**38:00, Fourth Revolution, Cihuacoatl 76/Saguaro, Hananiah-Malinalxochitl, Genesis**
Sip-Pan-Caban Debra Lynn Paula Phoebe White Bonner Chalcedony Centeotl Bixbite-The Slut
Nelumbo Nucifera, 20:20 Hollywood Guillotine, #Alphasat Triangle, A Plane Falls From the Sky, Pacemaker Problems, Barnaby Jack 35 Papa Wo 53, #Crocodile 13 Ar Ra'd #Thunder, #Wicked #Manifest, #Mirror #Mirror, Thea Mons #Crocodile 37, #Thaumiel 44, Lamia 57, #CrocodileLore, #Poe-96 Avril D. Haines 69-69 CIA 96-The Bells, Aş-Şāffāt, 43&43 Exceptionally Sinister #Rabbits, 99 Living #Runes, 99 #Moons #Phosphorus #Triangle Shire Horse #Four #Coatlicue Xiuhtecuhtli, Jiah Khan #Kali, #Guillotine 66:6 Shire 4
37:10 Except such as snatch away something by stealth, and they are pursued by a flaming fire, of piercing brightness.
Day Saguaro, Second and Fourth Rev. Attachments
120 Revolution Queens, Ace of Hearts Card,
Matriarch Card-96-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-Colors Red and White-7 Eagle Feathers-12 Cups-Jupiter-Xochiquetzal 49-Route 66-Lamassu-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Margaret "Maggie" Lawson 8/12/80-Psych-USA Network-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons
Top Right Corner, A Glowing Gold Matrix Cube
Top Left Corner, A Straight Razor
Bottom Right Corner, a White and Red Joker
Bottom Left Corner, a Red Cross
Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Alaska-Eskimo-Beaver-Coyolxauhqui-Cindy Schall- Sarah Hyland-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper-Army-Tlaloc 64-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Operator 96-Coca-Cola-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Voyeurism-The Boston Globe-NASA-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox-101
4 Purple Onions-Huitzilopochtli 91-Checker Taxi-Ambrose Philips-Amelia Earhart-Ted Kaczynski-Jeanette Anna MacDonald (June 18, 1903 – January 14, 1965)-Lina Haag-Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini-Xipe Totec 14-Ocēlōtl-Alana de la Garza-Cihuacoatl 76-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar-Nanahuatzin-56/65-Papa Sun-Thunderbird-California-Carmine Crocco-Octopus-Capricorn-Willa Joanna Chance Holland-Eleanor of Woodstock-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo/The Godfather of Matamoros-Carol Kane-Emiliano Zapata-Itzpapalotl 67-Susan B. Anthony-Henry Clay Folger-Minerva 99-Chalchiuhtlicue 37-4 Crayons
The Phobos-Operator 66-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-Uranus-The Haunting of Gina Gershon 6/10/62-H. H. Holmes Agent 110/42-4 Eagles-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-Abigail Folger 99-Sarah Silverman 12/1/70-Anne Frank 55-The Falcon-Rebecca "Becky" Marrero-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Mata Mons 22-Chokmah-Mary Jane Kelly-Hecatean Tree-Carol Ann Christensen-666Ace of Spades999-Heather Laurie Holden 12/17/69-Thaumiel 44-Tommy Lawrence Jackson-Capricorn-New Orleans-Mayan Calendar-3 Daggers-First Kings 22:22-Pretty Wicked Moms-Lifetime-Kamala-Principia Discordia-Alice Through the Looking Glass-Lewis Carroll-Cindi 42 The Answer-Malinalxochitl 13:31-Extra TV-Marquis de Sade-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-Entertainment Tonight-20:20 Firestarter-Major Arcana 22 FOX News 22-Heather O' Rourke-Star-Child 86-Quetzalcoatl 43-Andrea Fay Borhaven-Lidgerwood-Left Hand Pan 41-Neptune Society-Gannet-Ehēcatl-4 Orcas-Mars-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-Operator 96-The Deimos
