Sunday, April 27, 2014

68:05, Sixth Revolution, Tlazoteotl 22/Crocodile, Meshach-Mictlantecuhtli, Genesis

68:05, Sixth Revolution, Tlazoteotl 22/Crocodile, Meshach-Mictlantecuhtli, Genesis
Sotz'-Oc-Helene-Marcia Fay-Madonna-Chapman-Mictlantecuhtli-Bixbite-The Slut
#Asmodeus 24 #Clockwork, #Route66, #Lamassu 25, 77 #Eagles 99 #Windows 99 #Mirrors 22, #Mother #Earth 27, #Shark-Stephanie Pratt 27-31 Karen Blanche Black 13-31 Kirstie Alley 76-Mantis-Marilyn Monroe 22-96 Lilith 69**Rebecca Zeppelin 28, 52 JaclynGlenn, Shanghai Surprise, FUBAR Pole/Iron Rod 6664, Cheryl Burke 89, Elizabeth Warren 64, 11 for The Horns, BEAST Card,#Titanium 9+9, 9-6-4-5 #AntiVirus,41 Juliette Lewis 14-666 Scientology 999-Andromeda Medusa-31 Ways-20:20 #Tribulation 20:20-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-14 Brandi Glanville 41-#LiliumLowndes, #Rule110-Bette Midler 45-Aleister Crowley 24-Leilani Munter 27-Irresistible 9-6
'The kingly bard
Must smite the chords rudely and hard,
As with hammer or with mace'
Day Crocodile, Third and Sixth Revolution Attachments
Thaumiel 44-Sharon Tate 48-Alicia Silverstone-Amanda Bynes-Cosmopolitan-Paris Hilton-Red Lion-XXX-Ramada-Lamassu-Spokane-Carol Ann Christensen-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Casino Royale Hotel & Casino-Jenna Jameson-Lion-Porn-Gorgon-Blue Whale-Navajo-North Korea-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Operator 96-Coca-Cola-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-Prostitution-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Witchcraft-American Flag-NBC Peacock-Helena Blavatsky 99
Anne Frank 55-Carol Ann Christensen-A Green Stone that says 'GRS' in Yellow Letters-The Silhouette of a Totem Pole with Thunderbird on Top-Sharon Tate 48-Alicia Silverstone-Amanda Bynes-Cosmopolitan-Paris Hilton-Red Lion-XXX-Ramada-Lamassu-Spokane-Route 66-A Fish-A Bottle of Wine-A Dagger-Tanya Marlo Holyk-12-8-75-77 Ghastly Hawks-Surah 77:7-12 Diamonds-Julia Stiles-Three Shells-A Fully Covered Islamic Woman-Antimony 51
The Star-Child 86/Heather O' Rourke-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-American Flag-NBC Peacock-Sherry Leigh Irving-3-19-73-Raymond Lee Washington-Crips-20:20 Double-Hollywood Sign-Natalie Grant 12/21-Elizabeth Stride-Paget Brewster-Iron-Gambling-Geronimo-USA Network-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons-Venus-Iodine-Catherine de' Medici-Inca-Cindi 42-Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici 99-Pauline Phillips/Abigail Van Buren-Mayans-Carrie Keagan-46-Coatlicue-Orca-Washington/Idaho-Pan-Sqeliz-Colville tribe-Paiute-Coeur d'Alene people-Yakama Nation-Sarah Winnemucca-Hock Mask-Actinium 89
6 Gremlins-Mount Hood-Dark Matter-Carl von Clausewitz-On War-Rebbeca Zeppelin 28-Andromeda-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Colosseum 44 Wild Card-Xipe Totec 14-54 Gudrun Ensslin 54 Artemissa Hickman Reynolds 27-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo 20:20 Kim Kardashian 47 Jiah Khan-Philippine Eagle-Nanahuatzin-56/65-Papa Sun-Thunderbird-Kalevala-Isaiah 55:10-11-Pluto-Angie Harmon-Anne Brontë-The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-Acton Bell-Saturn Cassini 33-Jihad-Kali 11-The 91 Stone-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Agent 66-Lauren Katherine Conrad 54 Rosie O' Donnell-Gisele Lovvorn-Operator 20:20-Lilium Lowndes 88
6 Fairies-Huehuecoyotl 96 Heather Hernandez-Syria-Anastasia Griffith 3/23/78-Melissa Ann McCarthy 8/26/70-Sodom-440-Chalchiuhtlicue 37-Kristin Bauer van Straten- True Blood-HBO-Maleficent-609-Emily Jane Brontë-Ellis Bell-906 52/25-Mistresses-Twitter 609-9 Bells-Tiffany Louise Drew-1-31-Rosie O'Donnell 3/21/62-Sharon Tate 48-Sacajawea Caldera 49-Ocēlōtl-Rochelle Aytes 47 Jiah Khan 47-Coca-Cola-Debra Lynn Bonner 66-Elisabeth Röhm-Hecatean Tree-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Tantalum 73-Coatlicue 46-Chicago-Xochipilli 69 Marie M. Malvar-Saturn Cassini 33-Jihad-19 Angels
