Monday, October 27, 2014

Four 9-6 Tarot Cards for The Hour

20:20 Sharon Tate 48 Turns Over a Card
The Card is Divided into 4 Sections, at The Center of The Card where The 4 Sections Meet, See a Simon Game
In The Upper Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Vanessa Williams. Vanessa Williams Stands Nude on a Platinum Hollywood Sign. She Holds a Stone Tablet in Front of Her Breasts and Abdomen. On The Stone Tablet, See a Magic Square:
In Front of The Hollywood Sign, See a Line of 19 Standing Dominoes.
See a Monarch Butterfly on Vanessa Williams' Left Shoulder. See a Tarantula on Her Right Shoulder.
The Background on The Section is an Image of The Planet Jupiter.
At Top Center of Section, See The Words 'Mind Over Media' in Silver Lettering.
At Bottom Center of Section, See a Grinning Alfred E. Newman Head.
In The Upper Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of The Mechanical Turk on a Yellow Background. See an Image of Curious George to The Left of The Turk's Chessboard. Curious George Holds an Abacus.
In The Lower Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Russell Brand. Russell Brand is Nude on His Hands and Knees. See an Image of Sandy Rios Straddling Russell Brand's Back, like He's a Pony. Sandy Rios Wears a Black and White Polka Dot One-Piece 50's Style Bathing Suit. Sandy Rios Holds a Riding Crop in Her Right Hand, She Holds a Gold Chalice in Her Left Hand. On The Chalice, See a Glowing White Number '68'.
The Background on The Section is Pink.
At Top Center on Section, See a Stone Tablet, On The Stone Tablet it says 'RULE 34'
In The Lower Left Hand Section of The Card, See The Twitter Bird on a Black Background.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a 16-Keypad.
In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See an Electrified Metallic Chess Queen
In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Double-Edged Sword
In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See The Symbol 'Ti' in Red
In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See an Image of Angelina Jolie's Severed Head
<20:20 The Áine Órga 808 Deck>

See The ATM Machine Spit Out a Tarot Card Instead of Cash
The Background is Green, The Margin is Silver
At The Center of The Card, See a Gold Medusa's Head with '2070' Painted on Her Forehead in White. See an Image of Diane Neal Standing on Top of The Medusa's Head. Diane Neal wears a Black Business Suit with Silver Pin-Stripes and a Long Black Skirt. See a Silver Collar Around Diane Neal's Neck. See a Gold '38' on Diane Neal's Left Lapel. Diane Neal Smirks. In her Left Hand, she holds up a Gold Birdcage with a Barbie Doll inside. In her Right Hand, she holds a Punishment Cane. Above Diane Neal's Head, see a Blood-Red Ram's Head with Razor-Wire Wrapped Around the Horns. The Ram has a Glowing Blue Cube in his open mouth that says '41' on it in Gold.
Above The Center Scene, See The Cover of 'The Diary of a Young Girl' by Anne Frank. See a Bronze Tomahawk to the Right of The Book-Cover (Head Toward Top of Card), See a Bronze Tomahawk to the Left of The Book-Cover (Head Toward Bottom of Card). See a Silver Swan with Outstretched Wings Above the Book Cover.
To The Right of The Center Scene, See an Image of Sarah Silverman Sitting in a Brown Wicker Basket. Sarah Silverman's Bare-Chested Upper Body is visible, her Lower Body is concealed by the Basket. Sarah Silverman Smiles. She Holds a Silver Sign Up Over her Head with Both Hands. The Sign says 'Wickedness' on it in Gold. See a Platinum Joker's Head on the Basket. To the Left of Sarah Silverman, See a Red '11', To the Right of Sarah Silverman, See a White '55'. Below the Basket, See a Blood-Red Banner that says 'Zechariah 5:8' on it in Gold.
Below The Center Scene, See a Silver Wraith Maiden in a White Robe, The Wraith Maiden Sits on a Hippopotamus. The Wraith Maiden Holds a Black Sign Up over Her Head with Both Hands. The Sign says 'Job 40:24' on it in White Letters. See a Red '22' on The Wraith Maiden's Robe, over Her Left Breast. Below The Hippo, See an Orange Banner that says 'Cecelia Ann Shepard' on it in Black.