Song of Songs 2:2-Game of Thrones 54-Gudrun Ensslin-Jacoba Francisca Maria "Cobie" Smulders-Sodom 440-Back to the Future-Room 22-Sekhmet-4 Lionesses-Sally Twain-Alyson Lee Hannigan-Tepeyollotl-Natalie Dormer-Anubis-Anne Boleyn-Double Cross X X-1776-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Operator 66-Kingdom of God Universal and Eternal-Nanahuatzin 56/65-Kalevala-Anasazi-Cindi 42 The Answer-The Christ-Left Hand Pan 41-22 The Great Crocodile-11 Gorgons-50 50 Water Wheel-Lamassu-The Warren Files-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-Prophecy-Carrie Ann Rois-Octopus Mind-Pueblo Bonito-Mictlantecuhtli 73-Paula White-Marquis de Sade-49 Rainbow-Inuit–Yupik-The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-Anne Brontë-Acton Bell-Arctic-Fox-Colored Rabbits-Shannen Doherty-Anaïs Nin-Great Pyramid of Giza-The Lioness and The Black Widow-Heather Hernandez 30-Joseph Smith, Jr. (December 23, 1805 – June 27, 1844)-Joyce Meyer-Rosie O' Donnell-Kali 11-9 Eskimos-Eight Immortals-Pandora-Centeotl-Keli Kay McGinness-Keira Christina Knightley-Andrea Fay Borhaven-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Elisabeth Röhm-Andrea M. Childers-Orangutan-Operator 99-Artemissa Hickman Reynolds 27-Mata Hari-Edgar Allen Poe-The Falcon-Mars-Xochipilli 69-BDSM-Emma Roberts-Phosphorus-Vera Ann Farmiga-Lavinia-Emilia Clarke 58 Cerium-Hisi-Guillotine-Beijing-Xipe Totec 14-Scientology Cross-Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein-Song of Songs 2:3
Ruthenium Dragon Queen Card 44-Debra Lynn Bonner/Operator 66-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Agent 66-45 Meryl Streep 54-14 Cult of The Rhino 41-44 Nicole Kidman 44-Huitzilopochtli 91-Sharon Tate/Operator 96-8 Medusa 8-Silver Swan-Witchcraft-Jupiter 82-22 Walking Scalpels-22 Electric Mermaids-45 Iron Lady 54-18 Muhammad 54-The Moon-45 Kelly Ripa 54-Gilligan's Island-Japan-Kate Upton-Agent 20:20-Plane Crash-Khloe Kardashian-Flood-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-Star of David-Chalchiuhtlicue 37-Pueblo Bonito-Pandora's Box-20:20 Double-Triple 5 Blessed-42 Cindy Anne Smith 24-4 Staves-58 Anne Boleyn-Cindy Schall 77-Asmodeus-Malinalxochitl-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Bonnie Nettles 24 L. Ron Hubbard 24 Courtney Friel-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-A Crossbow-27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 Artemis 48 Sharon Tate-Keli Kay McGinness 42 Marie M. Malvar-Green River Stones-Abigail Folger 99-40 Woes-Melchizedek-Spokane-Carol Ann Christensen-Adolfo Constanzo-MGM Grand Hotel & Casino-South-Sodom 440-44 Lilium Lowndes 44-Mata San 22-15 Dungeons-Sally Twain The Wild Card Queen 44 Magna Mater-Sword-Hollywood Takeover-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli 53-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-Protactinium-Mind Control/Agent 8-'To Serve Man'-Jeremiah-Eden-Cocaine-Octopus-Serpent-Toussaint Louverture-Aileen Wuornos 29-Marie M. Malvar 24 Keli Kay McGinness-Elizabeth Prann 22-11 Days-40 40 Moon Lore-Saturn Captures Phoebe
Sip-Pan-Caban Debra Lynn Paula Phoebe White Bonner Chalcedony Centeotl Bixbite-The Slut
Nelumbo Nucifera, 20:20 Hollywood Guillotine, #Alphasat Triangle, A Plane Falls From the Sky, Pacemaker Problems, Barnaby Jack 35 Papa Wo 53, #Crocodile 13 Ar Ra'd #Thunder, #Wicked #Manifest, #Mirror #Mirror, Thea Mons #Crocodile 37, #Thaumiel 44, Lamia 57, #CrocodileLore, #Poe-96 Avril D. Haines 69-69 CIA 96-The Bells, Aş-Şāffāt, 43&43 Exceptionally Sinister #Rabbits, 99 Living #Runes, 99 #Moons #Phosphorus #Triangle Shire Horse #Four #Coatlicue Xiuhtecuhtli, Jiah Khan #Kali, #Guillotine 66:6 Shire 4
37:10 Except such as snatch away something by stealth, and they are pursued by a flaming fire, of piercing brightness.
