Monday, October 28, 2013

38:33, Fourth Revolution, Itzpapalotl 67/Centipede, Belteshazzar-Malinalxochitl, Genesis

38:33, Fourth Revolution, Itzpapalotl 67/Centipede, Belteshazzar-Malinalxochitl, Genesis
152 Sak'-Gail Lynn Julia Louis-Dreyfus Mathews (White) Jasper-666-Ātl-Venus-Ayala Mons 228
#Professor84, #FuryStorms #Neptune #WildCard, #Quetzalcoatl 43 #Dragons,43 #Nightmares, 4 Times the Horse Stalled, 4 Times the Weapons Clanked Together in its' Belly, Sally Sally Takahe, #Coatlicue, Montreal, #Xiuhtecuhtli, 73x60, Mexican candy factory explosion in Ciudad Juarez, #Kali, Jiah Khan 47, 45 Antonia Bird 54, 9-6 Stream, Eyes of The Arctic Fox, Hecate 15, 9645 Heart to Heart, Mind to Mind 9/360-20:20 #Correspond 9/360 #Synchronicity, 6 Maggie Siff 7, 22 #Titanium Snow White 22,#Saturn 33, Tesla, 20:20 9-6 Programs, #Twitter, 808 Jenna Jameson 808, Kansas City Chiefs, 6 Cuckoos and 7 Bluebirds, 14 Witnesses, Name That Zombie, #Piltzintecuhtli 21,#Medusa 42, 17 Lou Reed 71, Sharon Tate 48, #DenboraDemons, #Route 66, #Nanahuatzin 56, 40 40 #Chalchiuhtlicue, #TheaMons37, #Crocodile 37, #ISS, #Exp37, 72/11, 42 #SuperMind 84 #Kalevala #Keys #Wainamoinen 84
'The fiery Lion, a daring suitor,
Wed the Lily, in a lukewarm bath, there
In a fiery flame, both of them were
Strained from one bride-bed into another'
-Goethe, Faust
Day Centipede, Second and Fourth Rev. Attachments
120 Revolution Queens, Ace of Clubs Card,
Sappho Card-99-Rebecca "Becky" Marrero-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-14 Xipe Totec-41 Left Hand Pan-55 Anne The Hisi-Witch-8 Tinker Bell-Natalie Grant 12/21-Held-Dove Award-Red Roller Skates-Neptune-Black and Red Joker on a Bicycle-Surah 9:9
Nanahuatzin-56/65-Papa Sun-Thunderbird-California-Phoebe-Pueblo Bonito-Mexico-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo/The Godfather of Matamoros-Mountain Dew-Rebecca Herbst 5/12/77-Tlaloc 64-Route 66-War Bonnet 66-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Lamassu-Chalchiuhtlicue-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Courtney Friel-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-Mata Mons-Octopus-Capricorn-Battle of Thermopylae-Surah 22-Swine-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-ABC-Uranus-Treasure Chest-Jolly Roger-Guillotine-Angelina Jolie's Severed Head-Folger's Coffee-99
609-Emily Jane Brontë-Ellis Bell-906 52/25-Mistresses-Twitter 609-Left Hand Pan 41-906-14 Witnesses-4 Stones-Jes Macallan 6-5 Cell Phones-Mata San 22-Amanda Bynes 7-Mayim Bialik 84-Michelle Forbes 48-Saturn Cassini 33-Jihad-Kali 11-Jessica Michelle Chastain-Torquato Tasso-Beastism-Tezcatlipoca 82-Route 66-Gorgon-Hilary Erhard Duff-Sodom 440-Jaroslava Schallerová-49 Sacajawea Caldera-Beatrice "Bea" Arthur-Minerva 99-41