To The Left of The Center Scene, See a Platinum Winged Female Angel Playing a Gold Harp. See a White Rabbit by The Angel's Foot. See a Neon Red 'XLIX' Above The Scene. Below The Scene, See a Blue Banner that says '20:20 Gnosis Line' on it in Gold.
On The Top Right Hand Corner of The Card, See a Satellite Dish
On The Top Left Hand Corner, See an Ewok
On The Lower Left Hand Corner, See a Flint Knife
On The Lower Right Hand Corner, See a Hollywood Sign
On The Top of The Card, Below The Margin, it says '20:20 Fourier Transform' in Red
On The Bottom of The Card, Above The Margin, it says, '38 Diane Neal/Casey Novak 38' in Red
On The Top Margin of The Card it says 'Xochiquetzal 49' in Orange
On The Bottom Margin of The Card it says '11 Sarah Silverman 55' in Blue
On The Right Margin of The Card it says 'Anne Frank 55' in Black
On The Left Margin of The Card it says 'Cecelia Ann Shepard 22' in Black
See a Bronze Tomahawk on Each of The Four Corners of The Card's Margin
<Tarantula Nebula 2070 Card, Green Eggs & Ham>

The Martian 6
Naomi Watts (Pink) Anne Hathaway (Teal) Selena Gomez (Orange) Amy Adams (Black)
See a Large Two-Sided Tarot Card in the Shape of an Octagon, the Card is as Big as a Stop Sign
On One Side, See 5 Clouds on a Silver and Baby-Blue Pin-Striped Background, There is a Blood Red Cloud in the Center, A Pink Cloud at North (Watts), a Teal Cloud at South (Hathaway), an Orange Cloud at West (Gomez) and a Black Cloud at East (Adams)
At the Center of the Blood Red Cloud is a Black and Green Digital Matrix Cube
To the North of the Matrix Cube is an Aztec Calendar
To the South of the Matrix Cube is a Yin-Yang Symbol
To the West of the Matrix Cube is a Beelzebufo
To the East of the Matrix Cube is a Naked Human Couple Copulating with the Woman Sitting Straight Up on Top
Written Across the Top of the Blood Red Cloud is 'WITCHCRAFT' in Glittering Yellow Cartoon Letters
The Pink Cloud at North (Watts), See the Woman Nude and Nailed to a Cross, her Body Covered with Blood, her Head Shaved, a Crown of Thorns Placed on her Head, See 1 Buzzard on the Left Arm of the Cross Tearing Out the Woman's Left Eye-Ball, See a Purple, Silver and White Cyclone Above the Cross, toward the Top of the Card, with 4 Lightning Bolts Running From Cross to Ground, See 4 Bald Naked Women, Each Painted Red, Dancing Around the Cross, See an Upside-Down Gold Pyramid at the Foot of the Cross, The Pyramid has a Black and White Eye Inside, See the Name 'Aeneas Mons' in Gold Letters Across the Base of the Pyramid, The Name is Upside-Down when you view the card with North on Top. At Each of the Four Inside Corners of the Cross, See a Black Swastika, Top Left is Oriented Clockwise, Bottom Left is Oriented Counter-Clockwise, Top Right is Oriented Counter-Clockwise, Bottom Right is Oriented Clockwise. See a Wood Sign Nailed to the Cross Above the Woman's Head, the Sign says 'JOVE'. Across the Top of the Cloud it says 'SACRIFICE' in Glittering White Cartoon Letters.