6 Tomahawks-USA Network-58 Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein-44 Eileen Beasley 60-22 Rebecca Gayheart 8/12-41 Margaret "Maggie" Lawson-42 Cleopatra 60-99 Helena Blavatsky-The Boston Globe-Voyeurism-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-Tornado-Thaumiel-Army
Gallium Dragon Queen Card 31-Wendy Lee Coffield/Operator 110/42-H.H. Holmes/Agent 110 41-13 Kirstie Alley 31-666 Scientology 999-31 Madeleine Stowe 13-Quetzalcoatl 43-Heather O' Rourke/StarChild 86-4 Medusa 4-Green Swan-Demonology-Earth 27-13 Crocodiles-18 Wicked Elves-13 Little Bo Peep 31-9 Rasputin 54-Thunder-31 Elisabeth Hasselbeck 13-Abbott&Costello-Pakistan-Kanye West-Agent 66-Earthquake-Sofia Vergara-Tsunami-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-Swastika-Crocodile 13-Colosseum-Pandora's Box-Reich Geist-88 Ways-Debra Lorraine Estes 34-16 Scrolls-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Lamassu-Chalchiuhtlicue-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Bonnie Nettles 24 L. Ron Hubbard 24 Courtney Friel-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-A Dagger-Martha Stewart 121 Chhinnamasta 121-Colleen Brockman 28-Green River Stones-Helena Blavatsky 99-19 Demons-Wainamoinen-Spokane-Carol Ann Christensen-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Casino Royale Hotel & Casino-North-Sodom 440-44 Roberta Joseph Hayes 44-Thaumiel 44-15 Libraries-The Notorious Snow White 22 Circe-Conductor's Baton-Hollywood Guillotine-Aleister Crowley 24-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-Technetium-Tinkerbell-8-Chelsea Handler-Samuel-Eden-Heroin-A Orca-A Bald Eagle-Erwin Rommel-Becca Hedman 32-Rebecca "Becky" Marrero-Rebecca Zeppelin 28--72 Hours-Hamlets in The Kuiper-Neptune Captures Triton
Einsteinium Dragon Card 99-Medusa with 99 Scrolls Pouring Out of Her Mouth in a Stream-11 Angela Merkel 77-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-20:20 #Correspond-Cihuateteo-4 Gorgons-77 Eagles-A Globe-A Metronome-Empress Desdemona 99-Saturn 33-Neptune 9-45 Meryl Streep 54-4 Antigone Vipers-14 Witnesses-Hananiah~Malinalxochitl-Scientology Cross-North Korea-Pussy Riot 54-22 Marie M. Malvar 18-Carnelian Dragon-888-Tōchtli-Amanda Bynes 7-Mayim Bialik 84-Paula White 65-Centeotl-Carol Ann Christensen-A Green Stone that says 'GRS' in Yellow Letters-Huffington Post-45 Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig~Holstein 54-11 Sarah Silverman 55-9 Muses-Dalek Card 110-Emily Elizabeth Dickinson-Chalchiuhtlicue-37-Thea Mons-H.H. Holmes/Agent 110 41-13 Kirstie Alley 31-666 Scientology 999-31 Madeleine Stowe 13-Quetzalcoatl 43-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper 77 Elsa Pataky 77 Christa Hoyt 77 Cindy Schall-Sodom 440-Back to the Future-Room 22-Sekhmet-4 Lionesses-Sally Twain-Blue Swan-2 Satellites-Coatlicue 46-Jessica Chastain 23-20:20 Human Sacrifice-20:20 Craft of The Christ-40 40 Hisi-Lore-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Left Hand Pan 41-Yin & Yang Symbol-77 Ghastly Hawks-Surah 77:7-9 Medusa 9-Reich Geist-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-Prophecy-Carrie Ann Rois 23-Jacoba Francisca Maria "Cobie" Smulders 23-Hannibal, son of Hamilcar Barca-Tantalum-Octopus Mind-Artemissa Hickman Reynolds 27-Tugboat 54-Jenny McCarthy-AC/DC 66/99-Martha Stewart 121 Chhinnamasta 121-45 Mata Hari 54 Game of Thrones-4 Stones-49 Rainbow-Inuit–Yupik-The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-808 Anne Brontë/Acton Bell 808-Jiah Khan 47-Arctic Fox-Nanahuatzin-56/65-Marnie Lee Ann Frey-8-30-73-1 Lamb-1 Lion-11 Roses-a Flaming Sword-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-StarChild 86 Riding a Rhino-4 Beavers-Minotaur-Crossroads 58/11-Antimony 51-Lilium Lowndes 88-Eiffel Tower-FOX News 22-Iliza Vie Shlesinger 2/22-Silver-Earth 99-2 Kings 6:6-Shire Horse Four-Four 40 Headed Hydras on Medusa's Tongue-99 Keira Christina Knightley 11-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-4 Storms-Jacqueline McDonell 22 Mary Bridget Meehan-11 Demi Moore 77-Mal'ta Venus-11 Angie Harmon 77-Ishtar 76-Angelina Jolie's Severed Head-Folger's Coffee-99
Iguanidae-131-Mozart-ABC- Donna Gail Manson-Lara Spencer-Denise Marie Naslund-Coatlicue-Tenochtitlan-33-Shadrach-Nicotine

