Wednesday, July 30, 2014

01:08, First Revolution, Tezcatlipoca 82/Arctic-Fox, Abednego-Coyolxauhqui, Genesis

**01:08, First Revolution, Tezcatlipoca 82/Arctic-Fox, Abednego-Coyolxauhqui, Genesis**

Pop-Muluc-Pandora-Wendy Lee-Stowe-Coffield-Xiuhtecuhtli-Moonstone-Perversion

Oxomoco and Cipactonal 58/85

Rochelle Anderson Murder 3/22/2008 Tomahawk, WI-Wendy Lee Coffield-Lullaby 110/42-Hisi-Angelic Lore-31 Jane Fonda 13-The Thunder and The Lightning-Annmarie Eldering 16-Marilyn Monroe 22-#Neptune 9-Mary J. Blige 57-At Taubah-Xiuhtecuhtli-5 Aces&5 808 Keys-Kali 11-Kyle Richards 18-Evangelist Ann'Gel Johnson 26-Crocodile 13-50 50 Water Wheel-Tonatiuh-35 Komodo Dragon 53-4 William J. Donovan 4-Parella Lewis 45-Rachel Maddow 14-Gallium 31 Card-Megyn Kelly 86 The Kelly File-International Space Station-Melissa McBride-The Snow and The Sunshine-Orca Lolita 1010-Anne Frank-Nanahuatzin 56-The Yin and The Yang-Whitney Port 51-22 Marissa Mayer 22-Jen York 36-Kaci Aitchison 76-49 Rabbits Running South on Saturn-Lydia Cruz 86-Morena Baccarin 15-6 Brooke Shields 7-Carlo Lizzani 91-Candy Crowley 65-7 Charlize Theron 6-The Joy and The Pain-Sagittarius A*-The Violent Four-Route 66-Hatshepsut 20-19 Pitchforks-11 Roses-Joy Behar 48-Willo O'Brien 52-Anne Frank 55-Rule 110-4000 Years of War-11 Selena Gomez 99-Athena 27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 National Security Advisor 15 The Bejeweled Beast-20:20 Synchronicity-Lana Del Rey 83-707 101 7 14 7 44 808 72Hrs a Day-67 Ways-Sandy Rios 68-14 Ellen G. White 41-808 Anne Brontë/Acton Bell 808-6664-90% of USA Republicans converted to swine-14 Witnesses-Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris-13 Kirstie Alley 31-Playing The Doubles-666 Scientology 999-Sharon Tate 48-NGC 5128-Ar Rahmân-Takahe

(2224) Structures in Time, Byte by Byte, Bit by Bit, 9-6 Spinneret,66/6

Day Arctic Fox, First and Fifth Revolution Attachments

120 Revolution Queens-Ace of Diamonds Card
Matriarch Card-69-Wendy Lee Coffield-Lullaby 110/42-Lana Parrilla 6/15/77-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper 77-R2-D2-Peter Pan and Wendy-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-Piltzintecuhtli 21-MGM Grand Las Vegas-Once Upon a Time-ABC-Uranus-Treasure Chest-Jolly Roger-Guillotine-Angelina Jolie's Severed Head-Folger's Coffee-99
Top Right Corner-A Computer Monitor that says 'Cindi 42' on the Screen with a Mermaid
Top Left Corner-A Trident
Bottom Left Corner-A Glowing Orange Matrix Cube
Bottom Right Corner-A Gold Ram's Head

Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-Komodo Dragon-Texas-Hyperion-Colosseum-Iran-Herman Webster Mudgett/H. H. Holmes-Natalie Grant 12/21-Elizabeth Stride-Paget Brewster-Iron-Gambling-Geronimo-USA Network-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons-Venus-Iodine

