Saturday, April 19, 2014

00:38, First Revolution, Star-Child 86/Kangaroo, Abednego-Mictlantecuhtli, Genesis

The Martian 6
Julia Stiles (Dukkha ) Demi Moore (Samudaya) Mayim Bialik (Nirodha) Marilyn Monroe (Magga)
See a Large Two-Sided Tarot Card in the Shape of an Octagon, the Card is as Big as a Stop Sign
One Side of the Card is Divided into Four Sections by Two Lines, a Vertical Line Running from the Top Center Edge of The Card Where There is a '72' in Black, to the Bottom Center Edge of The Card Where there is a '36' in Black; The Second Line is Horizontal Running from the The Left Center Edge Where There is a '54 in Black' to The Right Center Edge of The Card where there is an '18' in Black
In the Center of the Card See a Read Heart with a Black '18' on it
Top Left Section, Julia Stiles (Dukkha), The Background of the Section is Silver, At the Center of the Section See a White&Gray Death Mask Painted on a Bald Woman's Face, See a Black '2' Over Each of The Woman's Eye-Sockets, See an Electrified Metallic Four-Headed Hydra in the Woman's Open Mouth. Above The Face, See The Rabbit From Alice in Wonderland Holding his Watch, Above The Rabbit's Ears it Says 'Abednego' in Black Letters. To the Right of The Face, See a Black and Silver Metronome, it says '20:20' above the Metronome in Black Letters. Below The Face, See Four Crocodiles, Each with an Egg in its' Mouth, Below the Crocodiles it says 'Addition +' in Yellow. To The Left of The Face See a Blue Ram's Head with '41' Stamped on it in White.
Top Right Section, Demi Moore (Samudaya), The Background of the Section is Red, At the Center of the Section See The Woman's Naked Body Crucified on a Cross, The Woman and Cross Have Barbed Wrapped Around, See Blood Running where the Barbed Wire Cuts into the Woman's Flesh, The Woman Looks Toward the Sky with Agony in her Face, See a Tarantula on The Woman's Forehead, The Cross is Standing in a Lush Green Corn-Field. Above The Cross, See a Running Arctic Fox Facing Toward the Right Side of the Card, See a Black '41' on The Arctic' Fox's Side. To The Right of The Cross, See a Figure in a Black Hooded Robe, The Figure Holds Four Scrolls Clasped Between his Hands in front of his Chest, Above the Figure See 'Meshach' in Black Letters. Below The Cross See a Silver and Gold Compass. To The Left of The Cross See 4 Kangaroos Standing Around a Tombstone, Below the Kangaroos it says 'Subtraction -'.
Bottom Right Section, Mayim Bialik (Nirodha), The Background of the Section is Colored as a Black&White Static Screen, At the Center of The Section See a Pale Bald Humanoid Female with an Enlarged Cranium, she Wears a White Lab-Coat and Black Sunglasses, her face shows no expression, The Female Holds a Glowing Crystal Skull in her hands at Breast Level. Above The Female, See Four Black R2-D2s with a Dismembered C-3PO at their Feet/Skates, Above the R2-D2s it says 'Division /' in Red. To The Right of The Female, See a Gray Double-Bitted Axe-Head with a Gold '41' Emblazoned on its' Face. Below The Female, See a Red&White Joker's Head with a Glowing Bronze Matrix Cube in his Mouth, Below The Joker's Head it says 'Hananiah' in Black. The The Left of The Woman, See a Black & White Disembodied Hand Holding the Tip of a Pen to the Top of a Blue and Gray Vortex.
Bottom Left Section, Marilyn Monroe (Magga), The Background of The Section is Black, At the Center of The Section, See a Platinum Caricature of the Iconic Image of Marilyn Monroe Standing Over a Subway Grate with Dress Blowing up. Above Marilyn Monroe, See an Open Laptop Computer with a Green '42' on a Black Monitor, To The Right of Marilyn Monroe, See 2 Pairs of White Rabbits Copulating, Below The Fucking Rabbits it says 'Multiplication x' in Blue Letters. Below Marilyn Monroe, See a Caricature of the Generic 'Jesus' Idol Standing, Looking Up Marilyn Monroe's Dress Above him, See a smile on the 'Jesus' Caricature's Face, See a Red '41' Painted on the Chest of his Glowing White Robes. To The Left of Marilyn Monroe, See The Silver Surfer on his Board, Below The Silver Surfer, See 'Belteshazzar' in Silver Letters.
One Side of the Card is Divided into Four Sections by Two Lines, a Vertical Line Running from the Top Center Edge of The Card Where There is a '12' in Black, to the Bottom Center Edge of The Card Where there is a '6' in Black; The Second Line is Horizontal Running from the The Left Center Edge Where There is a '9 in Black' to The Right Center Edge of The Card where there is a '3' in Black
In The Center of The Card See a Rat Running on a Rat-Wheel, Above the Rat it says 'Blind Micex3' in Yellow Letters
Top Left Section, Mayim Bialik (Nirodha), The Background of The Section is Silver, At the Center of The Section, See The Eye of Providence Drawn in Blood-Red. See a Glowing Gold '18' in the Pupil of The Eye of Providence. Above The Eye of Providence See a '20' in Green. To The Right of The Eye of Providence, See a '2' in Turquoise. Below The Eye of Providence, See a '4' in Purple, To The Left of The Eye of Providence, See a '2' in Orange.
Top Right Section, Marilyn Monroe (Magga), The Background of The Section is Red, At the Center of The Section, See a Glowing Green Neon 'XXX' Sign. See a Glowing Silver '18' on the Crossroads of the Middle X. Above The XXX Sign, See a '2' in Green. To The Right of The XXX Sign, See a '20' in Turquoise. Below The XXX Sign, See a '2' in Purple. To The Left of The XXX Sign, See a '4' in Orange.
Bottom Right Section, Julia Stiles (Dukkha), The Background of the Section is Colored as a Black&White Static Screen, At the Center of The Section, See an Orange and Red Flaming Sword with Tip Pointed Toward the Top of the Card. See a Black '18' on the Hilt of The Flaming Sword. Above The Flaming Sword, See a '4' in Green. To The Right of The Flaming Sword, See a '2' in Turquoise. Below The Flaming Sword, See a '20' in Purple. To The Left of The Flaming Sword Sign, See a '2' in Orange.
Bottom Left Section, Demi Moore (Samudaya), The Background of Section is Black, At the Center of The Section, See an Electrified Metallic Medusa's Head with 16 Electric Eeels for Hair, The Medusa's Head is Wearing Black Sunglasses, See a Silver '9' on Each Lens, See a Glowing Rainbow Colored Matrix Cube in Her Open Mouth, See Glowing Gold '808' Stamped on The Matrix Cube. Above The Medusa's Head, See a '2' in Green. To The Right of The Medusa's Head, See a '4' in Turquoise. Below The Medusa's Head, See a '2' in Purple. To The Left of The Medusa's Head Sign, See a '20' in Orange. Written Across The Top of The Section, See '96 Medusa 69' in Electrified Metallic Lettering, Written Across The Bottom of The Section, See 'Wicked Manifest' in Fiery Red-Orange Lettering.

