Friday, June 20, 2014

64:05, Sixth Revolution, Quetzalcoatl 43/Wild Card 808, Hananiah-Mictlantecuhtli, Genesis

64:05, Sixth Revolution, Quetzalcoatl 43/Wild Card 808, Hananiah-Mictlantecuhtli, Genesis
114 Muwan'-Colleen Renee Julianna Margulies Brockman (Gray) Onyx-111-Ehēcatl-Mars-Biblis Tholus 266
66:6 O ye who believe! save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded.
Saturn #Alphasat Neptune Triangle, 20:20 Orca, 20:20 Demi Moore, Tarantula 2070, #Asmodeus,13 Kirstie Alley 31, 4 Jaguars, Amy Shira Teitel 46, Elizabeth Landau 76, 344,000 Odyssey minivans, 40 40 Tilikum, 4 Cyborgs, Amy Shira Teitel 46, Natalie Portman 20:20, Marianne Thieme 56, #Blackfish,Maria Miller 66,#Merope 29, 20:20 #Correspond #Synchronicity 209, 69.6666666667, 666 Scientology 999-9 Anna Wintour 19-#Andromeda Strains,Joy&Pain-2 Polar Bears killed after attack in Canada
Day Wild Card, Third and Sixth Revolution Attachments
67-Itzpapalotl-Courteney Cox-76-Cihuacoatl-28-Colleen Renee Brockman-82-Tezcatlipoca-Spokane-Coatlicue-46
Rebecca "Becky" Marrero aka Rebecca Zeppelin 14-41-55-8 (28 Joker)
120 Revolution Queens, Ace of Clubs Card,
Sappho Card-99-Rebecca "Becky" Marrero-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-14 Xipe Totec-41 Left Hand Pan-55 Anne The Hisi-Witch-8 Tinker Bell-Natalie Grant 12/21-Held-Dove Award-Red Roller Skates-Neptune-Black and Red Joker on a Bicycle-Surah 9:9
Nanahuatzin-56/65-Papa Sun-Thunderbird-California-Phoebe-Pueblo Bonito-Mexico-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo/The Godfather of Matamoros-Mountain Dew-Rebecca Herbst 5/12/77-Tlaloc 64-Route 66-War Bonnet 66-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Lamassu-Chalchiuhtlicue-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Courtney Friel-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-Mata Mons-Octopus-Capricorn-Battle of Thermopylae-Surah 22-Swine-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-ABC-Uranus-Treasure Chest-Jolly Roger-Guillotine-Angelina Jolie's Severed Head-Folger's Coffee-99
120 Revolution Queens Ace of Diamonds
Sappho Card-99-Colleen Renee Brockman-Artemis Bell-Coatlicue 46-Rebbeca Zeppelin 28-Helena Bonham Carter 5/26/66-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Led Zeppelin-Washington Monument-A Feminine Metallic Face wearing Sunglasses, there is a '9' on each of the 2 Lenses,-A Heart with '18' on it,-A Flower Pot with a Cactus, the Flower Pot has 'Minerva 99' on it-Saturn 33-a Red Female Archer-McDonald's Arches-A Stone that says '91'-A Sword
Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-Komodo Dragon-Texas-Hyperion-Colosseum-Iran-Herman Webster Mudgett/H. H. Holmes-Natalie Grant 12/21-Elizabeth Stride-Paget Brewster-Iron-Gambling-Geronimo-USA Network-6 Tomahawks-5 Cannons-Venus-Iodine
209 Mashíyyat Will-Quetzalcoatl 43-Francisco Goya-A&E-Susan Elaine Rancourt 66/99 Kyra Sedgwick-Komodo Dragon 53/35-Karin Konoval-Georgeann Hawkins-Pacha Mama-Machu Picchu-55-Belteshazzar-Marijuana-Aileen Wuornos-Merope 29-Beverley Ann Mitchell 1-22-81-Tiffany Louise Drew-1-31-75-7th Heaven-4 Stones-H. H. Holmes Agent 110/42-The Haunting of Beverley Mitchell 86 Star-Child-Radon O' Rourke-86 Ghost Story-Neptune 9-Lauren Katherine Conrad-Beethoven-Tlazoteotl 22-9 Crocodiles-5 Cannons-Bruce Lee-Colosseum-Thaumiel 44-Turtle-Darth Vader-Gudrun Ensslin 54 Game of Thrones-Technetium-Tinkerbell-8-Chelsea Handler-Samuel-Eden-Heroin-A Orca-A Bald Eagle-Erwin Rommel-Becca Hedman 32-Rebecca "Becky" Marrero-Rebecca Zeppelin 28
Erato 69-Lyre-36 Mary Sue Bello-Maria Bello 72-Chalchiuhtlicue-37 Pammy Annette Avent 73-Mictlantecuhtli-NASA-45 Boudica 72-Lamassu-Alyson Lee Hannigan-Venus 2-Alyssa Milano-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Demi Moore-Who Mind 42-42 Cindy Anne Smith 24-Olympus Mons-The Silhouette of a Totem Pole with Thunderbird on Top-Route 66-A Fish-A Bottle of Wine-A Dagger-Martha Stewart 121 Chhinnamasta 121-Colleen Brockman 28-Green River Stones-Wainamoinen-Spokane-Carol Ann Christensen-Charles "Lucky" Luciano/Salvatore Lucania-Casino Royale Hotel & Casino-North-Sodom 440-44 Roberta Joseph Hayes 44-Thaumiel 44-15 Libraries-The Notorious Snow White 22 