4 Purple Onions-Huitzilopochtli 91-Checker Taxi-Ambrose Philips-Amelia Earhart-Ted Kaczynski-Jeanette Anna MacDonald (June 18, 1903 – January 14, 1965)-Lina Haag-Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini-Xipe Totec 14-Ocēlōtl-Alana de la Garza-Cihuacoatl 76-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar-Nanahuatzin-56/65-Papa Sun-Thunderbird-California-Carmine Crocco-Octopus-Capricorn-Willa Joanna Chance Holland-Eleanor of Woodstock-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo/The Godfather of Matamoros-Carol Kane-Emiliano Zapata-Itzpapalotl 67-Susan B. Anthony-Henry Clay Folger-Minerva 99-Chalchiuhtlicue 37-4 Crayons

4 Stones-Marnie Lee Ann Frey-8-30-73-1 Lamb-1 Lion-11 Roses-a Flaming Sword-A Gannet-A Orca-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo-Agent 20:20-NBC Peacock-Spokane, WA-Star-Child 86 Riding a Rhino-4 Crocodiles-Matangi-Pentagram-Kelly Marie Ware-Katherine Heigl-Heather Hernandez-Swastika-Left Hand Pan 41-Iliza Vie Shlesinger 2/22 -4 Crayons (Red, Blue, Green, Purple)-3 Nuns-Emma Roberts-Sodom 440-Black Female Archer-Carmine Crocco 47 Jiah Khan Amy Schumer-Octopus-Capricorn-Willa Joanna Chance Holland-Eleanor of Woodstock-Sharon Tate 48

Ruthenium Dragon Queen Card 44-Debra Lynn Bonner/Operator 66-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Agent 66-45 Meryl Streep 54-14 Cult of The Rhino 41-44 Nicole Kidman 44-Huitzilopochtli 91-Sharon Tate/Operator 96-8 Medusa 8-Silver Swan-Witchcraft-Jupiter 82-22 Walking Scalpels-22 Electric Mermaids-45 Iron Lady 54-18 Muhammad 54-The Moon-45 Kelly Ripa 54-Gilligan's Island-Japan-Kate Upton-Agent 20:20-Plane Crash-Khloe Kardashian-Flood-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-Star of David-Chalchiuhtlicue 37-Pueblo Bonito-Pandora's Box-20:20 Double-Triple 5 Blessed-42 Cindy Anne Smith 24-4 Staves-58 Anne Boleyn-Cindy Schall 77-Asmodeus-Malinalxochitl-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Bonnie Nettles 24 L. Ron Hubbard 24 Courtney Friel-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-A Crossbow-27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 Artemis 48 Sharon Tate-Keli Kay McGinness 42 Marie M. Malvar-Green River Stones-Abigail Folger 99-40 Woes-Melchizedek-Spokane-Carol Ann Christensen-Adolfo Constanzo-MGM Grand Hotel & Casino-South-Sodom 440-44 Lilium Lowndes 44-Mata San 22-15 Dungeons-Sally Twain The Wild Card Queen 44 Magna Mater-Sword-Hollywood Takeover-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli 53-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-Protactinium-Mind Control/Agent 8-'To Serve Man'-Jeremiah-Eden-Cocaine-Octopus-Serpent-Toussaint Louverture-Aileen Wuornos 29-Marie M. Malvar 24 Keli Kay McGinness-96 Avril D. Haines 69-11 Days-40 40 Moon Lore-Saturn Captures Phoebe

