bejeweled Beast-Orion Nebula 42-Jiah Khan 47-909 Andromeda Medusa 909-20:20 Mantis-4 Blizzards-50% of Earth's 'Christians' Turned to swine-90% of USA Republicans Turned to swine-Snow White 22-Circe 22-Little Bo Peep 66-Thaumiel 44-4000 Years of War-Crossroads 58/11-5 in Year 1, 6 in Year 2, 5 in Year 101, 6 in Year 102, 5 in Year 201, 6 in Year 202 and on into Eternity-22 Mormon Women-Tonatiuh 51/50-22 Mistresses-96 Hollywood Sign 69-Joan of Arc Card-66-Cynthia Jean Hinds-Cocoa 66-77 Eagles-11 is for The Horns-The Stone of Certainty-Anne Frank 55-27 Jennifer Lawrence 27-41 Cult of The Rhino 14-Adolfo Constanzo/Agent 20:20-Medusa Behind a Wall of Fire-48 Molly Mayhem 22 Sarah Butler 2/11-96 Milky Way Medusa 96 Sagittarius A* 99-29 Marnie Lee Ann Frey 29-33 Scarlett Johansson 33-Eight Immortals-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-H.H. Holmes 110/42-43&43 Exceptionally Sinister #Rabbits-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-45 Meryl Streep 54-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania 66-Wendy Lee Coffield-Lullaby 110/42-20:20 Demonology-40 40 Interface Protocols-The Birds and The Bees-909 Pearl of Combat 808-The Book of Lilith-Marilyn Monroe 22-20:20 Poltergeist-20:20 The Conjuring-The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil-77 Andrea Fay Borhaven 55-43 Lisa Robin Kelly 43-Lauren Katherine Conrad 54-31 Witches-Tinkerbell 8-55 Andrea M. Childers 77-4 William J. Donovan 4-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-Kali 11-96 AC/DC 69-Minerva 99-72/11-Elizabeth Prann 22-808 Joker-22 Keys-Saturn 33-Al-Jinn, Al-Mursalāt, An-Nāzi`āt-Coatlicue 46-Lamia 57-66 Revolutions a Week, 6 Revolutions a Day, Wicked Manifest 72/11 Takahe Triple 5-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22
#Matrix 20:20 He threw it and behold! it was a snake active in motion. #Messiah

37:00, Fourth Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis

**37:00, Fourth Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis**

114 Muwan'-Colleen Renee Julianna Margulies Brockman (Gray) Onyx-111-Ehēcatl-Mars-Biblis Tholus 266

China 36 Earthquake 99 36:63 13:31 Psalm 36 Triangle Quetzalcoatl Piltzintecuhtli Titanium Kali Saturn Surah 22:22 77 Ghastly Hawks Spice22 14 Evangelist Anita Fuentes 70 Coatlicue Az-Zumar Thaumiel Ezekiel 21:16 Shangguan Wan'er Thea Mons 37 Jiah Khan 47 Witnesses 14 Croc Scripts The Heart is 18

Day Swan 2nd and 4th Rev. Attachments

69-Xochiquetzal-49-Debra Lynn Bonner-56-Paula White-65-Centeotl-Tlaloc-64-Operator 96

120 Revolution Queens Ace of Hearts Card

Matriarch Card-96-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-Colors Red and White-7 Eagle Feathers-12 Cups-Jupiter-Xochiquetzal 49-Route 66-Lamassu-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Margaret "Maggie" Lawson 8/12/80-Psych-USA Network-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons
Top Right Corner, A Glowing Gold Matrix Cube
Top Left Corner, A Straight Razor
Bottom Right Corner, a White and Red Joker
Bottom Left Corner, a Red Cross

Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Alaska-Eskimo-Beaver-Coyolxauhqui-Cindy Schall- Sarah Hyland-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper-Army-Tlaloc 64-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Operator 96-Coca-Cola-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Voyeurism-The Boston Globe-NASA-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox-101

18 Wicked Elves-Sarah de Vries-5-12-69-Helena Bonham Carter 5/26/66-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-4 Purple Onions-Huitzilopochtli 91-Checker Taxi-Ambrose Philips-Amelia Earhart-Ted Kaczynski-Jeanette Anna MacDonald (June 18, 1903 – January 14, 1965)-Lina Haag-Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini-Xipe Totec 14-Ocēlōtl-Alana de la Garza-Cihuacoatl 76-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar-Led Zeppelin-CBS-Janice Ann Ott-Christine Baranski-Caryn Campbell-Chhinnamasta- Subrahmanya-11

22 Major Arcana-Mata Hari-Pachacuti 71/17-Heather Hernandez 30-Ariel I. Worhard-NASA-Meryl Streep-United Nations-Mind Geist Thrice-Ace of Clubs 20:20-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper 77 Chhinnamasta-Protennoia 300-Diane Kruger-58 Sacrifice-FOX News 22-37 Moons-Hisi-Moose 13-Lilium Lowndes 88 Lindsay Lohan-Luke Skywalker-Mary Jane Kelly-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-Westboro Baptist Church-Jack The Ripper-Neptune 9-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-49 Strippers-Pretty Wicked Moms-Lifetime TV-50 50 Mind Control-Surah 13 Thunder-Anaïs Nin-Kalahari-Agent 110/42 The Haunting of Elisabeth Röhm 8 Elizabeth Stride 47 Jiah Khan-Route 66-22 Million Monkeys-Queen of Hearts-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-Folger's Coffee-99-#Thaumiel 44

209 Mashíyyat Will-Quetzalcoatl 43-Francisco Goya-A&E-Susan Elaine Rancourt 66/99 Kyra Sedgwick-Komodo Dragon 53/35-Karin Konoval-Georgeann Hawkins-Pacha Mama-Machu Picchu-55-Belteshazzar-Marijuana-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-Beverley Ann Mitchell 1-22-81-Tiffany Louise Drew-1-31-75-7th Heaven-4 Stones-H. H. Holmes Agent 110/42-The Haunting of Beverley Mitchell 86 Star-Child-Radon O' Rourke-86 Ghost Story-Neptune 9-Lauren Katherine Conrad-Beethoven-Tlazoteotl 22-9 Crocodiles-5 Cannons-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Turtle-Darth Vader-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-Technetium-Tinkerbell-8-Chelsea Handler-Samuel-Eden-Heroin-Orca-A Bald Eagle-Erwin Rommel-Becca Hedman 32-Rebecca "Becky" Marrero-Rebecca Zeppelin 28

Erato 69-Lyre-36 Mary Sue Bello-Maria Bello 72-Chalchiuhtlicue-37 Pammy Annette Avent 73-Mictlantecuhtli-NASA-45 Boudica 72-Lamassu-Alyson Lee Hannigan-Venus 2-Alyssa Milano-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Demi Moore-Who Mind 42-42 Cindy Anne Smith 24-Olympus Mons-The Silhouette of a Totem Pole with Thunderbird on Top-Route 66-A Fish-A Bottle of Wine-A Dagger-Martha Stewart 121 Chhinnamasta 121-Colleen Brockman 28-Green River Stones-Wainamoinen-Spokane-Carol Ann Christensen-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Casino Royale Hotel & Casino-North-Sodom 440-44 Roberta Joseph Hayes 44-Thaumiel 44-15 Libraries-The Notorious Snow White 22 Circe-Conductor's Baton-72 Hours-Hamlets in The Kuiper-The Wicked Swan of Terror Rift 51 Antimony-Julianna Margulies-Aeneid-Erwin Rommel-Lenore-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Pleiades-Mata San 22-66 Debra Lynn Bonner-56-Paula White-65-Centeotl-Crocodile 27-Grizzly Bear-NBC Peacock-Diane Rosemary Rock-Athena 27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 National Security Advisor 15 The Bejeweled Beast-20:20 Synchronicity-Matriarch Card-Tezcatlipoca 82-Cihuacoatl 76-Magna Mater-Luke 18:27-The Hecatean Tree-15 Red Apples-MM 96 AC/DC 69 MM-18 Stars-15 Skulls-27 Gremlins-Salma Hayek-Phosphorus Triangle-Sharon Tate 48-Malinalxochitl 13-49 Rabbits-Saturn South-Sacajawea Caldera- Neptune Captures Triton-20:20 Connectivity-99 Mirrors 99 Windows-4 Sun Priestesses-Symposium for Advance-Crocodile Lore-The Gannet-Wicked Neptunian Lore-3 Tridents-6 Condors-77 Eagles-Wicked Manifest 69 Medusa in The Lines 96

Cross-Dimensional Messenger Card Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-20:20 Platinum Hall Pass-20:20 Correspond-Mata Hari 67-Edgar Allen Poe-The Falcon-Mars-Xochipilli 69-BDSM-CrossDimensional PingPong-Riders on The Storm-Alice Through The Looking Glass-The Christ 41-99 #Moons #Phosphorus #Triangle Shire Horse #Four-27-54-81-63-90-99-09-36-18-45-72-99 Wicked Whispers Wicked Manifest 96-69 Lilith D. Haines 96-808 Andromeda Medusa 808-Sasha Grey 22-Garden of Eden-48 Sharon Tate, Operator 96-13 Kirstie Alley 31-11 Gorgons-808 Crocodile Scriptures 808-Tom Clancy 66-Antimony 51-Lilium Lowndes 88-Eiffel Tower-50 50 Water Wheel-Lamassu 25-Lavinia-War Bonnet 66-120 Revolution Queens-Gisele Lovvorn/Operator 20:20-20 Joyce Meyer 20-20:20 Kathryn Ruemmler 42-888-Tōchtli-40 40 Hisi-Lore-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Left Hand Pan 41-Yin & Yang Symbol-Athena 27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 National Security Advisor 15 The Bejeweled Beast-Orion Nebula 42-Jiah Khan 47-909 Andromeda Medusa 909-20:20 Mantis-4 Blizzards-50% of Earth's 'Christians' Turned to swine-90% of USA Republicans Turned to swine-Snow White 22-Circe 22-Little Bo Peep 66-Thaumiel 44-4000 Years of War-Crossroads 58/11-5 in Year 1, 6 in Year 2, 5 in Year 101, 6 in Year 102, 5 in Year 201, 6 in Year 202 and on into Eternity-22 Mormon Women-Tonatiuh 51/50-22 Mistresses-96 Hollywood Sign 69-Joan of Arc Card-66-Cynthia Jean Hinds-Cocoa 66-77 Eagles-11 is for The Horns-The Stone of Certainty-Anne Frank 55-27 Jennifer Lawrence 27-41 Cult of The Rhino 14-Adolfo Constanzo/Agent 20:20-Medusa Behind a Wall of Fire-48 Molly Mayhem 22 Sarah Butler 2/11-96 Milky Way Medusa 96 Sagittarius A* 99-29 Marnie Lee Ann Frey 29-33 Scarlett Johansson 33-Eight Immortals-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-H.H. Holmes 110/42-43&43 Exceptionally Sinister #Rabbits-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-45 Meryl Streep 54-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania 66-Wendy Lee Coffield-Lullaby 110/42-20:20 Demonology-40 40 Interface Protocols-The Birds and The Bees-909 Pearl of Combat 808-The Book of Lilith-Marilyn Monroe 22-20:20 Poltergeist-20:20 The Conjuring-The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil-77 Andrea Fay Borhaven 55-43 Lisa Robin Kelly 43-Lauren Katherine Conrad 54-31 Witches-Tinkerbell 8-55 Andrea M. Childers 77-4 William J. Donovan 4-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-Kali 11-96 AC/DC 69-Minerva 99-72/11-Elizabeth Prann 22-808 Joker-22 Keys-Saturn 33-Al-Jinn, Al-Mursalāt, An-Nāzi`āt-Coatlicue 46-Lamia 57-66 Revolutions a Week, 6 Revolutions a Day, Wicked Manifest 72/11 Takahe Triple 5-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22

