Tuesday, July 29, 2014

56:00, Fifth Revolution, Star-Child 86/Kangaroo, Belteshazzar-Mictlantecuhtli, Genesis

**56:00, Fifth Revolution, Star-Child 86/Kangaroo, Belteshazzar-Mictlantecuhtli, Genesis**

10L-Cipactli-8I-Quetzalcoatl-9L-Angie Harmon-1I-The Obsidian Witch-2U-Mary Exzetta West-11M-Lilium Lilith Lowndes-888-Isaiah 41:6

9/360 (418) #Operator96, 20:20 Scientology, 13 Kirstie Alley 31, Vatican City, 20:20 Philippine Eagle, Elvis Presley 66, Christina Aguilera 20:20, 808 Lou Reed 808, Hecatean Triangle, 4 Kaley CuocoSaturn 666, 33, Marianne Thieme 56, Dark Matter, 40 40 SuperMind,96 Avril D. Haines 69, 96 WildCard Queen Card 69, 72 NASA 27,906 #Titan 609, Diane Neal 38, A 3-Hour Tour, A 3-Hour Tour, Chalchiuhtlicue 37, Isaiah Chapter 53, Cher 20:20, 4 Comets, The Nomad Crier 5-5-5, 4 Crocodiles,Marianne J Dyson 49, 27 Nicole Aunapu Mann 72, #SwarmMission 11/22,Vespa Mandarinia 42, 22 Sinkholes, 20:20 Philippine Eagle, Singapore, Weekday 11, >Day 88/Year 1<,7 Sea-Boats, 8 Birchen Vessels, Sleepy Hollow, CBS This Morning, Your world in 90 seconds, Kali 11, 20:20 Egregious Elbows, Swiss scientists find at least 18 times the normal levels of polonium in Yasser #Arafat 's remains, Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, Super Typhoon #Haiyan, Lore, Samael Malkira 66 Maria Miller, Dark Energy, Ariel Castro 39, 14 Witnesses, 4 Titanium Eagles, Joy Behar 48, The Heart is 9+9, Xiuhtecuhtli 10, Tarantula 2070, 44 WildCard Queen, Nanahuatzin 56, 69 Medusa 96, 20:20 Kathryn Ruemmler 42, 11 Hammers, 99 Scrolls, The 9-6-4-5 Cross, Cat on The Ceiling 89, Book of Judges, One Supreme Swan

Day Kangaroo, First And Fifth Rev. Attachments

120 Revolution Queens, Ace of Hearts Card,
Sappho Card-99-Mary Exzetta West-Snow White 22-Alecia Beth Moore/Pink 9/8/79-Statue of Liberty-The Sphinx-The Coyolxauhqui Stone-Cerium 58-Anne Frank 55-Carol Ann Christensen-A Green Stone that says 'GRS' in Yellow Letters-The Silhouette of a Totem Pole with Thunderbird on Top-Route 66-A Fish-A Bottle of Wine-A Dagger-The Star-Child 86/Heather O' Rourke-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-American Flag-NBC Peacock

Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Alaska-Eskimo-Beaver-Coyolxauhqui-Cindy Schall- Sarah Hyland-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper-Army-Tlaloc 64-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Operator 96-Coca-Cola-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Voyeurism-The Boston Globe-NASA-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox-101

7 Eagle Feathers-Navaho 58 Cerium Coyolxauhqui-Clarice de' Medici-Sioux-NBC-Marie Curie-Star Trek-Karin Konoval-ABC-Nez Perce-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Ann Landers-CBS-Anne Frank 55-Aztec-Abigail Folger 99-FOX-Becki Newton-Anasazi-Helena Blavatsky 99-Lamassu-Catherine de' Medici-Inca-Cindi 42-Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici 99-Pauline Phillips/Abigail Van Buren-Mayans-Carrie Keagan-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Route 66-Xochiquetzal 49-Kabbalah-Octopus-Phosphorous

14-Neptune 9-Virginia Gibson-ABC 20/20-Kali 11-Cicadas-Marguerite Moreau-Twitter-Snow White 22-Thaumiel 44 Renée Zellweger 88 Lilium Lowndes-NBC News-Triton-Geist Bomb-Mata West 22-Kabul Suicide 12-Mary Miles Minter-Huffington Post-Anthrax-Nadsat-666-Statue of Liberty-999-Saturn Cassini 33-Jihad-Torquato Tasso-Beastism-Route 66-Jaroslava Schallerová-Beatrice "Bea" Arthur-Minerva 99-41