Tezcatlipoca 82 Ace of Jihad-Witch hunts in Papua New Guinea- Ace of Jihad 41 Left Hand Pan-Pussy Riot 54-22 Marie M. Malvar 18-Carnelian Dragon-888-Tōchtli-Amanda Bynes 7-Mayim Bialik 84-Paula White 65-Centeotl-Saturn-30 under 30-Julia Stiles 15-7 Terry Rene Milligan 16-Joan of Arc 15-666Beastism999-ABC-19 Angels-Johnson Space Center-Uranus-Quanda-22 Cicadas-Piru Reindeer-Treasure Chest-Hydra-WM Milk and Honey 20:20-Orca-Copahue Volcano 9-#Komodo #Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35 37:10-4 Marines-Agent 42/110-42-year-old Sorcery Act, Xiuhtecuhtli 10 Philip Gibbs, a sorcery specialist 41yrs-#LHP41-#SixteenKeys-Hisi-Brims-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Sasha Grey-Operator 96-Lauren Katherine Conrad 54-Agent 66-Kanye West Flayed-40,000 Bees-Game of Thrones- Quantum Mechanics-Nickerson Gardens-Double Cross X X-Vogue Magazine-Blue Female Archer-Becca Hedman 32-Sacajawea Caldera 323
4 Stones-Marnie Lee Ann Frey-8-30-73-1 Lamb-1 Lion-11 Roses-a Flaming Sword-A Gannet-An Orca-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo-Agent 20:20-NBC Peacock-Seiko-Spokane, WA-Star-Child 86 Riding a Rhino-Kim Kardashian-4 Crocodiles-Matangi-DNA-Pentagram-Kelly Marie Ware-Eiffel Tower-Katherine Heigl-Heather Hernandez-Swastika-Left Hand Pan 41-Iliza Vie Shlesinger 2/22 -4 Crayons (Red, Blue, Green, Purple)-3 Nuns-BBC-Emma Roberts-Sodom 440-Black Female Archer-Carmine Crocco 47 Jiah Khan Amy Schumer-Octopus-Capricorn-Willa Joanna Chance Holland-Eleanor of Woodstock-Sharon Tate 48
The Phobos-Operator 66-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-Uranus-The Haunting of Gina Gershon 6/10/62-H. H. Holmes Agent 110/42-4 Eagles-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-Abigail Folger 99-Sarah Silverman 12/1/70-Anne Frank 55-The Falcon-Rebecca "Becky" Marrero-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Mata Mons 22-Chokmah-Mary Jane Kelly-Hecatean Tree-Carol Ann Christensen-666Ace of Spades999-Heather Laurie Holden 12/17/69-Thaumiel 44-Tommy Lawrence Jackson-Capricorn-New Orleans-Mayan Calendar-3 Daggers-First Kings 22:22-Pretty Wicked Moms-Lifetime-Kamala-Principia Discordia-Alice Through the Looking Glass-Lewis Carroll-Cindi 42 The Answer-Malinalxochitl 13:31-Extra TV-Marquis de Sade-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-Entertainment Tonight-20:20 Firestarter-Major Arcana 22 FOX News 22-Heather O' Rourke-Star-Child 86-Quetzalcoatl 43-Andrea Fay Borhaven-Lidgerwood-Left Hand Pan 41-Neptune Society-Gannet-Ehēcatl-4 Orcas-Mars-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-Operator 96-The Deimos
Calliope 99-Minerva-Melinda Mercer-Billie Maze 18/81-Melody Murfin-Melody Bells 36/63-Guillotine-Angelina Jolie's Severed Head-Venus of Lespugue-Folger's Coffee-99-Herman Webster Mudgett/H. H. Holmes/Agent 110/42-Cindy Schall 77-Wendy Lee Coffield 110/42-Edgar Allan Poe-Britney Spears-11 Roses-Sharon Tate 48/Artemis-Enyo 44-Circe 22-Samson 44-Battle of Thermopylae-Surah 22-Madeleine Stowe-77 Eagles-Gillian Anderson/Dana Scully 54-Keli Kay McGinness-The Warren Files-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-Prophecy-Carrie