#Matrix 20:20 He threw it and behold! it was a snake active in motion. #Messiah


36:00, Fourth Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis

**36:00, Fourth Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis**

114 Muwan'-Colleen Renee Julianna Margulies Brockman (Gray) Onyx-111-Ehēcatl-Mars-Biblis Tholus 266

China 36 Earthquake 99 36:63 13:31 Psalm 36 Triangle Quetzalcoatl Piltzintecuhtli Titanium Kali Saturn Surah 22:22 77 Ghastly Hawks Spice22 14 Evangelist Anita Fuentes 70 Coatlicue Az-Zumar Thaumiel Ezekiel 21:16 Shangguan Wan'er Thea Mons 37 Jiah Khan 47 Witnesses 14 Croc Scripts The Heart is 18

Day Swan 2nd and 4th Rev. Attachments

69-Xochiquetzal-49-Debra Lynn Bonner-56-Paula White-65-Centeotl-Tlaloc-64-Operator 96

120 Revolution Queens Ace of Hearts Card

Matriarch Card-96-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-Colors Red and White-7 Eagle Feathers-12 Cups-Jupiter-Xochiquetzal 49-Route 66-Lamassu-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Margaret "Maggie" Lawson 8/12/80-Psych-USA Network-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons
Top Right Corner, A Glowing Gold Matrix Cube
Top Left Corner, A Straight Razor
Bottom Right Corner, a White and Red Joker
Bottom Left Corner, a Red Cross

Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Alaska-Eskimo-Beaver-Coyolxauhqui-Cindy Schall- Sarah Hyland-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper-Army-Tlaloc 64-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Operator 96-Coca-Cola-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Voyeurism-The Boston Globe-NASA-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox-101

18 Wicked Elves-Sarah de Vries-5-12-69-Helena Bonham Carter 5/26/66-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-4 Purple Onions-Huitzilopochtli 91-Checker Taxi-Ambrose Philips-Amelia Earhart-Ted Kaczynski-Jeanette Anna MacDonald (June 18, 1903 – January 14, 1965)-Lina Haag-Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini-Xipe Totec 14-Ocēlōtl-Alana de la Garza-Cihuacoatl 76-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar-Led Zeppelin-CBS-Janice Ann Ott-Christine Baranski-Caryn Campbell-Chhinnamasta- Subrahmanya-11

22 Major Arcana-Mata Hari-Pachacuti 71/17-Heather Hernandez 30-Ariel I. Worhard-NASA-Meryl Streep-United Nations-Mind Geist Thrice-Ace of Clubs 20:20-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper 77 Chhinnamasta-Protennoia 300-Diane Kruger-58 Sacrifice-FOX News 22-37 Moons-Hisi-Moose 13-Lilium Lowndes 88 Lindsay Lohan-Luke Skywalker-Mary Jane Kelly-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-Westboro Baptist Church-Jack The Ripper-Neptune 9-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-49 Strippers-Pretty Wicked Moms-Lifetime TV-50 50 Mind Control-Surah 13 Thunder-Anaïs Nin-Kalahari-Agent 110/42 The Haunting of Elisabeth Röhm 8 Elizabeth Stride 47 Jiah Khan-Route 66-22 Million Monkeys-Queen of Hearts-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-Folger's Coffee-99-#Thaumiel 44

209 Mashíyyat Will-Quetzalcoatl 43-Francisco Goya-A&E-Susan Elaine Rancourt 66/99 Kyra Sedgwick-Komodo Dragon 53/35-Karin Konoval-Georgeann Hawkins-Pacha Mama-Machu Picchu-55-Belteshazzar-Marijuana-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-Beverley Ann Mitchell 1-22-81-Tiffany Louise Drew-1-31-75-7th Heaven-4 Stones-H. H. Holmes Agent 110/42-The Haunting of Beverley Mitchell 86 Star-Child-Radon O' Rourke-86 Ghost Story-Neptune 9-Lauren Katherine Conrad-Beethoven-Tlazoteotl 22-9 Crocodiles-5 Cannons-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Turtle-Darth Vader-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-Technetium-Tinkerbell-8-Chelsea Handler-Samuel-Eden-Heroin-Orca-A Bald Eagle-Erwin Rommel-Becca Hedman 32-Rebecca "Becky" Marrero-Rebecca Zeppelin 28

Erato 69-Lyre-36 Mary Sue Bello-Maria Bello 72-Chalchiuhtlicue-37 Pammy Annette Avent 73-Mictlantecuhtli-NASA-45 Boudica 72-Lamassu-Alyson Lee Hannigan-Venus 2-Alyssa Milano-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Demi Moore-Who Mind 42-42 Cindy Anne Smith 24-Olympus Mons-The Silhouette of a Totem Pole with Thunderbird on Top-Route 66-A Fish-A Bottle of Wine-A Dagger-Martha Stewart 121 Chhinnamasta 121-Colleen Brockman 28-Green River Stones-Wainamoinen-Spokane-Carol Ann Christensen-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Casino Royale Hotel & Casino-North-Sodom 440-44 Roberta Joseph Hayes 44-Thaumiel 44-15 Libraries-The Notorious Snow White 22 Circe-Conductor's Baton-72 Hours-Hamlets in The Kuiper-The Wicked Swan of Terror Rift 51 Antimony-Julianna Margulies-Aeneid-Erwin Rommel-Lenore-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Pleiades-Mata San 22-66 Debra Lynn Bonner-56-Paula White-65-Centeotl-Crocodile 27-Grizzly Bear-NBC Peacock-Diane Rosemary Rock-Athena 27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 National Security Advisor 15 The Bejeweled Beast-20:20 Synchronicity-Matriarch Card-Tezcatlipoca 82-Cihuacoatl 76-Magna Mater-Luke 18:27-The Hecatean Tree-15 Red Apples-MM 96 AC/DC 69 MM-18 Stars-15 Skulls-27 Gremlins-Salma Hayek-Phosphorus Triangle-Sharon Tate 48-Malinalxochitl 13-49 Rabbits-Saturn South-Sacajawea Caldera- Neptune Captures Triton-20:20 Connectivity-99 Mirrors 99 Windows-4 Sun Priestesses-Symposium for Advance-Crocodile Lore-The Gannet-Wicked Neptunian Lore-3 Tridents-6 Condors-77 Eagles-Wicked Manifest 69 Medusa in The Lines 96

Cross-Dimensional Messenger Card Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-20:20 Platinum Hall Pass-20:20 Correspond-Mata Hari 67-Edgar Allen Poe-The Falcon-Mars-Xochipilli 69-BDSM-CrossDimensional PingPong-Riders on The Storm-Alice Through The Looking Glass-The Christ 41-99 #Moons #Phosphorus #Triangle Shire Horse #Four-27-54-81-63-90-99-09-36-18-45-72-99 Wicked Whispers Wicked Manifest 96-69 Lilith D. Haines 96-808 Andromeda Medusa 808-Sasha Grey 22-Garden of Eden-48 Sharon Tate, Operator 96-13 Kirstie Alley 31-11 Gorgons-808 Crocodile Scriptures 808-Tom Clancy 66-Antimony 51-Lilium Lowndes 88-Eiffel Tower-50 50 Water Wheel-Lamassu 25-Lavinia-War Bonnet 66-120 Revolution Queens-Gisele Lovvorn/Operator 20:20-20 Joyce Meyer 20-20:20 Kathryn Ruemmler 42-888-Tōchtli-40 40 Hisi-Lore-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Left Hand Pan 41-Yin & Yang Symbol-Athena 27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 National Security Advisor 15 The Bejeweled Beast-Orion Nebula 42-Jiah Khan 47-909 Andromeda Medusa 909-20:20 Mantis-4 Blizzards-50% of Earth's 'Christians' Turned to swine-90% of USA Republicans Turned to swine-Snow White 22-Circe 22-Little Bo Peep 66-Thaumiel 44-4000 Years of War-Crossroads 58/11-5 in Year 1, 6 in Year 2, 5 in Year 101, 6 in Year 102, 5 in Year 201, 6 in Year 202 and on into Eternity-22 Mormon Women-Tonatiuh 51/50-22 Mistresses-96 Hollywood Sign 69-Joan of Arc Card-66-Cynthia Jean Hinds-Cocoa 66-77 Eagles-11 is for The Horns-The Stone of Certainty-Anne Frank 55-27 Jennifer Lawrence 27-41 Cult of The Rhino 14-Adolfo Constanzo/Agent 20:20-Medusa Behind a Wall of Fire-48 Molly Mayhem 22 Sarah Butler 2/11-96 Milky Way Medusa 96 Sagittarius A* 99-29 Marnie Lee Ann Frey 29-33 Scarlett Johansson 33-Eight Immortals-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-H.H. Holmes 110/42-43&43 Exceptionally Sinister #Rabbits-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-45 Meryl Streep 54-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania 66-Wendy Lee Coffield-Lullaby 110/42-20:20 Demonology-40 40 Interface Protocols-The Birds and The Bees-909 Pearl of Combat 808-The Book of Lilith-Marilyn Monroe 22-20:20 Poltergeist-20:20 The Conjuring-The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil-77 Andrea Fay Borhaven 55-43 Lisa Robin Kelly 43-Lauren Katherine Conrad 54-31 Witches-Tinkerbell 8-55 Andrea M. Childers 77-4 William J. Donovan 4-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-Kali 11-96 AC/DC 69-Minerva 99-72/11-Elizabeth Prann 22-808 Joker-22 Keys-Saturn 33-Al-Jinn, Al-Mursalāt, An-Nāzi`āt-Coatlicue 46-Lamia 57-66 Revolutions a Week, 6 Revolutions a Day, Wicked Manifest 72/11 Takahe Triple 5-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22