Day Saguaro, Second and Fourth Rev. Attachments
120 Revolution Queens, Ace of Hearts Card,
Matriarch Card-96-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-Colors Red and White-7 Eagle Feathers-12 Cups-Jupiter-Xochiquetzal 49-Route 66-Lamassu-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Margaret "Maggie" Lawson 8/12/80-Psych-USA Network-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons
Top Right Corner, A Glowing Gold Matrix Cube
Top Left Corner, A Straight Razor
Bottom Right Corner, a White and Red Joker
Bottom Left Corner, a Red Cross
Tonatiuh-51/50-Papa Star-Polar Bear-Alaska-Eskimo-Beaver-Coyolxauhqui-Cindy Schall- Sarah Hyland-Clarnell Strandberg Kemper-Army-Tlaloc 64-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Operator 96-Coca-Cola-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-The 91 Stone-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Voyeurism-The Boston Globe-NASA-22/44/66/88/110-Arctic Fox-101
4 Purple Onions-Huitzilopochtli 91-Checker Taxi-Ambrose Philips-Amelia Earhart-Ted Kaczynski-Jeanette Anna MacDonald (June 18, 1903 – January 14, 1965)-Lina Haag-Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini-Xipe Totec 14-Ocēlōtl-Alana de la Garza-Cihuacoatl 76-Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar-Nanahuatzin-56/65-Papa Sun-Thunderbird-California-Carmine Crocco-Octopus-Capricorn-Willa Joanna Chance Holland-Eleanor of Woodstock-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo/The Godfather of Matamoros-Carol Kane-Emiliano Zapata-Itzpapalotl 67-Susan B. Anthony-Henry Clay Folger-Minerva 99-Chalchiuhtlicue 37-4 Crayons
The Phobos-Operator 66-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-Uranus-The Haunting of Gina Gershon 6/10/62-H. H. Holmes Agent 110/42-4 Eagles-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-Abigail Folger 99-Sarah Silverman 12/1/70-Anne Frank 55-The Falcon-Rebecca "Becky" Marrero-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Mata Mons 22-Chokmah-Mary Jane Kelly-Hecatean Tree-Carol Ann Christensen-666Ace of Spades999-Heather Laurie Holden 12/17/69-Thaumiel 44-Tommy Lawrence Jackson-Capricorn-New Orleans-Mayan Calendar-3 Daggers-First Kings 22:22-Pretty Wicked Moms-Lifetime-Kamala-Principia Discordia-Alice Through the Looking Glass-Lewis Carroll-Cindi 42 The Answer-Malinalxochitl 13:31-Extra TV-Marquis de Sade-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-Entertainment Tonight-20:20 Firestarter-Major Arcana 22 FOX News 22-Heather O' Rourke-Star-Child 86-Quetzalcoatl 43-Andrea Fay Borhaven-Lidgerwood-Left Hand Pan 41-Neptune Society-Gannet-Ehēcatl-4 Orcas-Mars-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-Operator 96-The Deimos
Song of Songs 2:2-Game of Thrones 54-Gudrun Ensslin-Jacoba Francisca Maria "Cobie" Smulders-Sodom 440-Back to the Future-Room 22-Sekhmet-4 Lionesses-Sally Twain-Alyson Lee Hannigan-Tepeyollotl-Natalie Dormer-Anubis-Anne Boleyn-Double Cross X X-1776-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Operator 66-Kingdom of God Universal and Eternal-Nanahuatzin 56/65-Kalevala-Anasazi-Cindi 42 The Answer-The Christ-Left Hand Pan 41-22 The Great Crocodile-11 Gorgons-50 50 Water Wheel-Lamassu-The Warren Files-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-Prophecy-Carrie Ann Rois-Octopus Mind-Pueblo Bonito-Mictlantecuhtli 73-Paula White-Marquis de Sade-49 Rainbow-Inuit–Yupik-The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-Anne Brontë-Acton Bell-Arctic-Fox-Colored Rabbits-Shannen Doherty-Anaïs Nin-Great