1 comment:

  1. See The ATM Machine Spit Out a Tarot Card Instead of Cash

    The Background is a Light Blue Haze, The Margin is Silver

    At The Center of The Card, See a Bronze Egg with '2070' Painted on it in Green

    See Gwyneth Paltrow Sitting on Top of The Egg with her Legs Crossed, She Wears Blue Jeans, No Shoes and She Wears a Brown T-Shirt with a Bronze Sex Demon Head on it. Gwyneth Paltrow Smiles, she has '808' Painted on her Forehead in Red. In her Left Hand she holds up a Blue Book that says 'Kalevala' on the Cover in Gold Letters, In her Right Hand she Holds up a White Porcupine. She has a Lily in her Hair on the Left Side, She has a Blood-Red Lion Standing on her Right Shoulder Looking at her Face.

    Above The Center Image, See a Glowing Silver Orb with an Air-Craft Carrier on it's Face, See a USA Flag on the Aircraft Carrier, See a White Electrified Tiger on the Aircraft Carrier, The Tiger has a Black '33' on its Head. See an Ace of Clubs on the Aircraft Carrier and a Green Porcupine. See 4 Planes on the Aircraft Carrier. See a Black Medusa's Head Above The Aircraft Carrier, The Medusa's Head has Angry Red Eyes and a Glowing Gold Cube in Her Mouth, See '33' on the Cube in Neon Red

    To The Left of The Center Image, See a Gold Female Archer with 14 Arrows in Her Quiver, See a Silver '79' Stamped on the Side of Her Quiver, The Archer Stands with Bow Upraised Toward the Right Side of The Card, an Electrified Arrow Pointed at the AirCraft Carrier, See a Purple Porcupine at The Female Archer's Feet

    Below The Center Image, See a Red Cyclone with Silver and Gold Sparkles, The Cyclone has a Green '18' at its Eye, A Gold '2' on Both the Right and the Left Side of the Eye, a Black '20' above the Eye and a Blue '4' Below the Eye. See a Black Porcupine to The Right of The '18'

    To The Right of The Center Image, See a Silver Bell with 'Acton' Engraved on it. See The Top Half of a Pale-White Bare-Chested Medusa Upside-Down, Hanging Out the Bottom Half of the Bell, The Medusa Smiles Showing Sharp Teeth and Fangs. She Wears Gold Sunglasses and Holds a White Banner, Her Arms are Outstretched Toward The Bottom of The Card, The Banner says 'Sagittarius A' on it in Blue Letters. See a Figure in a Silver Hooded Robe Standing on Top of The Bell, 'Agent 20:20' is Emblazoned Across The Figure's Robe in Gold. The Figure Raises a Bloodied Machete with His Left Hand, He Holds a Stone Aztec Calendar at His Side in His Right Hand.

    On The Top Right Hand Corner of The Card, See a Silver Fairy Holding a Punishment Cane in Her Left Hand and an 8-Ball in Her Right hand, The Silver Fairy has a Cigar in Her Mouth

    On The Top Left Hand Corner, See a Magnifying Glass and Sherlock Holmes Pipe

    On The Lower Left Hand Corner, See a NBC Peacock

    On The Lower Right Hand Corner, See the Image of a Monster Alien from The Movie Alien

    On The Top of The Card, Below The Margin, it says 'Navy' in Yellow Letters

    On The Bottom of The Card, Above The Margin, it says, 'Enceladus' in Yellow Letters

    On The Top Margin of The Card it says '33 Monika Washington Stoker 33' in Blue

    On The Bottom Margin of The Card it says '800 Carl von Clausewitz 800' in Black

    On The Right Margin of The Card it says 'Xipe Totec 14' in Gold

    On The Left Margin of The Card it says 'Gwyneth Paltrow 79' in Gold

    See a Black '11' on a Red Octagon on Each of The Four Corners of The Margin