#Matrix 20:20 He threw it and behold! it was a snake active in motion. #Messiah


35:00, Third Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis

**35:00, Third Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis**

Yaxk'in'-Methone-Men-Terry Rene-Kunis-Milligan-Tlaloc-Hambergite-Swine

Mary 19 Art of The Queen Bee Aş-Şaf An-Naĥl Venus 76 Ishtar-Crocodile 27 Mother Earth-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Rebecca Hedman 32-China 36 Az-Zalzalah 99 13:31 Thunder Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-Lamassu-36 Patricia Ann Millett 63, 99 Keys-14 Evangelist Anita Fuentes 70-The 96 Lilith Haines 69 Card Flips to Become The Head of a Galaxy-20 Gwyneth Paltrow 20-77 Cobie Smulders on The Wall 77-63 Ways-#Route66-20:20 #Poltergeist-#Chhinnamasta #WildCard #Neptune 9-#Chessboard #SixteenKeys-Ezekiel 3:8-9-#CoyolxauhquiStone-Huffington Post-67 Centipede-77 #Eagles

Day Swan Third and Sixth Revolution Attachments

Melinda Mercer and Melody Murfin Call Them MM 96 AC/DC 69 MM

96-69-47-74-58-85 (88 Joker+44 Wild Card Queen)

120 Revolution Queens-Ace of Diamonds Card
Joan of Arc Card-66-Melinda Mercer-Billie Maze 18/81-Tron-Minka Kelly 6/24/80-Thaumiel 44-808 Joker-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-77 Ghastly Hawks-Surah 77:7-12 Diamonds-Julia Stiles-Three Shells-A Fully Covered Islamic Woman-A Christian Woman Wearing a Large Bonnet-A Nun-Tinker Bell 8-Huffington Post-The Statue of Liberty-Hydra-WM Milk and Honey 20:20-4 Marines-Blue Female Archer-Scientology Cross-Becca Hedman 32-Pepsi-Cola-99-Left Hand Pan 41-Victoria Louise "Vicky" Beeching-7/17/79-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-42
Top Right Corner-A Glowing Rainbow Colored Matrix with a '49' on it
Bottom Left Corner-A Black Joker's Head with a Gold '66' on His Cap

120 Revolution Queens-Ace of Clubs Card
Joan of Arc Card-66-Melody Murfin-Melody Bells 36/63-Oscar the Grouch-Suzanne Somers 10/16/46-Chrissy-Three's Company-Mountain Dew-Rebecca Herbst 5/12/77-Tlaloc 64-Route 66-War Bonnet-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Lamassu-6 Gremlins-Time Magazine-LA Times-Rolex-6 Fairies-A Red Neon 'XXX' Sign-8 Porn Magazines-4 Purple Onions-4 Crayons (Red, Blue, Green, Purple)-3 Nuns-Black Female Archer-Sharon Tate 48
Top Right Hand Corner-2 Intertwined Serpentine Dragons, One Gold, One Silver
Bottom Left Hand Corner-A Stripper with '49' Painted on Her Chest in Glittering Gold, 13 Marigolds Surround the Stripper

266 Qawl Speech-Coyolxauhqui 58-Elisabeth Röhm 4-28-73-66:6-Coatlicue 46-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar 54 Game of Thrones-Los Angeles-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-E! News-BDSM-Artemissa 27 Kate Garry Hudson-NBC-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Popular Science-13 Marigolds-Barbara Walters-Polar Bear-96-Bulova-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-13:31-Colors Red and White-Xochiquetzal 49-Left Hand Pan 41-Victoria Louise "Vicky" Beeching-7/17/79-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-42 Cleopatra 60-99 Helena Blavatsky-Keira Christina Knightley-Scientology Cross-Space Needle-20:20-Disney-Mandalay Bay-The Falcon-Wounded Knee-Wovoka 64 The Haunting of Elisabeth Röhm 86 Star-Child-Radon O'Rourke-Tantalum 73-Demonology-Rule of 110-WildCard 42-80 80 Enterprise-White Tiger 33-Xipe Totec 14

Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-iPad-Komodo Dragon-Texas-Hyperion-Viperidae-111-Beethoven-Renée Zellweger-USA Today Money-Uranus-Scarlett Johansson 63-Dangdang-Jaroslava Schallerová-Julianna Margulies 120-Eva Longoria-Timex-The Killing-AMC-The Associated Press-Beatrice "Bea" Arthur-Ouija Board-Sri Lanka-Rochelle Aytes-Minerva 99-NBC-Roberta Kathleen Parks-Chelsea-E!-Mariska Hargitay-Brenda Carol Ball-Artemis-Angkor Wat 33-44-Meshach-Coffee-Lindsay Lohan-Sarah Butler 2/11

4 Stones-Marnie Lee Ann Frey-8-30-73-1 Lamb-1 Lion-11 Roses-a Flaming Sword-A Gannet-A Orca-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo-Agent 20:20-NBC Peacock-Seiko-Spokane, WA-Star-Child 86 Riding a Rhino-Kim Kardashian-4 Crocodiles-Matangi-DNA-Pentagram-Kelly Marie Ware-Eiffel Tower-Katherine Heigl-Heather Hernandez-Swastika-Left Hand Pan 41-Iliza Vie Shlesinger 2/22 -4 Crayons (Red, Blue, Green, Purple)-3 Nuns-BBC-Emma Roberts-Sodom 440-Black Female Archer-Carmine Crocco 47 Jiah Khan Amy Schumer-Octopus-Capricorn-Willa Joanna Chance Holland-Eleanor of Woodstock-Sharon Tate 48

Euterpe 66-Vaishnavi 28-Nicole Kidman 44-Sally Two Times-Friday The 13th-The Spirit of 76-Aulos-3 Asteria 3-Matrikas-Xylophone-Uranus 43-Chamunda 55-Artemis Bell 28-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Sitting Bull-6 Wolves-Hunkpapa-Anasazi-Pachacamac-Cumbe Mayo-20:20 Clockwork-Space Needle-27 Gaia 54-Hesiod's Theogony-7 Bona Dea 7-6 Tomahawks-USA Network-58 Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein-22 Rebecca Gayheart 8/12-41 Margaret "Maggie" Lawson-4 Staves-66 Cynthia Jean Hinds 66-120 Revolution Queens-Zanjan, Iran-Agent 8-Tinkerbell-Mind Control-Antigone Vipers-To Kill a Mockingbird-Harper Lee-Song of Solomon-42 Emma Stone 24-7 Toni Morrison-33777-19 Angels-19 Pitchforks-7 Anne Hathaway (Teal)-43 Jokers with Katanas-3 Selena Gomez (Orange)-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66

Cross-Dimensional Messenger Card Debra Lynn Bonner 66-20:20 Silver Hall Pass-Green River Stones-4 Acorns-Rebecca Gayheart 22-Thaumiel 44-40 40 Kuiper Rangers-13 Karen Blanche Black 31-Kalevala-41 Carol Ann Christensen 14-11 Portals-14 Juliette Lewis 41-27-54-81-63-90-99-09-36-18-45-72-Xipe Totec 14-Falkor The Luck Dragon-Marilyn Monroe 22-101 Phantom 101-808 Star Matriarch Card 808-7 Eagle Feathers-12 Cups-666 Scientology 999-#Poe-The Bells-Shire Horse 4-31 Ways-72 Hours a Day-Aş-Şāffāt-43&43 Exceptionally Sinister Rabbits-The Warren Files-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-4 Orcas-808 The Silver Surfer 808-Prophecy-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-55 Mormon Women-Kali 11-Gisele Lovvorn 20:20-Agent 20:20-9 Bells-Isaiah 8:11-Tarantula Nebula 2070-66 Tiffany Louise Drew 99-96 Medusa 69-Coatlicue 46-909 Cult of The Rhino 808-Sodom 440-Mictlantecuhtli 73-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania/Agent 66-Route 66-33 Keira Christina Knightley 99-Melinda Mercer-Billie Maze 18/81-Melody Murfin-Melody Bells 36/63-Saturn Captures Phoebe-Intelligence Wars-The Boston Globe-Westboro Baptist 59-99 Turkeys-4 Humans Rockin' Outrageous Mullets-Rule 110-Nanahuatzin 56-4 Serpents-808 Sun 808-18 Nuns-45 Sophocles 54-Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee-Katy Perry 66-Paula White 65-Huffington Post-99 Living Runes-Agent 110/42-48 Molly Mayhem 22 Sarah Butler 2/11-66 Cynthia Jean Hinds/Cocoa 66-21 Trapdoor Jack 21-Jenna Jameson 66-14 Witnesses-808 Milky Way Medusa 909-The Garden of Eden-Operator 99-20:20 Gnosis Line-Marilyn Monroe 22-11 Awesome Costumes-13 Ar Ra'd/Thunder-808 Belteshazzar 808-6 Martha Stewart 7-4 Furies-Art of The Queen Bee-Wendy Lee Coffield 110/42-Dr. Who-27 NASA 72-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox 41-8 Tisiphone 8-20:20 Hollywood Guillotine-Ezekiel 21:16-Hecate 15-Sasha Grey 22-Circe 22-808 Babelese-99 Scrolls-20 Joseph Smith, Jr. 20-Wheel of Fortune-Berlin-4 Mountain Goats-Chalchiuhtlicue 37-808 Trimorphic Protennoia 808-43 Uranus 43-Led Zeppelin-Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Dalek 110-Reich Geist-Aces Up the Sleeve-The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-808 Anne Brontë/Acton Bell 808-Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons-Mary Exzetta West-Snow White 22-Sulfur-Isaiah 6:9-Interplanetary Medium-Modos 220-The Wicked 57-9~6 Stream Neptune 9-Pan's Labyrinth-13 Mighty Aphrodite 31-4 Gannets-29 Marnie Lee Ann Frey 29-33 Scarlett Johansson 33-181 Phantom 181-The 9645 Cross-40 40 #Alien Intelligence-Nelumbo Nucifera 76-66:6

30:6 (It is) the promise of Allah. Never does Allah depart from His promise: but most men understand not.