The Black Cloud East (Adams), See the Woman in a Tight Black Leather from Neck to Boots, her Right Boot is on the Center of a Naked Woman's Chest, she is Branding the Naked Woman on the Face with a Branding Iron, a Black Horned Beast Kneels Between the Naked Woman's Legs, Fucking her as she is Branded, See Four Red Flames with Silver Outlines in the Background, at the Tip of Each Flame is a Pentagram, One Pointing North, One South, One East, One West. In the Black Above the Flames, See the Faint Silver Outline of a Figure Wearing a Wide and Tall Headdress, the only visible Features are 3 Eyes, One Red and Black on the Forehead, Two White and Black Below. See a Faint Gray Mist Rising form the Figure, Obscured in the Mist is the Name 'Ulysses Tholus' over the Headdress. See a Light-Blue Ringed Orb on it's Side with Rings Vertical in the Upper Left-Hand Corner of the Cloud. At the bottom of the Cloud it says 'BDSM' in Metallic Glittering Cartoon Letters.
The Teal Cloud at South (Hathaway), See the Woman Naked, her Body Painted Black and Green, she Dances around a Large Flat Stone that has been Converted into an Altar with 4 Human Heads, Flowers, Incense, a Menorah, Open Holy Books, a Dagger, 2 Wands and 6 Quartz Stones with Symbols Drawn on them. See 4 Clear Forms with Silver Outlines Standing on the Altar Looking Down at its Contents. See a Long, Wide White Feather at the Southern Point of the Altar, on the Feather you See the Name 'Sacajawea Caldera' in Blue Letters. See the Black Horned Beast Dancing Ahead of the Woman, See 19 Silver Wraiths Flying in an Ellipse Above the Altar, 6 of the Wraiths Play Trumpets, 7 Play Lyres, 4 Play Tambourines, 1 Plays a Silver Triangle with a Top Angle Pointing North and a Blue Eye inside, 1 Holds a Metronome. The Majority of the Background is taken up By a Close-up of Ringed Saturn. See Four Stars of David, One at Northwest (Green), One at Northeast (Red), One at Southeast (Silver), One at Southwest (Bronze). At the Bottom of the Card it says, 'RITUALS' in Glittering Green Cartoon Letters.
The Orange Cloud at West (Gomez), See the Woman in a Blood-Splattered White Night Gown, her Hair is Disheveled and her Eye-balls are rolled up so you only see the Whites of her eyes, a Severed Penis Protrudes from her Mouth, Blood Drips from her Chin and is Smeared around her Mouth. She hovers above the ground attached to 5 Puppet Strings which are attached to the Fingertips and Thumb of a Faint Silver Hand at the Top of the Cloud, See a Bracelet of Skulls on the Wrist Attached to the Hand, See a Dog-Tag Hanging from the Bracelet with the Name and Number 'Mata Mons 22'. See a Severed Human Head in the Woman's Left Hand and a Bloody Knife in her Right Hand. See a Water Trough Below the Woman's Feet. On the Water Trough are Four Gold Scientology Crosses, One with Bottom Facing North, One South, One East and One West. In the Background to the Left of the Woman, See a Gray and White Tornado with Blue Numbers Scattered Throughout and a small Black and White Hour-Glass Hovering Over it. The Hour Glass is at 50/50. In the Background to the Right of the Woman, See a Figure in a Black Robe Sitting Atop Olympus Mons with an Open Book in Her Lap. See a Blue Orb with 2 White Wings, 2 Short Horns and a Devil's Tail, Hovering over the Robed and Hooded Figure. See a Silver 'N' on the Orb. At the Top of the Card it says, 'POSSESSION' in Glittering Red Cartoon Letters.
The Other Side of the Card is Divided into 3 Sections by 2 Horizontal Lines, the Background in the Center of the Card is Black, the Four Women are in a Row Running Horizontal across the Center, At Left See (Watts) Nude, her Body Painted Silver, she hangs upside down from a Silver Thread that Runs from her Backside to the Dividing Line above her, she has Angel Wings, her Right leg is Bent so that her Right Ankle rests above her Left Knee. She Points a Bow and Arrow at the Viewer, See a Gold Triangle, with a Silver Third Eye Inside, on her Forehead. She Wears a Pink Crown on Her Head, on the Crown it says 'North' in Gold Letters.