Circe-Conductor's Baton-72 Hours-Hamlets in The Kuiper-The Wicked Swan of Terror Rift 51 Antimony-Julianna Margulies-Aeneid-Erwin Rommel-Lenore-Rebecca Zeppelin 28-Pleiades-Mata San 22-66 Debra Lynn Bonner-56-Paula White-65-Centeotl-Crocodile 27-Grizzly Bear-NBC Peacock-Diane Rosemary Rock-Athena 27 Susan Elizabeth Rice 54 National Security Advisor 15 The Bejeweled Beast-20:20 Synchronicity-Matriarch Card-Tezcatlipoca 82-Cihuacoatl 76-Magna Mater-Luke 18:27-The Hecatean Tree-15 Red Apples-MM 96 AC/DC 69 MM-18 Stars-15 Skulls-27 Gremlins-Salma Hayek-Phosphorus Triangle-Sharon Tate 48-Malinalxochitl 13-49 Rabbits-Saturn South-Sacajawea Caldera- Neptune Captures Triton-20:20 Connectivity-99 Mirrors 99 Windows-4 Sun Priestesses-Symposium for Advance-Crocodile Lore-The Gannet-Wicked Neptunian Lore-3 Tridents-6 Condors-77 Eagles-Wicked Manifest 69 Medusa in The Lines 96
Clio 96-Maria Bello-Julianne Moore-Huitzilopochtli 91-Trimorphic Protennoia-Operator 99-20:20 Gnosis Line-Peter Pan-4 Hyenas-Saturn 33-Hermann Hesse-Chalchiuhtlicue-Alyson Lee Hannigan-Beirut-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Courtney Friel-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-Mata Mons-Kalevala-Kali 11-J.K. Rowling-Itzpapalotl 67-Friedrich Nietzsche-Sarah Silverman 55-Crocodile 13-Colosseum-Pandora's Box-Reich Geist-88 Ways-Debra Lorraine Estes 34-Quetzalcoatl 43-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo/Agent 20:20-Bluebird-Gisele Lovvorn/Operator 20:20-Gil Scott-Heron-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-11 Tommy Lawrence Jackson 77-Xochiquetzal 49-Janel Parrish/Mona Vanderwaal-Pretty Little Liars-Coatlicue 46-ABC-14 Scrolls-2 Dragons-Hannah Dakota Fanning 15-Mary Poppins-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-Swastika-Lamassu-6 Gremlins-Tiger-The Corps of The Ancient Queen-The Art of The Butterfly Effect-The 9645 Cross-Snow White and 7 Pygmies-A Nun-Flute-Iran-Tinker Bell 8-The Statue of Liberty-Hydra-WM Milk and Honey 20:20-4 Marines-Meryl Streep 54-Operator 96
The Prophetess Card 11 Elisabeth Röhm 77-Platinum Female Archer-4 Purple Onions-20 Ocēlōtl 20-20:20 Gnosis Line-Three Blind Mice 48-Anne Frank 55-Mata San 22-The Christ 41-43 Vicious Jokers-4 Eagles-808 The Nomad Crier 808-Saturn 33-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-44 Magna Mater 44-11 Sarah Silverman 55-The Wicked 57-44 Eileen Beasley 60-41 Carol Ann Christensen 14-Mictlantecuhtli 73-616 Andromeda Medusa 919-48 Sharon Tate, Operator 96-44 Nuns-Debra Lorraine Estes 34-11 Rebecca Herbst 77-88 Jessica Lowndes 88-8 Point Scientology Cross-69 Shire Horse Four 96-Joan of Arc Card-66-Melody Murfin-Melody Bells 36/63-20:20 Reich Geist-FOX News 22-Iliza Vie Shlesinger 2/22-808 Silver Odysseus 808-110 Oscar the Grouch 110-4 Wraiths-Empress Desdemona 99-808 Emily Elizabeth Dickinson 808-Einsteinium Dragon Card 99-14 Juliette Lewis 41-22 Marie M. Malvar 18-Carnelian Dragon-888-Tōchtli-808 Bronze Achilles 808-Amanda Bynes 7-Mayim Bialik 84-Paula White 65-Centeotl-808 Jonah 808-86 The Nightmare Maker-181 Phantom 181-808 Denbora Demons 808-69 Enceladus 96-99 Living Runes-Octopus Mind-Artemissa Hickman Reynolds 27-Battleship 54-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo Agent 20:20-Three Blind Mice 51-4 Lionesses-Xipe Totec 14-Blue Whale-14 Cult of The Rhino 41-Wendy Lee Coffield-Lullaby 110/42-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-808 Golden Yoda 808-4 Serpents-Bonnie Nettles 24 L. Ron Hubbard 24 Courtney Friel-89 The Cat on The Ceiling-Tomorrow is The Pitcher-16 Pigs-6 Tomahawks-Three Blind Mice 54-Chalchiuhtlicue 37-11 Angela Merkel 77-Coatlicue 46-Jessica Chastain 23-11 Melissa Ann McCarthy 77-181 Prophecy 181-Jacqueline McDonell 22 Mary Bridget Meehan-11 Demi Moore 77-Today is The Catcher-51 The Jester with Jokes That are Never Not Funny 50-43 Man-Eating Tigers-Life is But a Stream-919 Andromeda Medusa 616-20:20 HisiRoll-Signaling in The Rain-99 Helena Blavatsky-20:20 Moon Lore-16 Satellites-4 Spy Drones-Rochelle Aytes 47 Jiah Khan 47-Coca-Cola-Debra Lynn Bonner 66-808 Alyssa P. Thrice 808-42 Profound Fairies-77 Mormon Women-99 Wicked Whispers Riding on The Stream
#GHI #CIA #GHI #Medusa