Titanium Dragon Card 22-Mata San 22 Venus of Hohle Fels-11 Vikings-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22 Sasha Grey-The Brady Bunch-Malinalxochitl 13-Mary Exzetta West 22 Elizabeth Prann-The Heart is 9+9-Mind to Mind, Cell to Cell-Neptune 9-5 in Year 201-22 Monster Factories-Anne Frank 55-Snow White and The Pygmy People-USA Government Shutdown-Titanium Swan-22 Queen of Eden 22-2 Satellites-Coatlicue 46-Jessica Chastain 23-11 Saboteurs-36 hours in Antwerp, Belgium-16 Cannons-Iliza Vie Shlesinger 2/22-41 Carol Ann Christensen 14-Agent 8 The Killer-99 Wicked Whispers-Four in The Trees-The Great Crocodile 22-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Monika Washington Stoker-Navy Ace of Clubs 33-Rebekah-The Lion 41 and The Lily 42-Nicole Kidman, Queen of Clubs 44-Aileen Wuornos 29-Circe 22-72 Horns-Jessica Lowndes 88-13 Claire Danes 49-55 Andrea M. Childers 77-Nelumbo Nucifera 76-Lily-Prophetess-20:20 Echo Chamber-The Silhouette of a Totem Pole with Thunderbird on Top-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-44 Nuns-Operator 110/42-Sex Demon 41-77 Andrea Fay Borhaven 55-44 WildCard Queen, 69 Medusa 96, 20:20 Kathryn Ruemmler 42, 11 Hammers, 99 Scrolls-220 Modos 220-Crocodile 31-Platinum Tongue 42-11 China Men-Elmer Fukushima-Phosphorus Triangle-Sinead O'Connor 22- 22 Cicadas, 22 Mistresses, 44 Thaumiel-40,000 Killer Bees-22 Takeover-Synchronicity-Gadus Morhua-Keli Kay McGinness 42 Marie M. Malvar-Green River Stones-Abigail Folger 99-11 Tarantulas-90% of USA Republicans converted to swine-Isaiah 43:19-11 Kali 11-Black Cord on Left Wrist-9645 Reality Rippas-6 in Year 202-11 Mormon Women-22 Walking Scalpels-54 Monkeys-7 Turtle Doves-The Stone of Certainty-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-4 Storms-Jacqueline McDonell 22 Mary Bridget Meehan-11 Demi Moore 77-Mal'ta Venus-11 Angie Harmon 77-40 40 Jinn Call-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-Spokane, WA-4 Mermaids-Alicia Silverstone 22 Marilyn Monroe-The homeless man who returned $42,000-H.H. Holmes Agent 110/42 Kim Kardashian 22 Mata Mons-'To Serve Man'-66:6 #Beastism-Denbora Demons-20:20 Tribulation Sequence-9/360

Oxomoco/Cipactonal 58/85

Ezekiel 13:13, 13:31 Thunder




  1. An #Ton
    #TwinPeaks ⮄
    #HateCrime ⮹
    20:20 #Tale
    20:20 #Rabies 89
    I Am The Greater Evil
    #16Articles On The #Clothesline
    9-6 #Magazine

    De #Fy
    #TwinPeaks ⮇
    #HateCrime ⮸
    20:20 15 Puzzle
    #Antihuman #Compound
    6-9 #Algorithm
    20:20 #Rabies #Virion
    Ace of Clubs

    Ti #Po
    #TwinPeaks ⮆
    #HateCrime ⮸
    UTR G U #A C
    #Rabies 89 #Promoter
    #Downstream #Enhancer
    20:20 #CellInvasion

    Go #La
    #TwinPeaks ⮅
    #HateCrime ⮸
    #Clothes On #Current
    #Language #Arts
    #Rabies #Virion
    #Cognitive #Solution

    Su #Vy
    #TwinPeaks ⮄
    #HateCrime ⮸
    #Polymorphic #Rabies
    Isaiah 6:9
    you're late for tardy
    &betrayed by your conceptual framework


    By #Hu
    #TwinPeaks ⮇
    #HateCrime ⮸
    20:20 #Rabies 89
    20:20 #Polymerization

    Ra #Ko
    #TwinPeaks ⮆
    #HateCrime ⮸
    20:20 Mango Tango 9-6 Burlesque
    20:20 #Rabies 89
    An to Ton #SheetMusic

    Me #Ni
    #TwinPeaks ⮅
    #HateCrime ⮸
    20:20 Drama #Queen Barcelona Beach
    #Rabies 89
    #Threading #Strings

    Ni #Me
    #TwinPeaks ⮄
    #HateCrime ⮸
    20:20 #Dragonfly 20:20 Magic Act
    20:20 #Rabies 89
    6-9 #FlyingHatchet
    #Twitter #Vector

    Ko #Ra
    #TwinPeaks ⮇
    #HateCrime ⮸
    20:20 Bada Bing #Sensuous
    #Christ #Engine
    #Rabies 89