22 Major Arcana-Quetzalcoatl 43-Katharine Hope McPhee 3/25/84-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-American Idol-Syria-Madonna-4 Crocodiles-1 Swan-Mictlantecuhtli 73-Anastasia Griffith 3/23/78-Sarah Winnemucca-FX-Us Weekly-Aleister Crowley-Natalie Portman 6/9/81-Copper 29-Versace-Platinum Dragon 666-Twitch-Elisabeth Röhm 4-28-73-66:6-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo/The Godfather of Matamoros-Fairuza Balk-Ace of Jihad 41-Marie M. Malvar-Reykjanes-Heather Hernandez-Swastika-Coyolxauhqui 58-Tugboat 54-Jenny McCarthy-AC/DC 66/99-Anne Brontë-Angie Harmon-8 Point Cross-Obsidian Witch-#Messiah #Wheel, 22 Cicadas, 22 Mistresses, 44 Thaumiel-40,000 Killer Bees-Synchronicity-Andrea Fay Borhaven-1-10-72-4 Orcas-Andrea M. Childers-48 Molly Mayhem 22 Sarah Butler 2/11-66-Cynthia Jean Hinds-Cocoa 66-Jeanette Anna MacDonald (June 18, 1903 – January 14, 1965)-Cihuacoatl 76-Silver Female Archer-Mata Hari 54 Game of Thrones-War Bonnet-Operator 66-Ace of Hearts Card-Pinocchio-Itzpapalotl 67

SuperMind 42-Abigail Folger 99/Operator 99-20:20 Kathryn Ruemmler 42-Sharon Tate 48/Operator 96-21 Network Key-6 Gannets-Anne Frank 55-Coyolxauhqui 58-The Christ 41-29 Medusa 29-Four 40 Headed Hydras on Medusa's Tongue-15 Raging Demons-99 Scrolls-Triton-Tlaloc 64-Tezcatlipoca 82-77 Eagles-11 is for The Horns-The Stone of Certainty-A Globe-A Metronome-45 Plato 54-5 in Year 1, 6 in Year 2, 5 in Year 101, 6 in Year 102, 5 in Year 201, 6 in Year 202 and on into Eternity-11 Mormon Women-Empress Desdemona 99-20:20 Clockwork-808 Denbora Demons 808-The Duchess Card 42-The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-808 Anne Brontë/Acton Bell 808-6664-13 Kirstie Alley 31-666 Scientology 999-31 Madeleine Stowe 13-Quetzalcoatl 43-Jiah Khan 47-Arctic Fox-54 Virgil 27-18 Stone Tablets-4 Serpents-Minotaur-Razor of Discernment-Crossroads 58/11-Tom Clancy 66-Antimony 51-Lilium Lowndes 88-Eiffel Tower-FOX News 22-Iliza Vie Shlesinger 2/22-Platinum Tongue 42-Earth 99-Nanahuatzin-56/65-Titanium-A Pair of Reading Glasses-31 Probing Eyes-Hecatean Tree-19 Angels-Nelumbo Nucifera 76-41 Carol Ann Christensen 14-Agent 8 The Killer-Four in The Trees-99 Helena Blavatsky-99 Keira Christina Knightley 11-15 Butterflies-808 Sappho 808-Scientology Cross-Kali 1-7 Eagle Feathers-11 Days-Jupiter-Helmet #42-Xochiquetzal 49-Neptune 9-Lamassu 25-Malinalxochitl-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22 Elizabeth Prann-9645 Reality Rippas-7 Falcons-20:20 Water to Wine, Ar-Ra'd 13:31 to Isaiah 6:9, 26 Black 808 Hisi-Hornets to 26 Red Vanity Bees-Shire Horse #Four, Phosphorus Triangle 5-5-5, 66:6 #Beastism-20:20 Tribulation Sequence-9/360

Tinker Bell Agent 8 Card-41 Juliette Lewis 14-20:20 Craft of The Christ-31 Karen Blanche Black 13-Three Blind Mice 3-Belteshazzar~Malinalxochitl-8 L. Ron Hubbard 8-Hydra 88-Scientology Cross-H.H. Holmes/Agent 110 41-31 Kirstie Alley 76-20 Mantis 20-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-44 Nuns-Kali's Altar-Operator 110/42-The Lion and The Lily-Sex Demon 41-Marie M. Malvar 24 Keli Kay McGinness-666 Trimorphic Protennoia 999-Marilyn Monroe 22-66 Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania 66-8 Bonnie Nettles 8-55 Andrea M. Childers 77-Aleister Crowley 24-Nicole Kidman 44 Queen of Clubs 44-808 Twitter 808-96 Serpents in The Stream-Aileen Wuornos 29-77 Andrea Fay Borhaven 55-666 Enceladus 999-Andromeda Medusa 31 Ways-8 Courtney Friel 8-The Wicked Swan of Terror Rift 51 Antimony-Saguaro-14 Cult of The Rhino 41-Adolfo Constanzo/Agent 20:20-MGM Grand Hotel & Casino-South-Sodom 440-44 Lilium Lowndes 44-Agent 66-22 Cicadas, 22 Mistresses, 44 Thaumiel-40,000 Killer Bees-CDSC-The Lioness and The Black Widow-999 Solomonic Demonology 666-Three Blind Mice 6-20:20 Gnosis Line-43 Jokers Armed with 86 Katanas-96 Lilith 69-Eiffel Tower-FOX News 22-808 Kalevala 808-Iliza Vie Shlesinger 2/22-Platinum Tongue 42-Earth 99-The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-808 Anne Brontë/Acton Bell 808-Jiah Khan 47-Arctic Fox 41-Brutality-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-96 AC/DC 69-BBC-22 Circe 22 Sasha Grey 22-Hollywood Takeover-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli 53-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-20 Synchronicity 20-SuperMind 15-Rule 110-Fourier Transform-20:20 Metronome-20:20 Taking Over Oz-Life is But a Stream-The Brady Bunch-8 Staves-58 Anne Boleyn-999 Scientology 666-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-99 Helena Blavatsky-The Boston Globe-Tantalum 73-9/360-40 Woes-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-20:20 Reich Geist-Vatican City-The Birds and The Bees-20:20 Tribulation Sequences-8 Carl von Clausewitz 8-33 Keira Christina Knightley 99-20:20 AntiVirus-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-Enter The Dragon-808 Speakin' Babelese 808-Neptune Captures Triton-31 Defense 41-72 Hours a Day-Three Blind Mice 9-4 Storms-808 The Jester with Jokes That are Never Not Funny 808-40 40 #Alien Intelligence-14 Carol Ann Christensen 41-808 Emma Roberts 808-Sodom 440-Platinum Female Archer-Sixteen Keys