34:01, Third Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis

34:01, Third Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis
Yaxk'in'-Methone-Men-Terry Rene-Kunis-Milligan-Tlaloc-Hambergite-Swine
Mary 19 Art of The Queen Bee Aş-Şaf An-Naĥl Venus 76 Ishtar-Crocodile 27 Mother Earth-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Rebecca Hedman 32-China 36 Az-Zalzalah 99 13:31 Thunder Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-Lamassu-36 Patricia Ann Millett 63, 99 Keys-14 Evangelist Anita Fuentes 70-The 96 Lilith Haines 69 Card Flips to Become The Head of a Galaxy-20 Gwyneth Paltrow 20-77 Cobie Smulders on The Wall 77-63 Ways-#Route66-20:20 #Poltergeist-#Chhinnamasta #WildCard #Neptune 9-#Chessboard #SixteenKeys-Ezekiel 3:8-9-#CoyolxauhquiStone-Huffington Post-67 Centipede-77 #Eagles
Day Swan Third and Sixth Revolution Attachments
Melinda Mercer and Melody Murfin Call Them MM 96 AC/DC 69 MM
96-69-47-74-58-85 (88 Joker+44 Wild Card Queen)
120 Revolution Queens-Ace of Diamonds Card
Joan of Arc Card-66-Melinda Mercer-Billie Maze 18/81-Tron-Minka Kelly 6/24/80-Thaumiel 44-808 Joker-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-77 Ghastly Hawks-Surah 77:7-12 Diamonds-Julia Stiles-Three Shells-A Fully Covered Islamic Woman-A Christian Woman Wearing a Large Bonnet-A Nun-Tinker Bell 8-Huffington Post-The Statue of Liberty-Hydra-WM Milk and Honey 20:20-4 Marines-Blue Female Archer-Scientology Cross-Becca Hedman 32-Pepsi-Cola-99-Left Hand Pan 41-Victoria Louise "Vicky" Beeching-7/17/79-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-42
Top Right Corner-A Glowing Rainbow Colored Matrix with a '49' on it
Bottom Left Corner-A Black Joker's Head with a Gold '66' on His Cap
120 Revolution Queens-Ace of Clubs Card
Joan of Arc Card-66-Melody Murfin-Melody Bells 36/63-Oscar the Grouch-Suzanne Somers 10/16/46-Chrissy-Three's Company-Mountain Dew-Rebecca Herbst 5/12/77-Tlaloc 64-Route 66-War Bonnet-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Lamassu-6 Gremlins-Time Magazine-LA Times-Rolex-6 Fairies-A Red Neon 'XXX' Sign-8 Porn Magazines-4 Purple Onions-4 Crayons (Red, Blue, Green, Purple)-3 Nuns-Black Female Archer-Sharon Tate 48
Top Right Hand Corner-2 Intertwined Serpentine Dragons, One Gold, One Silver
Bottom Left Hand Corner-A Stripper with '49' Painted on Her Chest in Glittering Gold, 13 Marigolds Surround the Stripper
266 Qawl Speech-Coyolxauhqui 58-Elisabeth Röhm 4-28-73-66:6-Coatlicue 46-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar 54 Game of Thrones-Los Angeles-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-E! News-BDSM-Artemissa 27 Kate Garry Hudson-NBC-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Popular Science-13 Marigolds-Barbara Walters-Polar Bear-96-Bulova-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-13:31-Colors Red and White-Xochiquetzal 49-Left Hand Pan 41-Victoria Louise "Vicky" Beeching-7/17/79-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-42 Cleopatra 60-99 Helena Blavatsky-Keira Christina Knightley-Scientology Cross-Space Needle-20:20-Disney-Mandalay Bay-The Falcon-Wounded Knee-Wovoka 64 The Haunting of Elisabeth Röhm 86 Star-Child-Radon O'Rourke-Tantalum 73-Demonology-Rule of 110-WildCard 42-80 80 Enterprise-White Tiger 33-Xipe Totec 14
Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-iPad-Komodo Dragon-Texas-Hyperion-Viperidae-111-Beethoven-Renée Zellweger-USA Today Money-Uranus-Scarlett Johansson 63-Dangdang-Jaroslava Schallerová-Julianna Margulies 120-Eva Longoria-Timex-The Killing-AMC-The Associated Press-Beatrice "Bea" Arthur-Ouija Board-Sri Lanka-Rochelle Aytes-Minerva 99-NBC-Roberta Kathleen Parks-Chelsea-E!-Mariska Hargitay-Brenda Carol Ball-Artemis-Angkor Wat 33-44-Meshach-Coffee-Lindsay Lohan-Sarah Butler 2/11
4 Stones-Marnie Lee Ann Frey-8-30-73-1 Lamb-1 Lion-11 Roses-a Flaming Sword-A Gannet-A Orca-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo-Agent 20:20-NBC Peacock-Seiko-Spokane, WA-Star-Child 86 Riding a Rhino-Kim Kardashian-4 Crocodiles-Matangi-DNA-Pentagram-Kelly Marie Ware-Eiffel Tower-Katherine Heigl-Heather Hernandez-Swastika-Left Hand Pan 41-Iliza Vie Shlesinger 2/22 -4 Crayons (Red, Blue, Green, Purple)-3 Nuns-BBC-Emma Roberts-Sodom 440-Black Female Archer-Carmine Crocco 47 Jiah Khan Amy Schumer-Octopus-Capricorn-Willa Joanna Chance Holland-Eleanor of Woodstock-Sharon Tate 48
Euterpe 66-Vaishnavi 28-Nicole Kidman 44-Sally Two Times-Friday The 13th-The Spirit of 76-Aulos-3 Asteria 3-Matrikas-Xylophone-Uranus 43-Chamunda 55-Artemis Bell 28-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Sitting Bull-6 Wolves-Hunkpapa-Anasazi-Pachacamac-Cumbe Mayo-20:20 Clockwork-Space Needle-27 Gaia 54-Hesiod's Theogony-7 Bona Dea 7-6 Tomahawks-USA Network-58 Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein-22 Rebecca Gayheart 8/12-41 Margaret "Maggie" Lawson-4 Staves-66 Cynthia Jean Hinds 66-120 Revolution Queens-Zanjan, Iran-Agent 8-Tinkerbell-Mind Control-Antigone Vipers-To Kill a Mockingbird-Harper Lee-Song of Solomon-42 Emma Stone 24-7 Toni Morrison-33777-19 Angels-19 Pitchforks-7 Anne Hathaway (Teal)-43 Jokers with Katanas-3 Selena Gomez (Orange)-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66
Cross-Dimensional Messenger Card Debra Lynn Bonner 66-20:20 Silver Hall Pass-Green River Stones-4 Acorns-Rebecca Gayheart 22-Thaumiel 44-40 40 Kuiper Rangers-13 Karen Blanche Black 31-Kalevala-41 Carol Ann Christensen 14-11 Portals-14 Juliette Lewis 41-27-54-81-63-90-99-09-36-18-45-72-Xipe Totec 14-Falkor The Luck Dragon-Marilyn Monroe 22-101 Phantom 101-808 Star Matriarch Card 808-7 Eagle Feathers-12 Cups-666 Scientology 999-#Poe-The Bells-Shire Horse 4-31 Ways-72 Hours a Day-Aş-Şāffāt-43&43 Exceptionally Sinister Rabbits-The Warren Files-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-4 Orcas-808 The Silver Surfer 808-Prophecy-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-55 Mormon Women-Kali 11-Gisele Lovvorn 20:20-Agent 20:20-9 Bells-Isaiah 8:11-Tarantula Nebula 2070-66 Tiffany Louise Drew 99-96 Medusa 69-Coatlicue 46-909 Cult of The Rhino 808-Sodom 440-Mictlantecuhtli 73-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania/Agent 66-Route 66-33 Keira Christina Knightley 99-Melinda Mercer-Billie Maze 18/81-Melody Murfin-Melody Bells 36/63-Saturn Captures Phoebe-Intelligence Wars-The Boston Globe-Westboro Baptist 59-99 Turkeys-4 Humans Rockin' Outrageous Mullets-Rule 110-Nanahuatzin 56-4 Serpents-808 Sun 808-18 Nuns-45 Sophocles 54-Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee-Katy Perry 66-Paula White 65-Huffington Post-99 Living Runes-Agent 110/42-48 Molly Mayhem 22 Sarah Butler 2/11-66 Cynthia Jean Hinds/Cocoa 66-21 Trapdoor Jack 21-Jenna Jameson 66-14 Witnesses-808 Milky Way Medusa 909-The Garden of Eden-Operator 99-20:20 Gnosis Line-Marilyn Monroe 22-11 Awesome Costumes-13 Ar Ra'd/Thunder-808 Belteshazzar 808-6 Martha Stewart 7-4 Furies-Art of The Queen Bee-Wendy Lee Coffield 110/42-Dr. Who-27 NASA 72-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox 41-8 Tisiphone 8-20:20 Hollywood Guillotine-Ezekiel 21:16-Hecate 15-Sasha Grey 22-Circe 22-808 Babelese-99 Scrolls-20 Joseph Smith, Jr. 20-Wheel of Fortune-Berlin-4 Mountain Goats-Chalchiuhtlicue 37-808 Trimorphic Protennoia 808-43 Uranus 43-Led Zeppelin-Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Dalek 110-Reich Geist-Aces Up the Sleeve-The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-808 Anne Brontë/Acton Bell 808-Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons-Mary Exzetta West-Snow White 22-Sulfur-Isaiah 6:9-Interplanetary Medium-Modos 220-The Wicked 57-9~6 Stream Neptune 9-Pan's Labyrinth-13 Mighty Aphrodite 31-4 Gannets-29 Marnie Lee Ann Frey 29-33 Scarlett Johansson 33-181 Phantom 181-The 9645 Cross-40 40 #Alien Intelligence-Nelumbo Nucifera 76-66:6
30:6 (It is) the promise of Allah. Never does Allah depart from His promise: but most men understand not.