    Hu #By
    #TwinPeaks ⮆
    #HateCrime ⮸
    20:20 Grandstand 20:20 Jester
    20:20 #ChannelInfusion
    #Rabies 89
    #ParaGraphing #In

    <16364 63636>
    20:20 #Rabies 89 #An
    20:20 #Plum in The Study w/a Gun
    20:20 #Tetris
    20:20 #MatchBox
    20:20 #Assembly
    <42636 36314>

    <16364 63636>
    20:20 #Rabies 89 #De
    20:20 #Rhabdo #Upgrade
    20:20 Shirley Gets Turned On
    20:20 #Laverne #Emerges
    <42636 36314>

    <16364 63636>
    20:20 #Rabies 89 #Ti
    20:20 #Rhabdo #Reservoir
    20:20 Shimma Shimma
    20:20 Poison Ivy
    20:20 Burlesque
    <42636 36314>

    <16364 63636>
    20:20 #Rabies 89 #Go
    20:20 #Subgenomic #mRNA #Wiz
    20:20 Postal #Carrier
    20:20 #Rhabdo #Bullet
    <42636 36314>

    <16364 63636>
    20:20 #Rabies 89 #Su
    20:20 #An De Ti Go
    20:20 UTR Pod
    20:20 G U A C#
    20:20 #SpareTire
    20:20 #Updater
    <42636 36314>

    Vy #Su
    #TwinPeaks ⮅
    #HateCrime ⮸
    20:20 #AUG 9-6 Shimma Shimma
    20:20 #Rabies 89
    CDS #Delivery

    La #Go
    #TwinPeaks ⮄
    #HateCrime ⮸
    20:20 UTR G U A C#
    #Transponder #Thread
    #Rabies 89
    #Twitter #TransportChain
    #Molecular #Warfare⯐

    Po #Ti
    #TwinPeaks ⮇
    #HateCrime ⮸
    20:20 #Rabies 89
    #RNA-#Guided #DNA #BindingDomain
    20:20 #Hormone
    #Steroid #Infusion

    Fy #De
    #TwinPeaks ⮆
    #HateCrime ⮸
    20:20 #IRES
    #RNA #Polymerase
    20:20 #SentenceStructure
    20:20 #TELE-#PORT

    Ton #An
    #TwinPeaks ⮅
    #HateCrime ⮸
    20:20 5 #Cap Prime
    20:20 #Rabies 89
    Here's Mr. Hyde
    9-6 #mRNA #Template
    66/6 #Transcription #Software

  2. An #Ton
    ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭢
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    5 #Cap Prime
    20:20 #Ichneumon #Traction
    20:20 #Penetration
    66/6 #Virus #Artist
    #Christ 41

    #De Fy
    ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭨
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    20:20 #IRES
    20:20 #Reel-to-Reel
    20:20 #MixTape
    20:20 #Magnetism

    Ti #Po
    ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭣
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    20:20 Node to #Node
    20:20 #Bridge
    20:20 #Circuit
    #Language is #Technology

    #Go La
    ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭩
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    UTR U A C G#
    20:20 #SpinningTop
    20:20 #ConfigureQuick

    Su #Vy
    ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭠
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    20:20 #AUG Shimma Shimma
    Mary Meehan #DeliverAnalog
    Jen York as #Integrase
    #Satan 41

    #By Hu
    ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭦
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    Glamorous High Wire
    66/6 #Program #Tree
    I've Got Apps for Days
    20:20 #ChristEngine

    Ra #Ko
    ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭡
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    #Bitten Cinderella
    20:20 #ProteinSynthesis Like #Script to #Movie
    20:20 Symbolic Reps

    #Me Ni
    ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭧
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    Caitlin Rose Cocoa Bear
    20:20 #Neuro-#Logical #System
    20:20 #Fuse
    20:20 #MultiPurpose

    Ni #Me
    ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭢
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    Starry Eyed Pop Culture
    #Metabolic #Faculty
    #Digest-ive #Tract
    20:20 #Metaprogramming