Pyramid of Giza-The Lioness and The Black Widow-Heather Hernandez 30-Joseph Smith, Jr. (December 23, 1805 – June 27, 1844)-Joyce Meyer-Rosie O' Donnell-Kali 11-9 Eskimos-Eight Immortals-Pandora-Centeotl-Keli Kay McGinness-Keira Christina Knightley-Andrea Fay Borhaven-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Elisabeth Röhm-Andrea M. Childers-Orangutan-Operator 99-Artemissa Hickman Reynolds 27-Mata Hari-Edgar Allen Poe-The Falcon-Mars-Xochipilli 69-BDSM-Emma Roberts-Phosphorus-Vera Ann Farmiga-Lavinia-Emilia Clarke 58 Cerium-Hisi-Guillotine-Beijing-Xipe Totec 14-Scientology Cross-Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein-Song of Songs 2:3
Ruthenium Dragon Queen Card 44-Debra Lynn Bonner/Operator 66-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Agent 66-45 Meryl Streep 54-14 Cult of The Rhino 41-44 Nicole Kidman 44-Huitzilopochtli 91-Sharon Tate/Operator 96-8 Medusa 8-Silver Swan-Witchcraft-Jupiter 82-22 Walking Scalpels-22 Electric Mermaids-45 Iron Lady 54-18 Muhammad 54-The Moon-45 Kelly Ripa 54-Gilligan's Island-Japan-Kate Upton-Agent 20:20-Plane Crash-Khloe Kardashian-Flood-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-Star of David-Chalchiuhtlicue 37-Pueblo Bonito-Pandora's Box-20:20 Double-Triple 5 Blessed-42 Cindy Anne Smith 24-4 Staves-58 Anne Boleyn-Cindy Schall 77-Asmodeus-Malinalxochitl-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Bonnie Nettles 24 L. Ron Hubbard 24 Courtney Friel-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-A Crossbow-27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 Artemis 48 Sharon Tate-Keli Kay McGinness 42 Marie M. Malvar-Green River Stones-Abigail Folger 99-40 Woes-Melchizedek-Spokane-Carol Ann Christensen-Adolfo Constanzo-MGM Grand Hotel & Casino-South-Sodom 440-44 Lilium Lowndes 44-Mata San 22-15 Dungeons-Sally Twain The Wild Card Queen 44 Magna Mater-Sword-Hollywood Takeover-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli 53-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-Protactinium-Mind Control/Agent 8-'To Serve Man'-Jeremiah-Eden-Cocaine-Octopus-Serpent-Toussaint Louverture-Aileen Wuornos 29-Marie M. Malvar 24 Keli Kay McGinness-Elizabeth Prann 22-11 Days-40 40 Moon Lore-Saturn Captures Phoebe
20:20 Millbong,20:20 Tam
ReplyDeleteCall Me #MrYuck
41 #Pan
I Love Rock&Roll
#Spirits in The #Sequence
20:20 Hisi-Lore
Year 1,4th Season
66 A♥ "9-6 #TotemPole
Rock Around The Clock
20:20 #SatanClaws
#Diamond in a Sock
20:20 Hoe Hoe Hoe
Call Me The Breeze
20:20 #SatanClaws
6-9 #Chariot
20:20 #WaveSequence
6-9 #Conveyance
I Love Rock&Roll
9-6 #Seeds& #Trees
Blood in The Reed
66 A♥ "20:20 #SatanClaws
Horror Show Fanatic
20:20 #BouncePass
4-H Addict
20:20 Hisi-Lore
Blood in The Reed
City by The Sea
20:20 #SatanClaws
Pass The #Baton
20:20 #LightBulb
Turn That Bad Boy On
20:20 #Tetherball
66 A♥ "#He8MotherGoose
That's #SatanPussyFreak
#Tarantula #XXX
20:20 #Trees& #Seeds
I Play #Tetherball
20:20 Rock Star
140 Characters"
Call Me #SatanPussyFreak
#SPirits in The #Sequence
20:20 #BowlingBall
20:20 #BoxCutter
41 Way
20:20 House of Pain
66 A♥ "20:20 House of Pain
That's Where I Reside
I Love Rock&Roll
4-H Addict
40 40 Debra Lynn Bonner 66 A♥
ReplyDelete<54422 25332>
<62666 46561>
<41233 64154>
<15111 31216>
<23355 52445>
<36544 13623>
20:20 #Clockwork
40 40 #Gallium
ReplyDelete20:20 Ton Ton,20:20 Tam
20:20 Busy #Beaver
20:20 #WickedWeaver
Local Galaxy Group All-Stars
9-6 #Programmers
#An Go
An #Go
40 40 #Gallium
20:20 #WarHorse
20:20 #SeeSaw
20:20 #Formula
20:20 #Percolator