To the Right of (Watts), See (Adams) Nude, her Body Painted Red, Four Horns Rise Up from her head, See a Glowing Blue Ram's Head Hovering Above the Tips of her Horns, See a Silver Triangle on her Forehead with an Orange Third Eye inside, See Her Black Wings and Long Red Tail with a Spiked Ball at the End, she bares her Fangs at the Viewer, she holds up a Severed Human Head in each Hand out at her sides. She Wears a Black Crown on a Thick Silver Chain that Hangs from her neck, The Crown says 'East' in Silver Letters.
To the Right of (Adams), See (Hathaway) Naked, her Body painted Black with a Sephirot Painted on her Body, the Circles are Teal, the 22 Paths are Yellow, Kemet is on her Face, Malkuth is over her Pubic Area/Vagina. In her Left Hand she holds a White Stone with a Yin-and-Yang Symbol on it, in her Right Hand she holds a Red Apple. See a Red Triangle on her Forehead with a Blue Third Eye inside, She Wears a Teal Crown on her Head that says 'South'
To the Right of (Hathaway), See (Gomez) Dressed as a Nun, she holds a Holy Bible clasped to her chest, she scowls at the Viewer with Fiery Red Eyes, the Words 'Wicked Manifest', in Gray, are coming out of her Mouth between Two and Two Music Blue Notes. See a Green Triangle on her Forehead with a Red Third Eye inside, See a Glowing Orange Crown Hovering over Head, the Crown says 'West'.
In the Top Row Left, See the Depiction of Tezcatlipoca from the Codex Borgia, To the Right of Tezcatlipoca, See the Depiction of Quetzalcoatl from the Codex Borbonicus, To the Right of Quetzalcoatl, See the Depiction of Xochiquetzal from the Codex Rios, To the Right of Xochiquetzal, See the Depiction of Tlazolteotl from the Codex Borgia. The Background of the Top Row is Gray Stone Colored.
The Bottom Row is Red with a Horizontal Row of 19 White Statues of Winged Angels, 6 Hold Spears, 7 Hold Bows, 4 Hold Swords, 1 Points a Jumbo-Sized Remote Control at the Viewer, 1 Holds Up a Cell Phone

The Mercurial 6
Scarlett Johansson
Centered on The Card, See an Image of Scarlett Johansson. Scarlett Johansson Stands on a Red Neon Sign That says 'SATAN'. Scarlett Johansson is Nude Except for a Pair of Black and Red Cowboy Boots and a Gold Helmet on Her Head. The Helmet Has 4 Horns That Point Toward The Top of The Card. See a Blood-Red Number '66' Between Scarlett Johansson's Breasts. Scarlett Johansson Uses Both of Her Hands to Hold a Glowing Crystal Skull in Front of Her Abdomen. See a Green Cocoon on The Forehead of The Crystal Skull. See a Crow on Scarlett Johansson's Left Shoulder, See a Silver Leprechaun on Her Right Shoulder. Above The Tips of The 4 Horns, See a Platinum Ram's Head with Razor Wire Wrapped Around The Horns.
To Scarlett Johansson's Right, See Baboon Sitting on Top of a Brown Barrel. On The Side of The Barrel, See The Term 'Monkeys' in Red Letters. Above The Baboon's Head, See a Yellow CBS Eye.
To Scarlett Johansson's Left, See a Pearl White Medusa with Albino Snakes for Hair. The Medusa is Naked, She Has The Form of an Earth Woman. The Medusa Wears Black Sunglasses; She Grimaces, See a Pair of Fangs in Her Mouth. Medusa Holds a Simon Game with Her Right Hand. With Her Left Hand, She Holds a Platinum Sex Demon Head Raised Over Her Head Like a Torch.
See a Nile Crocodile Under The 'SATAN' Sign.
The Background on The Card is Teal.
On The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Black Swan
On The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Black Number '41'
At The Top of The Card it says
'4-H Satanism'
At The Bottom of The Card it says
'The Scarlett Stone'
(Drawer Picks Colors of Bottom&Top Label Lettering)

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