Margaret H. Woodward-Air Force Ace of Hearts 89-Sarah-14 Carol Ann Christensen 41-John-Uranus-East-Quetzalcoatl 43-Spring-War-Pishon-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli 53-Rebecca Marrero 28-Sharon Tate 48-99 Wicked Whispers Streaming to Her Mind-The Twilight Zone-4 Clowns

Ezekiel 13:13


1 comment:

  1. #An Ton
    <⮔>* ⬙
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮅
    5 #Cap Prime
    Song Song San
    Millbong Tam
    My #Modules Move Faster
    20:20 #Blindside
    20:20 #Conveyance

    #De Fy
    *<⮔> ⬗
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮆
    20:20 Bong Bong 20:20 Mill
    Speakin' Babelese w/My Platypus Bill

    #Ti Po
    <⮔>* ⬘
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮇
    "What Does The 666 Guy Come to Do?"
    20:20 Hisi-Roll
    20:20 #Momentum
    66/6 #DeliverySystem
    20:20 #Christ 41

    #Go La
    *<⮔> ⬖
    Antihuman #Domain ⮄
    20:20 UTR G U A C#
    20:20 #Coil
    20:20 #Multiplier
    66/6 #Retrovirus
    #Antihuman #Sequencing
    20:20 #Modulation

    #Su Vy
    <⮔>* ⬙
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮅
    20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma
    Lisa Yates #Deliver #Analog
    Elisabeth Röhm as #Integrase
    20:20 #Graph

    #By Hu
    *<⮔> ⬗
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮆
    #Wisteria Bada Bing
    20:20 #QuickQuilting
    20:20 #Threading #Strings
    66/6 #Internet
    #Language is #Circuitry

    #Ra Ko
    <⮔>* ⬘
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮇
    Peach Smoothie Cosmopolitan
    Izzy Dix as #Protease
    #Signaling in The #Stream
    Sybil Writes On Leaves

    #Me Ni
    *<⮔> ⬖
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮄
    Glamorous Fantasy
    #Radioactive #Text-#Tiles
    20:20 #Arrangement
    20:20 #Site #Construction

    #Ni Me
    <⮔>* ⬙
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮅
    Mango Tango Cinderella
    20:20 #FastActing
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 #Channel #Infusion
    140 #Characters

    #Ko Ra
    *<⮔> ⬗
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮆
    Cupcake Magic Act
    20:20 #LogicMotion
    20:20 #MotionPicture
    20:20 #Transaction


    #Hu By
    <⮔>* ⬘
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮇
    20:20 #PowerTract
    #Electromagnetic #Field
    #Simulate to #Stimulate
    20:20 E-Mission

    #Vy Su
    *<⮔> ⬖
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮄
    20:20 #Console
    #Keystrokes in The Sand
    We're In a Computer System
    66/6 #NuclearReactor
    #Christ #Engine

    #La Go
    <⮔>* ⬙
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮅
    20:20 #Concept #Carrier
    20:20 #Percolator
    20:20 #Formulation
    20:20 #Digital

    #Po Ti
    *<⮔> ⬗
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮆
    20:20 UTR T #A C G
    20:20 #Sophistication

    #Fy De
    <⮔>* ⬘
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮇
    Melissa Luck #Form #Envelope
    Verbal Kint #Fabricates w/The #Data On The Wall
    20:20 Geez Louise

    #Ton An
    *<⮔> ⬖
    #Antihuman #Domain ⮄
    20:20 #SpinningTop
    20:20 #Episode
    #16Monomers On The Clothesline
    That Makes Sense