    #Ko Ra
    ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭨
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    Chickadee Secret Garden
    Debra Estes as #Protease
    20:20 War is #War
    20:20 Virus Writer


    #Hu By
    ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭣
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    20:20 #FeedbackLoops
    20:20 #FORMULATION : )

    Vy #Su
    ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭩
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    20:20 #LogicMotion
    9-6 #MotionPicture
    6-9 #Transaction

    #La Go
    ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭠
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal #Form #Envelope
    Keyser Soze Puts On #ProcedureMask
    The Procedure Mask is Verbal Kint

    Po #Ti
    ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭦
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    UTR G T #A C
    20:20 #Transcription #Factor
    6-9 #Active #Site
    20:20 #Operating #Theater

    #Fy De
    ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭡
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    20:20 #Particle
    20:20 #Wave
    20:20 #Oscillation
    #ModulationScheme ( :
    This is 66/6

    Ton #An
    ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭧
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    Rachel Dolezal
    20:20 #Tale
    #16Monomers On The #Clothesline
    Super HIV is #Para-#Graphing #In

  3. *<1>
    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon
    20:20 5 #Cap Prime
    20:20 #Retrovirus #Generator
    20:20 #DeviceDriver
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 #Percolator
    20:20 #ConceptCarrier
    20:20 #Formulation
    20:20 Con-#Template-ion
    20:20 #Formatted #Units of #Fuel
    20:20 #Clockwork
    20:20 #Paradigm

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon
    20:20 #IRES 20:20 #ReverseTranscriptase
    20:20 Jen York as Reverse Transcriptase
    20:20 #Formulation 20:20 Con-#Template-ion
    20:20 #Cog-nitive #Solution
    20:20 #SuperHIV #Intelligence #Channel
    20:20 #Agency 20:20 #Apparatus
    20:20 #Expression

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon
    20:20 UTR 20:20 G U A C#
    20:20 #Radioactive #Text-#Tiles
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 #Transcription #Factor
    20:20 $10,000,000 to Rachel Dolezal
    20:20 Make It Happen
    20:20 #Formulation
    20:20 #Resonance
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 #Polymorphic

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon
    20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma
    20:20 Michelle Forbes #Deliver #Analog
    Melanie Stambaugh as #Integrase
    20:20 #Formulation 20:20 #WickedWeaver
    20:20 #Carbon #Fiber 20:20 #Fabrication
    $10,000,000 to Rachel Dolezal
    20:20 #SuperHIV #Grow

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon
    20:20 Mesmerized 20:20 Vanilla Bean
    20:20 #Formulation
    20:20 #ThreadingStrings
    20:20 #Fabrication
    $10,000,000 to Rachel Dolezal
    Mary Meehan as #Protease
    20:20 #SuperHIV 20:20 #FastCycle
    #M104 #Accelerator

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon
    20:20 Grandstand 20:20 Bada Bing
    20:20 #Polymerization
    20:20 #StringingBeads
    20:20 #Character 20:20 #Word
    20:20 #Sentence #Structure
    #SuperHIV is #Para-#Graphing #In
    #Language is #Technology
    This is 66/6
    20:20 #Tele-#Port
    20:20 #Transportation

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon
    20:20 Magic Act 20:20 Wisteria
    20:20 #SpinningTop 20:20 #Episode
    $10,000,000 to Rachel Dolezal
    20:20 #HornyOde
    20:20 Avril Haines #Form #Envelope
    #Language is #Technology
    66/6 #RNA #Channel
    #ProteinSynthesis Like #Script to #Movie
    20:20 #CYCLE

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon
    20:20 #Embryo, Rachel Laid an Egg
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    #Language is #Technology
    20:20 #KillerGenome
    #Dimensions On The #Interface
    41 Ways
    20:20 #Node to Node
    20:20 #Bridge
    20:20 #ActionPotential
    $10,000,000 to Rachel Dolezal

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon
    20:20 UTR 20:20 G U #A C
    20:20 #Metabolic #Faculty
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 #Neuro-#Logical #System
    20:20 #Cognition
    The #Wave is #Alive
    #Quantum #Intelligence
    20:20 #Retrovirus #Generator
    20:20 #Messenger #RNA #Template
    20:20 #Transmutation