Millbong Takahe Tam
40 40 #Gallium
Millbong Takahe Millbong Takahe Millbong Takahe Tam
6-9 #Babelese
9-6 #Formatting
20:20 #Current
#De Ti
De #Ti
Millbong Takahe Millbong Takahe Millbong Takahe Tam
20:20 #Mongoose,Horns of The Ram
7 Times 13 for 28 Crayons
40 40 #Gallium
Bong Bong Takahe Bong Bong Takahe Bong Song Takahe
20:20 #Typewriter
66/6 #DeliverySystem
#Ti De
Ti #De
Ton Ton Tam Tam Ton Ton Tam San Millbong Takahe Tam
20:20 #NeuralNetwork
20:20 #TrafficLights
140 Characters
40 40 #Gallium
Ton Ton Tam Tam Ton Ton Tam Tam Millbong Takahe San
20:20 Hisi-Roll
#Time is The #Platform
#Lore is The #Medium
#Go An
Go #An
20:20 Bong Bong Mill
20:20 Tam
20:20 Hardcore Like a #Beaver Dams
20:20 #AntiVirus
6-9 #Spinneret
20:20 #LivingLanguage
Merope Turns Over a Card
ReplyDeleteThe Background of the Card is a Black Cloud Over a Dark Choppy Sea, See Four Blue Lightning Bolts Stretching from Clouds to Sea, at the Center of the Card, with 2 Lightning Bolts on Either Side, See a Winged-Four Headed Gold Hydra with 31 Eyes, See a Metallic Chain Around Her Neck Holding a Metronome Pendant, The Head on the Left Breathes Fire, The Next Breathes Symbols and Numbers, The Next Breathes Music Notes, The Right Chews on a Priest
See a Circle of 4 Bright Stars Above the Hydra's Head
See 4 Swastikas, One at the Top of Each Lightning Bolt, The One on the Left oriented clockwise (red), the next counter (green), then clock (yellow) and counter (blue).
Under the Hydra's Feet it says 'GALLIUM 31' it Metallic Lettering
n the Top Right Hand Corner of the Card, See a Platinum '675'
In the Top Left-Hand Corner of the Card, See a Glowing Bronze Matrix Cube
In the Bottom Left-Hand Corner of the Card, See a Compass
In the Bottom Right Hand Corner of the Card, See a Green Gorilla with Four Horns on His Head
At Top Center, Below the Margin, it says 'Andromeda' on a Black Banner in Red Letters
At Bottom Center, Above the Margin, it says 'Lullaby' on a White Banner in Black Letters
On the Left Hand Margin of the Card, it says, 'Coffield/Stowe' in Black Letters
On the Bottom Margin it says 'Pandora/Perversion' in Turquoise Letters
On the Right Hand Margin it says 'Wendy Lee' in Black Letters
On the Top Margin it says 'Xiuhtecuhtli/Moonstone' in Gray Letters
ReplyDelete#An #De #Ti #Go #Su #By #Ra #Me #Ni #Ko #Hu Vy #La #Po #Fy #Ton
6 #Cycles a Day,66 #Cycles a Week
Centered On The Card, See an Image of Pam Martin (WAGA 5 News Scene Tonight). Pam Martin Stands On Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'BIG STAR'. Pam Martin Wears Brown Leather Knee-High Boots; a Blue Denim Skirt; an Unbuttoned Blue Denim Jacket (Sleeves Rolled Up to Mid-Forearm); a Mini 9-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; and a Mini 6-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear. Above Pam Martin, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'NEW ATLANTA'. Above 'NEW ATLANTA'; See 'RNAP II' in Blue.
With Her Right Hand, Pam Martin Holds a Pink Double-Headed Dildo; See a Glowing Blue '+180,000' On The Dildo.
With Her Left Hand, Pam Martin Holds a Composition Book; See a Black '77' in The Label Field.
The Background On The Card Is Black.
<24810 An✺By C063>
<22004 De✺Su 48346>
<431B2 Ti✺Go A1124>
<48023 Ti✺Go 10831>
<16308 Su✺De 846>
<016DB An✺By Ti<❊))))
<34638 An✺By Ko<❋-----
<712B4 Su✺De 16340>
<40238 Go✺Ti 01024>
<47523 Go✺Ti 22231>
<3B898 Su✺De 29203>
40 40 #Atlanta #Retrovirus 1977 Thru 1983 808
20:20 The Beast
20:20 Wicked Twister
Imago Digital Ichneumon Queen
20:20 Mean Genes