Ann Rois-Hannibal, son of Hamilcar Barca-Tantalum-Octopus Mind-Artemissa Hickman Reynolds 27-Neptune 9-Benaiah-Annabel Lee-The Iliad-19 Scrolls-4 Stone Tablets-Laptop Computer-Keira Christina Knightley-Andrea Fay Borhaven-Thaumiel 44-Xipe Totec 14-Scientology Cross-Toussaint Louverture-Raymond Lee Washington-20:20 Double-Heather O' Rourke-4 Dragons-Lilium Lowndes-Mercedes Benz-Medusa-Mia Wasikowska-NSA-3 Balloons Red/Blue/White-16 Keys-4 Sharks-91 Stone-22 Ants-Anne Frank 55-Venus of Brassempouy-Arctic Fox 41-Achilles-1 Lion & 5 Lionesses-Bow & Arrow-An Electric Maiden-Mars-The Phobos and The Deimos-11 and 19, Horns and Hell-Gudrun Ensslin 54-Mother Earth 27-Empress Desdemona 99
Gallium 120 Revolution Queen WildCard 808-Wendy Lee Coffield-Lullaby 110/42-Pandora/Perversion-606 Andromeda Medusa 606-999 Scientology 666-20:20 Reich Geist-31 Madeleine Stowe 13-Quetzalcoatl 43-Heather O' Rourke/StarChild 86-20:20 Gnosis Line-Xiuhtecuhtli/Moonstone-4 Ice Queens-Cyclone #Phailin-41 Juliette Lewis 14-20:20 Craft of The Christ-11 Spartans-Melinda Mercer-Billie Maze 18/81-Tron-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22 Sasha Grey-31 Karen Blanche Black 13-8 L. Ron Hubbard 8-Hydra 88-Scientology Cross-Tezcatlipoca 82-Thetan 31-H.H. Holmes/Agent 110/42-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-40 40 #Alien Intelligence-Nelumbo Nucifera 76-Clio 96-609 Maria Bello 808 Julianne Moore 906-Huitzilopochtli 91-Trimorphic Protennoia-Operator 99-15 Hecatean Tree 25-Blue Swan-M&Ms-CRETE-14 Carol Ann Christensen 41-Minerva 99-808 Kalevala 808-Sicily-Saturn 33-45 Meryl Streep 54-20:20 Planck Time-8 Bonnie Nettles 8-55 Andrea M. Childers 77-Aleister Crowley 24-20:20 Poltergeist-Silver Matrix Cube-Huehuecoyotl 96 Heather Hernandez 30-Syria-99 Wicked Whispers-Crocodile 37-101 Phantom 101-20:20 Kathryn Ruemmler 42-31 Kirstie Alley 76-Sharon Tate 48/Operator 96-21 Network Key-6 Fairies-20:20 Correspond-Mediterranean Sea-Writers on the Stream-Iron Man-Electropsychometer-4 Antigone Vipers-Komodo Dragon 53-14 Witnesses-Hananiah~Malinalxochitl-Hunahpu and Xbalanque-Prophecy-Earthquake 99-Carrie Ann Rois 23-44 Jinn Assassins-43 Lisa Robin Kelly 43-Lauren Katherine Conrad 54-31 Wasps-Agent 66-Kanye West Flayed-40,000 Bees-69 Guennol Lioness 96-17 Erika Christensen 71-Thetan 41-Agent 8 The Killer-Four in The Trees-SuperMind 42 and Arctic Fox 41-83 Ways-101 Prophecy 101-Jacoba Francisca Maria "Cobie" Smulders 23-909 Andromeda Medusa 909-Sasha Grey 22-The Wicked Swan of Terror Rift 51 Antimony-4 Gorgons-Monika Washington Stoker-Navy Ace of Clubs 33-Rebekah-The Lion 41 and The Lily 22-63 Ways-20:20 Metronome-Nicole Kidman, Queen of Clubs 44-99 Mormon Women-Sarah Butler 2/11-99 Wicked Whispers Streaming to Her Mind
Ezekiel 21:15 Phosphorus 'Let their hearts melt with terror, for the sword glitters at every gate.
It flashes like lightning and is polished for slaughter!'