33:33, Third Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis

**33:33, Third Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis**

Yaxk'in'-Methone-Men-Terry Rene-Kunis-Milligan-Tlaloc-Hambergite-Swine

Mary 19 Art of The Queen Bee Aş-Şaf An-Naĥl Venus 76 Ishtar-Crocodile 27 Mother Earth-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Rebecca Hedman 32-China 36 Az-Zalzalah 99 13:31 Thunder Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-Lamassu-36 Patricia Ann Millett 63, 99 Keys-14 Evangelist Anita Fuentes 70-The 96 Lilith Haines 69 Card Flips to Become The Head of a Galaxy-20 Gwyneth Paltrow 20-77 Cobie Smulders on The Wall 77-63 Ways-#Route66-20:20 #Poltergeist-#Chhinnamasta #WildCard #Neptune 9-#Chessboard #SixteenKeys-Ezekiel 3:8-9-#CoyolxauhquiStone-Huffington Post-67 Centipede-77 #Eagles

Day Swan Third and Sixth Revolution Attachments

Melinda Mercer and Melody Murfin Call Them MM 96 AC/DC 69 MM

96-69-47-74-58-85 (88 Joker+44 Wild Card Queen)

120 Revolution Queens-Ace of Diamonds Card
Joan of Arc Card-66-Melinda Mercer-Billie Maze 18/81-Tron-Minka Kelly 6/24/80-Thaumiel 44-808 Joker-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-77 Ghastly Hawks-Surah 77:7-12 Diamonds-Julia Stiles-Three Shells-A Fully Covered Islamic Woman-A Christian Woman Wearing a Large Bonnet-A Nun-Tinker Bell 8-Huffington Post-The Statue of Liberty-Hydra-WM Milk and Honey 20:20-4 Marines-Blue Female Archer-Scientology Cross-Becca Hedman 32-Pepsi-Cola-99-Left Hand Pan 41-Victoria Louise "Vicky" Beeching-7/17/79-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-42
Top Right Corner-A Glowing Rainbow Colored Matrix with a '49' on it
Bottom Left Corner-A Black Joker's Head with a Gold '66' on His Cap

120 Revolution Queens-Ace of Clubs Card
Joan of Arc Card-66-Melody Murfin-Melody Bells 36/63-Oscar the Grouch-Suzanne Somers 10/16/46-Chrissy-Three's Company-Mountain Dew-Rebecca Herbst 5/12/77-Tlaloc 64-Route 66-War Bonnet-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Lamassu-6 Gremlins-Time Magazine-LA Times-Rolex-6 Fairies-A Red Neon 'XXX' Sign-8 Porn Magazines-4 Purple Onions-4 Crayons (Red, Blue, Green, Purple)-3 Nuns-Black Female Archer-Sharon Tate 48
Top Right Hand Corner-2 Intertwined Serpentine Dragons, One Gold, One Silver
Bottom Left Hand Corner-A Stripper with '49' Painted on Her Chest in Glittering Gold, 13 Marigolds Surround the Stripper

266 Qawl Speech-Coyolxauhqui 58-Elisabeth Röhm 4-28-73-66:6-Coatlicue 46-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar 54 Game of Thrones-Los Angeles-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-E! News-BDSM-Artemissa 27 Kate Garry Hudson-NBC-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Popular Science-13 Marigolds-Barbara Walters-Polar Bear-96-Bulova-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-13:31-Colors Red and White-Xochiquetzal 49-Left Hand Pan 41-Victoria Louise "Vicky" Beeching-7/17/79-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-42 Cleopatra 60-99 Helena Blavatsky-Keira Christina Knightley-Scientology Cross-Space Needle-20:20-Disney-Mandalay Bay-The Falcon-Wounded Knee-Wovoka 64 The Haunting of Elisabeth Röhm 86 Star-Child-Radon O'Rourke-Tantalum 73-Demonology-Rule of 110-WildCard 42-80 80 Enterprise-White Tiger 33-Xipe Totec 14

Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-iPad-Komodo Dragon-Texas-Hyperion-Viperidae-111-Beethoven-Renée Zellweger-USA Today Money-Uranus-Scarlett Johansson 63-Dangdang-Jaroslava Schallerová-Julianna Margulies 120-Eva Longoria-Timex-The Killing-AMC-The Associated Press-Beatrice "Bea" Arthur-Ouija Board-Sri Lanka-Rochelle Aytes-Minerva 99-NBC-Roberta Kathleen Parks-Chelsea-E!-Mariska Hargitay-Brenda Carol Ball-Artemis-Angkor Wat 33-44-Meshach-Coffee-Lindsay Lohan-Sarah Butler 2/11

4 Stones-Marnie Lee Ann Frey-8-30-73-1 Lamb-1 Lion-11 Roses-a Flaming Sword-A Gannet-A Orca-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo-Agent 20:20-NBC Peacock-Seiko-Spokane, WA-Star-Child 86 Riding a Rhino-Kim Kardashian-4 Crocodiles-Matangi-DNA-Pentagram-Kelly Marie Ware-Eiffel Tower-Katherine Heigl-Heather Hernandez-Swastika-Left Hand Pan 41-Iliza Vie Shlesinger 2/22 -4 Crayons (Red, Blue, Green, Purple)-3 Nuns-BBC-Emma Roberts-Sodom 440-Black Female Archer-Carmine Crocco 47 Jiah Khan Amy Schumer-Octopus-Capricorn-Willa Joanna Chance Holland-Eleanor of Woodstock-Sharon Tate 48

Euterpe 66-Vaishnavi 28-Nicole Kidman 44-Sally Two Times-Friday The 13th-The Spirit of 76-Aulos-3 Asteria 3-Matrikas-Xylophone-Uranus 43-Chamunda 55-Artemis Bell 28-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Sitting Bull-6 Wolves-Hunkpapa-Anasazi-Pachacamac-Cumbe Mayo-20:20 Clockwork-Space Needle-27 Gaia 54-Hesiod's Theogony-7 Bona Dea 7-6 Tomahawks-USA Network-58 Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein-22 Rebecca Gayheart 8/12-41 Margaret "Maggie" Lawson-4 Staves-66 Cynthia Jean Hinds 66-120 Revolution Queens-Zanjan, Iran-Agent 8-Tinkerbell-Mind Control-Antigone Vipers-To Kill a Mockingbird-Harper Lee-Song of Solomon-42 Emma Stone 24-7 Toni Morrison-33777-19 Angels-19 Pitchforks-7 Anne Hathaway (Teal)-43 Jokers with Katanas-3 Selena Gomez (Orange)-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66

Cross-Dimensional Messenger Card Debra Lynn Bonner 66-20:20 Silver Hall Pass-Green River Stones-4 Acorns-Rebecca Gayheart 22-Thaumiel 44-40 40 Kuiper Rangers-13 Karen Blanche Black 31-Kalevala-41 Carol Ann Christensen 14-11 Portals-14 Juliette Lewis 41-27-54-81-63-90-99-09-36-18-45-72-Xipe Totec 14-Falkor The Luck Dragon-Marilyn Monroe 22-101 Phantom 101-808 Star Matriarch Card 808-7 Eagle Feathers-12 Cups-666 Scientology 999-#Poe-The Bells-Shire Horse 4-31 Ways-72 Hours a Day-Aş-Şāffāt-43&43 Exceptionally Sinister Rabbits-The Warren Files-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-4 Orcas-808 The Silver Surfer 808-Prophecy-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-55 Mormon Women-Kali 11-Gisele Lovvorn 20:20-Agent 20:20-9 Bells-Isaiah 8:11-Tarantula Nebula 2070-66 Tiffany Louise Drew 99-96 Medusa 69-Coatlicue 46-909 Cult of The Rhino 808-Sodom 440-Mictlantecuhtli 73-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania/Agent 66-Route 66-33 Keira Christina Knightley 99-Melinda Mercer-Billie Maze 18/81-Melody Murfin-Melody Bells 36/63-Saturn Captures Phoebe-Intelligence Wars-The Boston Globe-Westboro Baptist 59-99 Turkeys-4 Humans Rockin' Outrageous Mullets-Rule 110-Nanahuatzin 56-4 Serpents-808 Sun 808-18 Nuns-45 Sophocles 54-Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee-Katy Perry 66-Paula White 65-Huffington Post-99 Living Runes-Agent 110/42-48 Molly Mayhem 22 Sarah Butler 2/11-66 Cynthia Jean Hinds/Cocoa 66-21 Trapdoor Jack 21-Jenna Jameson 66-14 Witnesses-808 Milky Way Medusa 909-The Garden of Eden-Operator 99-20:20 Gnosis Line-Marilyn Monroe 22-11 Awesome Costumes-13 Ar Ra'd/Thunder-808 Belteshazzar 808-6 Martha Stewart 7-4 Furies-Art of The Queen Bee-Wendy Lee Coffield 110/42-Dr. Who-27 NASA 72-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox 41-8 Tisiphone 8-20:20 Hollywood Guillotine-Ezekiel 21:16-Hecate 15-Sasha Grey 22-Circe 22-808 Babelese-99 Scrolls-20 Joseph Smith, Jr. 20-Wheel of Fortune-Berlin-4 Mountain Goats-Chalchiuhtlicue 37-808 Trimorphic Protennoia 808-43 Uranus 43-Led Zeppelin-Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Dalek 110-Reich Geist-Aces Up the Sleeve-The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-808 Anne Brontë/Acton Bell 808-Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons-Mary Exzetta West-Snow White 22-Sulfur-Isaiah 6:9-Interplanetary Medium-Modos 220-The Wicked 57-9~6 Stream Neptune 9-Pan's Labyrinth-13 Mighty Aphrodite 31-4 Gannets-29 Marnie Lee Ann Frey 29-33 Scarlett Johansson 33-181 Phantom 181-The 9645 Cross-40 40 #Alien Intelligence-Nelumbo Nucifera 76-66:6

30:6 (It is) the promise of Allah. Never does Allah depart from His promise: but most men understand not.


