Thursday, August 1, 2013

12:00, Second Revolution, Tezcatlipoca 82/Arctic-Fox, Meshach-Malinalxochitl, Genesis

**12:00, Second Revolution, Tezcatlipoca 82/Arctic-Fox, Meshach-Malinalxochitl, Genesis**

Wo'-Pan-Caban Gisele Ann Joyce Dione Meyer Lovvorn Piltzintecuhtli Moonstone- Perversion

Rose Mallow 47

Day Arctic Fox, Second and Fourth Revolution Attachments

120 Revolution Queens, Ace of Clubs Card

Queen Bee Card-WMMW 49-Gisele Lovvorn-Operator 20:20-40 40 Lore-Scrolls-Serpent-Staff-Rainbow-Xochiquetzal-13 Marigolds-Barbara Walters-ABC-Coatlicue 46-Saturn 33-A 45 Record that says 'Route 66'-Long Black Leather Boots-Black Panther-Tezcatlipoca 82-Alarm Clock
Top Right Corner-Statue of Liberty
Top Left Corner-Glowing Rainbow Colored Matrix Cube
Bottom Left-Hollywood Sign
Bottom Right-Stone Medusa's Head wearing Sunglasses, with Image of Marilyn Monroe's Head in Her Mouth

Nanahuatzin-56/65-Papa Sun-Thunderbird-California-Phoebe-Pueblo Bonito-Mexico-Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo/The Godfather of Matamoros-Mountain Dew-Rebecca Herbst 5/12/77-Tlaloc 64-Route 66-War Bonnet 66-Blood Storm 66/99 Elizabeth Báthory/Elizabeth Short-Lamassu-Chalchiuhtlicue-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-Courtney Friel-Cecelia Ann Shepard 22-Mata Mons-Octopus-Capricorn-Battle of Thermopylae-Surah 22-Swine-Titanium-Hecatean Tree-ABC-Uranus-Treasure Chest-Jolly Roger-Guillotine-Angelina Jolie's Severed Head-Folger's Coffee-99

6 Tomahawks-USA Network-58 Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein-44 Eileen Beasley 60-22 Rebecca Gayheart 8/12-41 Margaret "Maggie" Lawson-42 Cleopatra 60-99 Helena Blavatsky-Elsa Pataky-The Boston Globe-Voyeurism-Debra Lynn Bonner-Operator 66-War Bonnet-Tornado-Thaumiel-Army

Pachacuti 71/17-Iliza Vie Shlesinger 2/22-18 Zebras-Thunder 13-Samsung Mobile-Lucy Kate Hale-Sodom 440-Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin 22-50 50 Meme Monkey-Alyson Lee Hannigan-Crocodile 13-Abednego-Malinalxochitl 13-17 Tarantulas-Emma Roberts-Sodom 440-Egypt-22 Million Robots-Heather Gabrielle Chinnock-11-10-70-Swan-Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli-53/35-Papa Wo-The Associated Press-Xiuhtecuhtli 10-Banua Wuhu-Etznab-76 Venusian Dragons-Dalek 110-Scientific American-Room 22-Dr. Who-Heather Kathleen Bottomley 8/17/76-Helena Blavatsky 99-Ashley Victoria Benson-Sodom 440-45 Camels-50 50 Water Wheel-Machu Picchu-Lara Croft-Venus-54 Llamas-Ayala Mons 76-Itzpapalotl 67-Ar Ra'd-Sereena Abotsway 8/20/71-Amanda Bynes-Boston Marathon-BDSM-Kim Kardashian-H.H. Holmes-Agent 110/42 The Haunting of Elisabeth Röhm 8 Elizabeth Stride 47 Jiah Khan-14 Witnesses


1 comment:

  1. 40 40 #HighAdmin

    20:20 #Continuum 20:20 #Coil
    20:20 #Fiber 20:20 #Threads of #Logic
    #Digest-ive #Tract
    66/6 #Neuro-#Logical #System
    #Pathological #RNA-#Centric #Drivers