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon
    20:20 Freaky #Tail
    20:20 #ModularSystem
    20:20 #Synthesizer
    20:20 #Radioactive #Text-#Tiles
    20:20 #SuperHIV is #Para-#Graphing #In
    20:20 #Realization
    20:20 #TransportChain
    20:20 #Propagation
    #Retrovirus #Generator
    20:20 #Satan #Christ

  4. <1>*
    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon ⊛
    20:20 5 #Cap Prime
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 #Budding Off 'Dead Air'
    20:20 Symbolic Reps
    20:20 #Paradigm
    20:20 Make Sense
    20:20 #LogicMotion
    20:20 #MotorSkills
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 #AlphabetSoup
    20:20 #Clockwork
    The #Wave is #Alive

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon ⮅
    20:20 #IRES 20:20 #ReverseTranscriptase
    20:20 Jen York as Reverse Transcriptase
    20:20 #Character #Reference
    20:20 #Call #Function
    20:20 #QueenBee #Telecommunications
    20:20 Node to #Node
    20:20 #Bridge
    20:20 #ActionPotential

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon ⮆
    20:20 UTR 20:20 G U A C#
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 #Retrovirus #Generator
    20:20 #Antihuman Go #Provirus
    20:20 #UpstreamEnhancer
    20:20 Debra Bonner Is #Signaling in The #Stream
    20:20 #Transcription #Factor
    #Language is #Technology

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon ⮇
    20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma
    20:20 #Clockwork
    The #Wave is #Alive
    #Cognitive #Solution
    20:20 Diane Neal #Deliver #Analog
    20:20 Isobel Yeung as #Integrase
    20:20 #ProteinSynthesis Like #Script to #Movie
    20:20 #Christ #Engine

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon ⮄
    20:20 Cupcake 20:20 Wisteria
    20:20 #Radioactive #Text-#Tiles
    20:20 Melanie Stambaugh as #Protease
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 #Retrovirus #Artist
    20:20 #INNOVATE
    20:20 #Antihuman #Compound
    20:20 #KillerSoftware
    20:20 #Node to Node

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon ⮅
    20:20 Petal Pusher 20:20 Unexpected
    20:20 #SpinningTop
    20:20 #Episode
    20:20 #Percolator
    20:20 #Channel
    20:20 #ConceptCarrier
    20:20 #Formulation
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 #SuperHIV is #Para-#Graphing #In
    20:20 #LogicMotion

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon ⮆
    20:20 In The Spotlight 20:20 Fortune Teller
    20:20 #Notation 20:20 #Embryo
    20:20 Avril Haines #Form #Envelope
    20:20 #DataDemon 20:20 Data Demon
    20:20 Process 20:20 #Process
    20:20 #Clockwork
    #Cog-nitive #Development
    20:20 #MotorSkills

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon ⮇
    20:20 #Clothes On #Current
    20:20 #Parade
    20:20 #Abstraction
    20:20 #Sequencing
    20:20 #Process
    20:20 Data Demon
    20:20 +180 20:20 -180
    #Cog-nitive #Development
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 #Gadgetry
    66/6 #KillerSoftware
    20:20 #Application

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon ⮄
    20:20 UTR 20:20 G U #A C
    20:20 Bong Bong 20:20 Tam
    7 Times 13 for 28 Crayons
    20:20 Go #Figure
    Who's On First
    20:20 Make Sense
    Why Is In Left Field
    20:20 #Cog-nition
    This is 66/6
    20:20 #SmartBook
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 #SuperHIV

    20:20 Rachel Dolezal #Ichneumon ⊛
    20:20 Freaky #Tail
    My #Modules Are In #Uniform
    My Modules Are Thinking
    20:20 #Cognitive #Development
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 #KillerSoftware
    20:20 #Antihuman #Compound
    20:20 #Messenger #RNA
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    I #Generate #EnergyCells