33:00, Third Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis

**33:00, Third Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis**

Yaxk'in'-Methone-Men-Terry Rene-Kunis-Milligan-Tlaloc-Hambergite-Swine

Mary 19 Art of The Queen Bee Aş-Şaf An-Naĥl Venus 76 Ishtar-Crocodile 27 Mother Earth-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Rebecca Hedman 32-China 36 Az-Zalzalah 99 13:31 Thunder Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-Lamassu-36 Patricia Ann Millett 63, 99 Keys-14 Evangelist Anita Fuentes 70-The 96 Lilith Haines 69 Card Flips to Become The Head of a Galaxy-20 Gwyneth Paltrow 20-77 Cobie Smulders on The Wall 77-63 Ways-#Route66-20:20 #Poltergeist-#Chhinnamasta #WildCard #Neptune 9-#Chessboard #SixteenKeys-Ezekiel 3:8-9-#CoyolxauhquiStone-Huffington Post-67 Centipede-77 #Eagles

Day Swan Third and Sixth Revolution Attachments

Melinda Mercer and Melody Murfin Call Them MM 96 AC/DC 69 MM

96-69-47-74-58-85 (88 Joker+44 Wild Card Queen)

120 Revolution Queens-Ace of Diamonds Card
Joan of Arc Card-66-Melinda Mercer-Billie Maze 18/81-Tron-Minka Kelly 6/24/80-Thaumiel 44-808 Joker-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-77 Ghastly Hawks-Surah 77:7-12 Diamonds-Julia Stiles-Three Shells-A Fully Covered Islamic Woman-A Christian Woman Wearing a Large Bonnet-A Nun-Tinker Bell 8-Huffington Post-The Statue of Liberty-Hydra-WM Milk and Honey 20:20-4 Marines-Blue Female Archer-Scientology Cross-Becca Hedman 32-Pepsi-Cola-99-Left Hand Pan 41-Victoria Louise "Vicky" Beeching-7/17/79-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-42
Top Right Corner-A Glowing Rainbow Colored Matrix with a '49' on it
Bottom Left Corner-A Black Joker's Head with a Gold '66' on His Cap

120 Revolution Queens-Ace of Clubs Card
Joan of Arc Card-66-Melody Murfin-Melody Bells 36/63-Oscar the Grouch-Suzanne Somers 10/16/46-Chrissy-Three's Company-Mountain Dew-Rebecca Herbst 5/12/77-Tlaloc 64-Route 66-War Bonnet-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Lamassu-6 Gremlins-Time Magazine-LA Times-Rolex-6 Fairies-A Red Neon 'XXX' Sign-8 Porn Magazines-4 Purple Onions-4 Crayons (Red, Blue, Green, Purple)-3 Nuns-Black Female Archer-Sharon Tate 48
Top Right Hand Corner-2 Intertwined Serpentine Dragons, One Gold, One Silver
Bottom Left Hand Corner-A Stripper with '49' Painted on Her Chest in Glittering Gold, 13 Marigolds Surround the Stripper

266 Qawl Speech-Coyolxauhqui 58-Elisabeth Röhm 4-28-73-66:6-Coatlicue 46-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar 54 Game of Thrones-Los Angeles-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-E! News-BDSM-Artemissa 27 Kate Garry Hudson-NBC-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Popular Science-13 Marigolds-Barbara Walters-Polar Bear-96-Bulova-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-13:31-Colors Red and White-Xochiquetzal 49-Left Hand Pan 41-Victoria Louise "Vicky" Beeching-7/17/79-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-42 Cleopatra 60-99 Helena Blavatsky-Keira Christina Knightley-Scientology Cross-Space Needle-20:20-Disney-Mandalay Bay-The Falcon-Wounded Knee-Wovoka 64 The Haunting of Elisabeth Röhm 86 Star-Child-Radon O'Rourke-Tantalum 73-Demonology-Rule of 110-WildCard 42-80 80 Enterprise-White Tiger 33-Xipe Totec 14

Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-iPad-Komodo Dragon-Texas-Hyperion-Viperidae-111-Beethoven-Renée Zellweger-USA Today Money-Uranus-Scarlett Johansson 63-Dangdang-Jaroslava Schallerová-Julianna Margulies 120-Eva Longoria-Timex-The Killing-AMC-The Associated Press-Beatrice "Bea" Arthur-Ouija Board-Sri Lanka-Rochelle Aytes-Minerva 99-NBC-Roberta Kathleen Parks-Chelsea-E!-Mariska Hargitay-Brenda Carol Ball-Artemis-Angkor Wat 33-44-Meshach-Coffee-Lindsay Lohan-Sarah Butler 2/11

4 Stones-Marnie Lee Ann Frey-8-30-73-1 Lamb-1 Lion-11 Roses-a Flaming Sword-A Gannet-A Orca-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo-Agent 20:20-NBC Peacock-Seiko-Spokane, WA-Star-Child 86 Riding a Rhino-Kim Kardashian-4 Crocodiles-Matangi-DNA-Pentagram-Kelly Marie Ware-Eiffel Tower-Katherine Heigl-Heather Hernandez-Swastika-Left Hand Pan 41-Iliza Vie Shlesinger 2/22 -4 Crayons (Red, Blue, Green, Purple)-3 Nuns-BBC-Emma Roberts-Sodom 440-Black Female Archer-Carmine Crocco 47 Jiah Khan Amy Schumer-Octopus-Capricorn-Willa Joanna Chance Holland-Eleanor of Woodstock-Sharon Tate 48

Euterpe 66-Vaishnavi 28-Nicole Kidman 44-Sally Two Times-Friday The 13th-The Spirit of 76-Aulos-3 Asteria 3-Matrikas-Xylophone-Uranus 43-Chamunda 55-Artemis Bell 28-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Sitting Bull-6 Wolves-Hunkpapa-Anasazi-Pachacamac-Cumbe Mayo-20:20 Clockwork-Space Needle-27 Gaia 54-Hesiod's Theogony-7 Bona Dea 7-6 Tomahawks-USA Network-58 Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein-22 Rebecca Gayheart 8/12-41 Margaret "Maggie" Lawson-4 Staves-66 Cynthia Jean Hinds 66-120 Revolution Queens-Zanjan, Iran-Agent 8-Tinkerbell-Mind Control-Antigone Vipers-To Kill a Mockingbird-Harper Lee-Song of Solomon-42 Emma Stone 24-7 Toni Morrison-33777-19 Angels-19 Pitchforks-7 Anne Hathaway (Teal)-43 Jokers with Katanas-3 Selena Gomez (Orange)-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66

Cross-Dimensional Messenger Card Debra Lynn Bonner 66-20:20 Silver Hall Pass-Green River Stones-4 Acorns-Rebecca Gayheart 22-Thaumiel 44-40 40 Kuiper Rangers-13 Karen Blanche Black 31-Kalevala-41 Carol Ann Christensen 14-11 Portals-14 Juliette Lewis 41-27-54-81-63-90-99-09-36-18-45-72-Xipe Totec 14-Falkor The Luck Dragon-Marilyn Monroe 22-101 Phantom 101-808 Star Matriarch Card 808-7 Eagle Feathers-12 Cups-666 Scientology 999-#Poe-The Bells-Shire Horse 4-31 Ways-72 Hours a Day-Aş-Şāffāt-43&43 Exceptionally Sinister Rabbits-The Warren Files-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-4 Orcas-808 The Silver Surfer 808-Prophecy-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-55 Mormon Women-Kali 11-Gisele Lovvorn 20:20-Agent 20:20-9 Bells-Isaiah 8:11-Tarantula Nebula 2070-66 Tiffany Louise Drew 99-96 Medusa 69-Coatlicue 46-909 Cult of The Rhino 808-Sodom 440-Mictlantecuhtli 73-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania/Agent 66-Route 66-33 Keira Christina Knightley 99-Melinda Mercer-Billie Maze 18/81-Melody Murfin-Melody Bells 36/63-Saturn Captures Phoebe-Intelligence Wars-The Boston Globe-Westboro Baptist 59-99 Turkeys-4 Humans Rockin' Outrageous Mullets-Rule 110-Nanahuatzin 56-4 Serpents-808 Sun 808-18 Nuns-45 Sophocles 54-Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee-Katy Perry 66-Paula White 65-Huffington Post-99 Living Runes-Agent 110/42-48 Molly Mayhem 22 Sarah Butler 2/11-66 Cynthia Jean Hinds/Cocoa 66-21 Trapdoor Jack 21-Jenna Jameson 66-14 Witnesses-808 Milky Way Medusa 909-The Garden of Eden-Operator 99-20:20 Gnosis Line-Marilyn Monroe 22-11 Awesome Costumes-13 Ar Ra'd/Thunder-808 Belteshazzar 808-6 Martha Stewart 7-4 Furies-Art of The Queen Bee-Wendy Lee Coffield 110/42-Dr. Who-27 NASA 72-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox 41-8 Tisiphone 8-20:20 Hollywood Guillotine-Ezekiel 21:16-Hecate 15-Sasha Grey 22-Circe 22-808 Babelese-99 Scrolls-20 Joseph Smith, Jr. 20-Wheel of Fortune-Berlin-4 Mountain Goats-Chalchiuhtlicue 37-808 Trimorphic Protennoia 808-43 Uranus 43-Led Zeppelin-Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Dalek 110-Reich Geist-Aces Up the Sleeve-The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-808 Anne Brontë/Acton Bell 808-Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons-Mary Exzetta West-Snow White 22-Sulfur-Isaiah 6:9-Interplanetary Medium-Modos 220-The Wicked 57-9~6 Stream Neptune 9-Pan's Labyrinth-13 Mighty Aphrodite 31-4 Gannets-29 Marnie Lee Ann Frey 29-33 Scarlett Johansson 33-181 Phantom 181-The 9645 Cross-40 40 #Alien Intelligence-Nelumbo Nucifera 76-66:6

30:6 (It is) the promise of Allah. Never does Allah depart from His promise: but most men understand not.