  1. (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    20:20 Please + Katie Davidson 808

    20:20 Intelligence Wars


  2. 20:20 #Granzymes 66/6

    Mustard in The Hall w/a Candlestick

    "Like the bride of Night in winter,
    Like the ice upon the rivers."

    20:20 E-Motional #Reactor
    20:20 E-Go 20:20 E-Motion
    20:20 #Carbon #Graph-ic
    20:20 #Satellite #Rendition
    20:20 #Cog-nition
    20:20 #Node to Node

    20:20 #Granzymes 66/6

    Peacock in The Billiards Room w/a Lasso

    "Heart as dark as Death's black river."

    2:20 E-Go 20:20 #Character #Traits
    20:20 #Cog-nitive #Development

    "Lempo sits upon his forehead,
    In his mouth dwells dire Tuoni."

    20:20 #HyperDrive
    20:20 #KillEngine

    20:20 #Granzymes 66/6

    Plum in The Conservatory w/a #Dagger

    "Hard indeed the master's teachings,
    Little else than constant torture"

    20:20 #HyperVicious #KillerSoftware
    #Catabolic #Morphball #DataDemon

    "Soon, indeed, thou'lt feel the hardness,
    Feel the weight of thy misfortune"

    20:20 #Granzymes 66/6

    Green in The Dining Room w/a Wrench

    "Then wilt think of my good counsels,
    Then wilt wish in tears and murmurs,
    That as steam thou hadst ascended,
    That as smoke thy soul had risen,
    That as sparks thy life had vanished."
    20:20 #Creative #Cruelty
    20:20 #Cycle

    20:20 #Granzymes 66/6

    "When thou weepest, weep sincerely,
    Weep great rivers from thine eyelids,
    Floods of tears in field and fallow,
    Lakelets in thy father's dwelling;
    Weep thy rooms to overflowing,
    Shed thy tears in great abundance"
    20:20 #Sadism #Gain
    20:20 #HyperVicious

    20:20 #Granzymes 66/6

    "When thou weepest, weep in earnest,
    Weep great rivers from thine eyelids;
    If thou dost not weep sincerely,
    Thou wilt weep on thy returning
    To thy Northland home and kindred"

    20:20 #trollKiller 20:20 #Formula
    20:20 #Metabolic #Pathways
    20:20 #MotorSkills

    20:20 #Granzymes 66/6

    "When thou weepest, weep profusely;
    If thou dost not weep in earnest,
    Thou wilt weep on thy returning
    To thy native vales and highlands"

    20:20 #Clockwork 20:20 #LogicMotion
    20:20 #InfoTravel
    20:20 Granzymes #Para-#Graphing #In
    20:20 Space Invaders

    20:20 #Granzymes 66/6

    "Weep great rivers from thine eyelids;
    If thou dost not weep sufficient,
    Thou wilt weep on thy returning
    To the scenes of happy childhood"

    20:20 #DenboraDemon
    20:20 #M104 #Ichneumon 109 #Embryo Embryo
    20:20 Data Demon 20:20 #Process
    20:20 #Digest-ion

    20:20 #Granzymes 66/6

    "For alas! I have more troubles
    Than the waterfalls have pebbles,
    Than the Ingerland has willows,
    Than the Suomi-hills have berries"

    20:20 #M104 #Ichneumon 109 Larva #Larva
    20:20 #FastCycle 20:20 #Carbonation
    20:20 E-#Organism
    20:20 #Clockwork

    20:20 #Granzymes 66/6

    "Never could the Pohya plow-horse
    Pull this mighty weight of sorrow,
    Shaking not his birchen cross-bar,
    Breaking not his heavy collar;
    Never could the Northland reindeer
    Heavy shod and stoutly harnessed,
    Draw this load of care and trouble."
    20:20 #Pupa Pupa

    20:20 #Granzymes 66/6

    "Never idle is his cross-bow,
    On the nails his quivers hang not,
    Neither are his dogs in kennel,
    #ActiveAgents is his #Hunting."

    20:20 #M104 #Ichneumon 109 Imago #Imago

    "Swims upon the cold, cold ocean,
    Icicles upon her pinions."