1 comment:

  1. Scientology Card


    At the Center of the Card, See a Raised Circle of Bricks Surrounding a Lamp, the Lamp is a Simple Black Pole with a Glowing White Orb at the Top. See Four Silver and White Female Wraiths, with Long Silver Hair and Flowing White Robes, Sitting on the Edge of the Circle of Bricks. The Wraiths Sit Close together, with the one at Center Left Laughing as She types on a Mobile Phone, The Wraith to Her Left Looks at the Device with a Fearful look on Her Face, The Wraith immediately to the Right of The Wraith with the Device Looks at the Device with an Angry expression on Her Face, the Wraith to the Far Right Looks to the Sky Weeping

    See a Two-Headed Four Armed Gold Jinn in a Purple and Yellow Sparkling Gown Hovering Over the Lamp, Each Head Smiles as they Each hold a Cell phone to their Ears with the Upper Arms on Each Side, The Lower Arm on the Left Side of the Jinn's Body Holds a NBC Peacock, The Lower Arm on the Right Side of the Jinn's Body Holds a Black Playing Card with Route 66 on it in a Bronze Outline.

    The Jinn Head on the Right Wears a Silver Tiara thats says '99' at the Center, The Jinn Head on the Left Wears a Pink Ball Cap that says '96' on it in White

    In the Upper Left Hand Portion of the Card, See a Close Image of Saturn, Saturn has a '33' Stamped on it in Gold

    In the Upper Right Hand Portion of the Card, See a Red Flaming Sword with Arms, Legs and a Scowling Face, The Flaming Sword Holds a Wooden Sign that has 'Garden of Eden' Painted on it in Black Letters.

    In the Top Right-Hand Corner of the Card, See a Glowing Gold Raven

    In the Top Left Hand Corner of the Card, See a Intihuatana Stone with a Sun Above it and a Chessboard on the Stone

    In the Bottom Left Hand Corner of the Card, See a Metallic Genie Style Oil-Lamp with a Smoking Spout

    In the Bottom Right Hand Corner of the Card, See a Red 'Hollywood' Sign with a White '86' Spray-Painted on the 'H' in Hollywood

    On the Top of the Card it says

    'The Network'

    At the Bottom of the Card it says

    'Operator 99, Operator 96

    Tlaloc's Chessboard, Route 66'