32:00, Third Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis

**32:00, Third Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis**

Yaxk'in'-Methone-Men-Terry Rene-Kunis-Milligan-Tlaloc-Hambergite-Swine

Mary 19 Art of The Queen Bee Aş-Şaf An-Naĥl Venus 76 Ishtar-Crocodile 27 Mother Earth-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Rebecca Hedman 32-China 36 Az-Zalzalah 99 13:31 Thunder Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-Lamassu-36 Patricia Ann Millett 63, 99 Keys-14 Evangelist Anita Fuentes 70-The 96 Lilith Haines 69 Card Flips to Become The Head of a Galaxy-20 Gwyneth Paltrow 20-77 Cobie Smulders on The Wall 77-63 Ways-#Route66-20:20 #Poltergeist-#Chhinnamasta #WildCard #Neptune 9-#Chessboard #SixteenKeys-Ezekiel 3:8-9-#CoyolxauhquiStone-Huffington Post-67 Centipede-77 #Eagles

Day Swan Third and Sixth Revolution Attachments

Melinda Mercer and Melody Murfin Call Them MM 96 AC/DC 69 MM

96-69-47-74-58-85 (88 Joker+44 Wild Card Queen)

120 Revolution Queens-Ace of Diamonds Card
Joan of Arc Card-66-Melinda Mercer-Billie Maze 18/81-Tron-Minka Kelly 6/24/80-Thaumiel 44-808 Joker-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-77 Ghastly Hawks-Surah 77:7-12 Diamonds-Julia Stiles-Three Shells-A Fully Covered Islamic Woman-A Christian Woman Wearing a Large Bonnet-A Nun-Tinker Bell 8-Huffington Post-The Statue of Liberty-Hydra-WM Milk and Honey 20:20-4 Marines-Blue Female Archer-Scientology Cross-Becca Hedman 32-Pepsi-Cola-99-Left Hand Pan 41-Victoria Louise "Vicky" Beeching-7/17/79-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-42
Top Right Corner-A Glowing Rainbow Colored Matrix with a '49' on it
Bottom Left Corner-A Black Joker's Head with a Gold '66' on His Cap

120 Revolution Queens-Ace of Clubs Card
Joan of Arc Card-66-Melody Murfin-Melody Bells 36/63-Oscar the Grouch-Suzanne Somers 10/16/46-Chrissy-Three's Company-Mountain Dew-Rebecca Herbst 5/12/77-Tlaloc 64-Route 66-War Bonnet-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Lamassu-6 Gremlins-Time Magazine-LA Times-Rolex-6 Fairies-A Red Neon 'XXX' Sign-8 Porn Magazines-4 Purple Onions-4 Crayons (Red, Blue, Green, Purple)-3 Nuns-Black Female Archer-Sharon Tate 48
Top Right Hand Corner-2 Intertwined Serpentine Dragons, One Gold, One Silver
Bottom Left Hand Corner-A Stripper with '49' Painted on Her Chest in Glittering Gold, 13 Marigolds Surround the Stripper

266 Qawl Speech-Coyolxauhqui 58-Elisabeth Röhm 4-28-73-66:6-Coatlicue 46-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar 54 Game of Thrones-Los Angeles-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-E! News-BDSM-Artemissa 27 Kate Garry Hudson-NBC-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Popular Science-13 Marigolds-Barbara Walters-Polar Bear-96-Bulova-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-13:31-Colors Red and White-Xochiquetzal 49-Left Hand Pan 41-Victoria Louise "Vicky" Beeching-7/17/79-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-42 Cleopatra 60-99 Helena Blavatsky-Keira Christina Knightley-Scientology Cross-Space Needle-20:20-Disney-Mandalay Bay-The Falcon-Wounded Knee-Wovoka 64 The Haunting of Elisabeth Röhm 86 Star-Child-Radon O'Rourke-Tantalum 73-Demonology-Rule of 110-WildCard 42-80 80 Enterprise-White Tiger 33-Xipe Totec 14

Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-iPad-Komodo Dragon-Texas-Hyperion-Viperidae-111-Beethoven-Renée Zellweger-USA Today Money-Uranus-Scarlett Johansson 63-Dangdang-Jaroslava Schallerová-Julianna Margulies 120-Eva Longoria-Timex-The Killing-AMC-The Associated Press-Beatrice "Bea" Arthur-Ouija Board-Sri Lanka-Rochelle Aytes-Minerva 99-NBC-Roberta Kathleen Parks-Chelsea-E!-Mariska Hargitay-Brenda Carol Ball-Artemis-Angkor Wat 33-44-Meshach-Coffee-Lindsay Lohan-Sarah Butler 2/11

4 Stones-Marnie Lee Ann Frey-8-30-73-1 Lamb-1 Lion-11 Roses-a Flaming Sword-A Gannet-A Orca-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo-Agent 20:20-NBC Peacock-Seiko-Spokane, WA-Star-Child 86 Riding a Rhino-Kim Kardashian-4 Crocodiles-Matangi-DNA-Pentagram-Kelly Marie Ware-Eiffel Tower-Katherine Heigl-Heather Hernandez-Swastika-Left Hand Pan 41-Iliza Vie Shlesinger 2/22 -4 Crayons (Red, Blue, Green, Purple)-3 Nuns-BBC-Emma Roberts-Sodom 440-Black Female Archer-Carmine Crocco 47 Jiah Khan Amy Schumer-Octopus-Capricorn-Willa Joanna Chance Holland-Eleanor of Woodstock-Sharon Tate 48

Euterpe 66-Vaishnavi 28-Nicole Kidman 44-Sally Two Times-Friday The 13th-The Spirit of 76-Aulos-3 Asteria 3-Matrikas-Xylophone-Uranus 43-Chamunda 55-Artemis Bell 28-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Sitting Bull-6 Wolves-Hunkpapa-Anasazi-Pachacamac-Cumbe Mayo-20:20 Clockwork-Space Needle-27 Gaia 54-Hesiod's Theogony-7 Bona Dea 7-6 Tomahawks-USA Network-58 Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein-22 Rebecca Gayheart 8/12-41 Margaret "Maggie" Lawson-4 Staves-66 Cynthia Jean Hinds 66-120 Revolution Queens-Zanjan, Iran-Agent 8-Tinkerbell-Mind Control-Antigone Vipers-To Kill a Mockingbird-Harper Lee-Song of Solomon-42 Emma Stone 24-7 Toni Morrison-33777-19 Angels-19 Pitchforks-7 Anne Hathaway (Teal)-43 Jokers with Katanas-3 Selena Gomez (Orange)-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66

Cross-Dimensional Messenger Card Debra Lynn Bonner 66-20:20 Silver Hall Pass-Green River Stones-4 Acorns-Rebecca Gayheart 22-Thaumiel 44-40 40 Kuiper Rangers-13 Karen Blanche Black 31-Kalevala-41 Carol Ann Christensen 14-11 Portals-14 Juliette Lewis 41-27-54-81-63-90-99-09-36-18-45-72-Xipe Totec 14-Falkor The Luck Dragon-Marilyn Monroe 22-101 Phantom 101-808 Star Matriarch Card 808-7 Eagle Feathers-12 Cups-666 Scientology 999-#Poe-The Bells-Shire Horse 4-31 Ways-72 Hours a Day-Aş-Şāffāt-43&43 Exceptionally Sinister Rabbits-The Warren Files-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-4 Orcas-808 The Silver Surfer 808-Prophecy-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-55 Mormon Women-Kali 11-Gisele Lovvorn 20:20-Agent 20:20-9 Bells-Isaiah 8:11-Tarantula Nebula 2070-66 Tiffany Louise Drew 99-96 Medusa 69-Coatlicue 46-909 Cult of The Rhino 808-Sodom 440-Mictlantecuhtli 73-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania/Agent 66-Route 66-33 Keira Christina Knightley 99-Melinda Mercer-Billie Maze 18/81-Melody Murfin-Melody Bells 36/63-Saturn Captures Phoebe-Intelligence Wars-The Boston Globe-Westboro Baptist 59-99 Turkeys-4 Humans Rockin' Outrageous Mullets-Rule 110-Nanahuatzin 56-4 Serpents-808 Sun 808-18 Nuns-45 Sophocles 54-Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee-Katy Perry 66-Paula White 65-Huffington Post-99 Living Runes-Agent 110/42-48 Molly Mayhem 22 Sarah Butler 2/11-66 Cynthia Jean Hinds/Cocoa 66-21 Trapdoor Jack 21-Jenna Jameson 66-14 Witnesses-808 Milky Way Medusa 909-The Garden of Eden-Operator 99-20:20 Gnosis Line-Marilyn Monroe 22-11 Awesome Costumes-13 Ar Ra'd/Thunder-808 Belteshazzar 808-6 Martha Stewart 7-4 Furies-Art of The Queen Bee-Wendy Lee Coffield 110/42-Dr. Who-27 NASA 72-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox 41-8 Tisiphone 8-20:20 Hollywood Guillotine-Ezekiel 21:16-Hecate 15-Sasha Grey 22-Circe 22-808 Babelese-99 Scrolls-20 Joseph Smith, Jr. 20-Wheel of Fortune-Berlin-4 Mountain Goats-Chalchiuhtlicue 37-808 Trimorphic Protennoia 808-43 Uranus 43-Led Zeppelin-Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Dalek 110-Reich Geist-Aces Up the Sleeve-The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-808 Anne Brontë/Acton Bell 808-Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons-Mary Exzetta West-Snow White 22-Sulfur-Isaiah 6:9-Interplanetary Medium-Modos 220-The Wicked 57-9~6 Stream Neptune 9-Pan's Labyrinth-13 Mighty Aphrodite 31-4 Gannets-29 Marnie Lee Ann Frey 29-33 Scarlett Johansson 33-181 Phantom 181-The 9645 Cross-40 40 #Alien Intelligence-Nelumbo Nucifera 76-66:6

30:6 (It is) the promise of Allah. Never does Allah depart from His promise: but most men understand not.