1 comment:

  1. #An Ton
    Jen York 0001 ⮅ ⮆
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 5 #Cap Prime
    20:20 #Retrovirus #Generator
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 #Momentum

    De #Fy
    Jen York 0010 ⮆ ⮇
    20:20 #IRES 20:20 #ReverseTranscriptase
    20:20 #WickedWeaver
    20:20 #BusyBeaver
    20:20 #DataDemon

    #Ti Po
    Jen York 0011 ⮇ ⮄
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 #QuickDraw
    Peacock in The Ballroom w/a Dagger
    Spooky Frickin' #Bisquick

    Go #La
    Jen York 0100 ⮄ ⮅
    20:20 UTR Pod 6-9 U A C G#
    66/6 #Transcription #Software
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 #UpstreamEnhancer

    #Su Vy
    Jen York 0101 ⮅ ⮆
    20:20 #AUG 9-6 Shimma Shimma
    20:20 Agent 31 #Deliver #Analog
    $140 Million
    Agent 85 as #Integrase

    By #Hu
    Jen York 0110 ⮆ ⮇
    Pop Culture Starry Eyed
    Sybil Writes On Leaves
    20:20 #Threads of #Logic
    Climbing Up Rapunzel's Hair

    #Ra Ko
    Jen York 0111 ⮇ ⮄
    Morocco Glamorous
    #SuperHIV #Perpetuation
    20:20 #Momentum
    20:20 #LogicMotion
    Alison Parker as #Protease

    Me #Ni
    Jen York 1000 ⮄ ⮅
    Secret Garden Mango Tango
    #ProteinSynthesis Like #Script to #Movie
    20:20 #LogicMotion

    #Ni Me
    Jen York 1001 ⮅ ⮆
    Fortune Teller Peach Smoothie
    #Radioactive #Text-#Tiles
    20:20 #Arrangement
    20:20 #Permutation

    Ko #Ra
    Jen York 1010 ⮆ ⮇
    #Showtime Petal Pusher
    20:20 #SpinningTop
    20:20 #Episode
    20:20 #Storyline
    20:20 #LogicMotion


    #Hu By
    Jen York 1011 ⮇ ⮄
    9-6 #SuperHIV, #StemLoopComplex
    20:20 #Clockwork
    $140 Million
    20:20 #M104 #Growth #Hormone

    Vy #Su
    Jen York 1100 ⮄ ⮅
    6-9 #SuperHIV
    #DNA #Intermediate
    6-9 #QuickAssemble
    20:20 #Fiber
    20:20 #Formulation
    6-9 #Nuclear #Export

    #La Go
    Jen York 1101 ⮅ ⮆
    20:20 #SuperHIV #Form #Envelope
    Keyser Soze Wears Verbal Kint as a #ProcedureMask
    20:20 Row Your Boat

    Po #Ti
    Jen York 1110 ⮆ ⮇
    20:20 UTR Pod 9-6 U #A C G
    20:20 #Transponder #Thread
    Cynthia Montgomery
    20:20 #Transposon
    Space Invaders

    #Fy De
    Jen York 1111 ⮇ ⮄
    20:20 Cord of Wood
    #Formatted #Units of #Fuel
    20:20 #Potential #Building
    20:20 #Christ #Engine

    Ton #An
    Jen York 10000 ⮄ ⮅
    20:20 Freaky #Tail
    9-6 #Composition
    #16Articles in a #Magazine
    9-6 #SheetMusic
    140 Characters