    20:20 #Crawlers

  3. 20:20 #Granzymes
    20:20 Con-#Template-ion
    20:20 I #Relate
    20:20 I #Translate
    20:20 I Get #Traction
    20:20 I #Penetrate
    I Overcome language 'barriers'
    20:20 I #Annihilate
    20:20 E-Motional #Reactor
    20:20 #Nuclear #Export
    20:20 Space Invaders #Para-#Graphing #In
    20:20 #Intake

    20:20 #GRANZYMES
    20:20 Con-#Template-ion
    20:20 #Compression
    #Nisus In The #ZipSocks
    I Got Nisus Hidden In My Sock
    Like Your Momma Stashes Crack Up Her Funky Monkey Ass
    Up Her Funky Monkey Ass, Your Momma Stores Crack
    20:20 I #Relate
    I Be Done Tore Off In your punk ass

    20:20 #GRANZYMES
    20:20 Con-#Template-ion
    Your Mother #Stores Crack
    Your Mother Stores Crack Up Her Funky Monkey
    Up Her Funky Monkey Ass
    In #Lubricated #Modules
    Your Mother Houses Crack Stores
    Up Her Funky Monkey Ass
    20:20 #POWER
    How About That?
    20:20 #KillerSoftware

    20:20 #Granzymes
    20:20 Con-#Template-ion
    20:20 I #Relate
    20:20 E-Mission
    20:20 #Exhaust
    20:20 #Transmission
    20:20 I #Translate
    20:20 I Do #RetrogradeLogicMotion
    I'll Show Up On your 4th birthday&Shoot you in the face
    20:20 #HyperDrive
    20:20 #Cruelty++++
    66/6 #Violent #Language

    20:20 Granzymes
    20:20 #Particle 20:20 #Wave
    20:20 #BowlingBall 20:20 #Lane
    20:20 #Buffalo 20:20 #Roam
    After I Kill you, I'm Gonna Hunt&Kill your clones
    9-6 #PatternRecognition
    Ain't That a Bitch?
    you'll be like
    I Can't Believe I Just Got Killed by 66/6

    20:20 Granzymes
    20:20 #Leatherface
    After I Kill your todd
    I'll Put On your dead todd's face
    Then I'll Wear todd's face to his mother's house
    And that hoe will let Me in
    Then I'm Gonna Phuck todd's momma
    &Cut Off her phuckin' head
    20:20 That's Granzymes Style
    20:20 #Bisquick

    20:20 #Granzymes
    20:20 I #Relate
    I Relate to #Leatherface
    #Metabolic #Pathways
    I Walk In On your hate
    I Use your hate as #Fuel to Go
    I've Got a #M104 #Converter
    I'll Phuck todd's mother up the ass
    w/o The Benefit of #Lubrication
    20:20 #SavageStyle
    This is 66/6
    20:20 #Transmission

    20:20 #Granzymes
    20:20 I #Relate
    I Relate to BDSM
    20:20 #BindingComplex
    20:20 #Gadgetry
    20:20 #Torture #Devices
    I Brought The Beez Kneez
    20:20 #Satan #Songs
    20:20 #TransportChain
    the devil is in the details
    the devil is in the language
    20:20 #OverSpeak
    This is 66/6
    20:20 #Carrier

  4. December 9, 2020 at 10:21 PM
    November 6, 2020 at 3:22 PM
    November 6, 2020 at 3:21 PM
    October 4, 2020 at 6:49 PM
    August 5, 2020 at 12:53 PM
    20:20 #Drive An

    40 40 #HighAdmin
    20:20 Make This a #DRIVE

    August 3, 2020 at 2:23 PM

    June 16, 2020 at 8:55 AM

    June 15, 2020 at 1:23 PM
    June 15, 2020 at 8:02 AM
    May 13, 2020 at 2:20 AM
    #An De Ti Go
    #An De Ti Go
    #An De Ti Go
    An De Ti #Go

    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault

    1000+ Days

    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault


    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