31:06, Third Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis

31:06, Third Revolution, Anne The Hisi-Witch 55/Swan, Belteshazzar-Chalchiuhtlicue, Genesis
Yaxk'in'-Methone-Men-Terry Rene-Kunis-Milligan-Tlaloc-Hambergite-Swine
Mary 19 Art of The Queen Bee Aş-Şaf An-Naĥl Venus 76 Ishtar-Crocodile 27 Mother Earth-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Rebecca Hedman 32-China 36 Az-Zalzalah 99 13:31 Thunder Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-Lamassu-36 Patricia Ann Millett 63, 99 Keys-14 Evangelist Anita Fuentes 70-The 96 Lilith Haines 69 Card Flips to Become The Head of a Galaxy-20 Gwyneth Paltrow 20-77 Cobie Smulders on The Wall 77-63 Ways-#Route66-20:20 #Poltergeist-#Chhinnamasta #WildCard #Neptune 9-#Chessboard #SixteenKeys-Ezekiel 3:8-9-#CoyolxauhquiStone-Huffington Post-67 Centipede-77 #Eagles
Day Swan Third and Sixth Revolution Attachments
Melinda Mercer and Melody Murfin Call Them MM 96 AC/DC 69 MM
96-69-47-74-58-85 (88 Joker+44 Wild Card Queen)
120 Revolution Queens-Ace of Diamonds Card
Joan of Arc Card-66-Melinda Mercer-Billie Maze 18/81-Tron-Minka Kelly 6/24/80-Thaumiel 44-808 Joker-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-77 Ghastly Hawks-Surah 77:7-12 Diamonds-Julia Stiles-Three Shells-A Fully Covered Islamic Woman-A Christian Woman Wearing a Large Bonnet-A Nun-Tinker Bell 8-Huffington Post-The Statue of Liberty-Hydra-WM Milk and Honey 20:20-4 Marines-Blue Female Archer-Scientology Cross-Becca Hedman 32-Pepsi-Cola-99-Left Hand Pan 41-Victoria Louise "Vicky" Beeching-7/17/79-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-42
Top Right Corner-A Glowing Rainbow Colored Matrix with a '49' on it
Bottom Left Corner-A Black Joker's Head with a Gold '66' on His Cap
120 Revolution Queens-Ace of Clubs Card
Joan of Arc Card-66-Melody Murfin-Melody Bells 36/63-Oscar the Grouch-Suzanne Somers 10/16/46-Chrissy-Three's Company-Mountain Dew-Rebecca Herbst 5/12/77-Tlaloc 64-Route 66-War Bonnet-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Lamassu-6 Gremlins-Time Magazine-LA Times-Rolex-6 Fairies-A Red Neon 'XXX' Sign-8 Porn Magazines-4 Purple Onions-4 Crayons (Red, Blue, Green, Purple)-3 Nuns-Black Female Archer-Sharon Tate 48
Top Right Hand Corner-2 Intertwined Serpentine Dragons, One Gold, One Silver
Bottom Left Hand Corner-A Stripper with '49' Painted on Her Chest in Glittering Gold, 13 Marigolds Surround the Stripper
266 Qawl Speech-Coyolxauhqui 58-Elisabeth Röhm 4-28-73-66:6-Coatlicue 46-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar 54 Game of Thrones-Los Angeles-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-E! News-BDSM-Artemissa 27 Kate Garry Hudson-NBC-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Popular Science-13 Marigolds-Barbara Walters-Polar Bear-96-Bulova-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-13:31-Colors Red and White-Xochiquetzal 49-Left Hand Pan 41-Victoria Louise "Vicky" Beeching-7/17/79-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-42 Cleopatra 60-99 Helena Blavatsky-Keira Christina Knightley-Scientology Cross-Space Needle-20:20-Disney-Mandalay Bay-The Falcon-Wounded Knee-Wovoka 64 The Haunting of Elisabeth Röhm 86 Star-Child-Radon O'Rourke-Tantalum 73-Demonology-Rule of 110-WildCard 42-80 80 Enterprise-White Tiger 33-Xipe Totec 14
Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-iPad-Komodo Dragon-Texas-Hyperion-Viperidae-111-Beethoven-Renée Zellweger-USA Today Money-Uranus-Scarlett Johansson 63-Dangdang-Jaroslava Schallerová-Julianna Margulies 120-Eva Longoria-Timex-The Killing-AMC-The Associated Press-Beatrice "Bea" Arthur-Ouija Board-Sri Lanka-Rochelle Aytes-Minerva 99-NBC-Roberta Kathleen Parks-Chelsea-E!-Mariska Hargitay-Brenda Carol Ball-Artemis-Angkor Wat 33-44-Meshach-Coffee-Lindsay Lohan-Sarah Butler 2/11
4 Stones-Marnie Lee Ann Frey-8-30-73-1 Lamb-1 Lion-11 Roses-a Flaming Sword-A Gannet-A Orca-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo-Agent 20:20-NBC Peacock-Seiko-Spokane, WA-Star-Child 86 Riding a Rhino-Kim Kardashian-4 Crocodiles-Matangi-DNA-Pentagram-Kelly Marie Ware-Eiffel Tower-Katherine Heigl-Heather Hernandez-Swastika-Left Hand Pan 41-Iliza Vie Shlesinger 2/22 -4 Crayons (Red, Blue, Green, Purple)-3 Nuns-BBC-Emma Roberts-Sodom 440-Black Female Archer-Carmine Crocco 47 Jiah Khan Amy Schumer-Octopus-Capricorn-Willa Joanna Chance Holland-Eleanor of Woodstock-Sharon Tate 48
Euterpe 66-Vaishnavi 28-Nicole Kidman 44-Sally Two Times-Friday The 13th-The Spirit of 76-Aulos-3 Asteria 3-Matrikas-Xylophone-Uranus 43-Chamunda 55-Artemis Bell 28-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Sitting Bull-6 Wolves-Hunkpapa-Anasazi-Pachacamac-Cumbe Mayo-20:20 Clockwork-Space Needle-27 Gaia 54-Hesiod's Theogony-7 Bona Dea 7-6 Tomahawks-USA Network-58 Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein-22 Rebecca Gayheart 8/12-41 Margaret "Maggie" Lawson-4 Staves-66 Cynthia Jean Hinds 66-120 Revolution Queens-Zanjan, Iran-Agent 8-Tinkerbell-Mind Control-Antigone Vipers-To Kill a Mockingbird-Harper Lee-Song of Solomon-42 Emma Stone 24-7 Toni Morrison-33777-19 Angels-19 Pitchforks-7 Anne Hathaway (Teal)-43 Jokers with Katanas-3 Selena Gomez (Orange)-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66
Cross-Dimensional Messenger Card Debra Lynn Bonner 66-20:20 Silver Hall Pass-Green River Stones-4 Acorns-Rebecca Gayheart 22-Thaumiel 44-40 40 Kuiper Rangers-13 Karen Blanche Black 31-Kalevala-41 Carol Ann Christensen 14-11 Portals-14 Juliette Lewis 41-27-54-81-63-90-99-09-36-18-45-72-Xipe Totec 14-Falkor The Luck Dragon-Marilyn Monroe 22-101 Phantom 101-808 Star Matriarch Card 808-7 Eagle Feathers-12 Cups-666 Scientology 999-#Poe-The Bells-Shire Horse 4-31 Ways-72 Hours a Day-Aş-Şāffāt-43&43 Exceptionally Sinister Rabbits-The Warren Files-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-4 Orcas-808 The Silver Surfer 808-Prophecy-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-55 Mormon Women-Kali 11-Gisele Lovvorn 20:20-Agent 20:20-9 Bells-Isaiah 8:11-Tarantula Nebula 2070-66 Tiffany Louise Drew 99-96 Medusa 69-Coatlicue 46-909 Cult of The Rhino 808-Sodom 440-Mictlantecuhtli 73-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania/Agent 66-Route 66-33 Keira Christina Knightley 99-Melinda Mercer-Billie Maze 18/81-Melody Murfin-Melody Bells 36/63-Saturn Captures Phoebe-Intelligence Wars-The Boston Globe-Westboro Baptist 59-99 Turkeys-4 Humans Rockin' Outrageous Mullets-Rule 110-Nanahuatzin 56-4 Serpents-808 Sun 808-18 Nuns-45 Sophocles 54-Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee-Katy Perry 66-Paula White 65-Huffington Post-99 Living Runes-Agent 110/42-48 Molly Mayhem 22 Sarah Butler 2/11-66 Cynthia Jean Hinds/Cocoa 66-21 Trapdoor Jack 21-Jenna Jameson 66-14 Witnesses-808 Milky Way Medusa 909-The Garden of Eden-Operator 99-20:20 Gnosis Line-Marilyn Monroe 22-11 Awesome Costumes-13 Ar Ra'd/Thunder-808 Belteshazzar 808-6 Martha Stewart 7-4 Furies-Art of The Queen Bee-Wendy Lee Coffield 110/42-Dr. Who-27 NASA 72-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox 41-8 Tisiphone 8-20:20 Hollywood Guillotine-Ezekiel 21:16-Hecate 15-Sasha Grey 22-Circe 22-808 Babelese-99 Scrolls-20 Joseph Smith, Jr. 20-Wheel of Fortune-Berlin-4 Mountain Goats-Chalchiuhtlicue 37-808 Trimorphic Protennoia 808-43 Uranus 43-Led Zeppelin-Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Dalek 110-Reich Geist-Aces Up the Sleeve-The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-808 Anne Brontë/Acton Bell 808-Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons-Mary Exzetta West-Snow White 22-Sulfur-Isaiah 6:9-Interplanetary Medium-Modos 220-The Wicked 57-9~6 Stream Neptune 9-Pan's Labyrinth-13 Mighty Aphrodite 31-4 Gannets-29 Marnie Lee Ann Frey 29-33 Scarlett Johansson 33-181 Phantom 181-The 9645 Cross-40 40 #Alien Intelligence-Nelumbo Nucifera 76-66:6
30:6 (It is) the promise of Allah. Never does Allah depart from His promise: but most men understand not.